The pain is under the neck area. We have no clue why this sudden pain. There is nothing new that he has done which might cause the pain. We are wondering what could be the cause of the pain. Will appreciate to hear from our friends in the forum
CKD and upper back pain. My husband is di... - Dialysis Support
CKD and upper back pain. My husband is diabetic, CKD patient. For the last two days he is complaining of upper back pain.
You don't say if your husband is on dialysis and if so what type.
Although it's a number of years since I was on dialysis but I do remember having a similar problem. In my case sometimes it was because of my low blood pressure but more often it was because of too much fluid before treatment or the speed at which the fluid was removed during treatment.
I guess this isn't a solution but it might give you some ideas as to why it's happening.
Thanks for your response.. My husband is not on dialysis. He is stage 3.the eGFR. Value is 44. It dropped from 59 to 44 in just a months time. We were traveling and his diet changed due to travel. We don't know if the fall in eGFR was due to that. But his sudden back ache is worrying us. He got his echocardiogram and stress test done recently. The report was fine. He is a smoker though he has reduced but did not give up yet . Don't know why this sudden back ache.
Hope this doesn't sound flippant I'm about to start dialyses I'm stage 4 & have heart failure &am anaemic also get a pain on my back oddly I find heat helps me IE hot water bottle , maybe it could help your husband