Hi, I’m still not quite sure how to use the site properly, my daughter is testing positive for dyslexia they also think she has Audi processing disorder. She is 8 years old. I was wondering if anyone else had the 2 together? Xx
Dyslexia and audio processing disorder - Dyslexia Foundation
Dyslexia and audio processing disorder

My daughter has both as well. She is 26. I am actually the person who figured out that she had the Audi processing disorder. She was tested for years as having something wrong with with her actually hearing. I guess it takes a mom with learning disabilities to see it easily. I am curious if you think your daughter has any other disabilities? Strange question but is she really good at science or does she have a high IQ?
Hi Maryg, she’s very creative she loves to make things. She’s only 8 so I’m still battling with school they are not very good on keeping me updated as to what is going on. I have had to contact them again today as she had a bad week last week crying not waning to go to school as she’s struggling it upsets me. I’m pushing for the educational statement so then she will hopefully receive the proper support she needs x