Anybody find that becoming a parent t... - The Dyslexia Comm...

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Anybody find that becoming a parent throws up a hole lot of new problems? I'm finding organising 2 lives v. hard

JennyP profile image
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JennyP profile image
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wgiles profile image

YES ! YES ! and YES! There are 6 of us in our house all dyslexic of varying degrees (4 children) and l feel like my head will explode some days and then other days l am on top of most things but l forget events, trip money, friends birthdays etc etc. l have had to except that although l would like to be this perfect parent all the time thats its ok to be a great parent some of the time and try and pat myself/yourself on the back for being so and l find my fridge a great asset everything goes on it so its in my face........l still miss things but hey.


Its tough but try not to be to hard on yourself and l wish you all the best.

JennyP profile image

Cheers - I think its just come as a shock more than anything - was coping so well for so many years and now just spend my whole time feeling like a school child again! I've started telling people not just that I'm dyslexic but what that means on a day to day basis so that they are forwarned!

Edwilson profile image

JennyP I completely understand where your coming from on this. I forgot my sons packed lunch twice last term! I'm constantly forgetting things or worrying that I've forgotten something. However, after 5 years of being a dad and having very understanding family I've got to a point where sometimes I just have to except that I'm very very very forgetful amd that somebody else will remeber! I've never forgotten anything really important yet!

301606 profile image

Unfortuntely no one offers a parent a book to a parent on the birth of their child and says on this particular day you will need to do this!!! As they say practice makes perfect and some days you are going to get it right and other days not so right. Keep calm and move on: You are not alone, however, many times you may feel that other families are getting on with their lives and you and your family are not. Over the years I have built up a good support system, not perfect, however, these people can get me through the day. Especially those friends who have children with a specific learning needs. On some days I wish my chlldren and husband did not have a specific learning need. This sounds sad, when I read it back, however I find I am constantly advocating for my children. It is hard work and sometimes I wish we did not have to do dyslexia action packs to do, attend dyslexia action, greater empathy from the school, attend school reviews and always feeling I am going into battle, how much time it takes for my children to do individual tasks, respecting their differences. If you have family near by let them be involved, something I crave for. I find routine helps, doing their dyslexia action packs prior to going to school helps when they are most alert and it gets it over and done with. Today I am meeting a friend for a coffee (my treat). Negotiating with work flexible hours, technically, if you have children with a specific learning need you are a care. Speaking to parent partnership at KIDS.

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