Why do I constantly feel like giving ... - Diabetes South Af...

Diabetes South Africa

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Why do I constantly feel like giving up on taking insulin?

Matt87 profile image
13 Replies

I'm so fed up of this bullshit. I've been diagnosed for about 2 years now and honestly, couldn't care less anymore. I'm type 1, 26 years old, and always have a reading of between 6 and 8, even if I go days without injecting. I've reached a point where it just frustrates me. I eat whatever I want, drink, smoke, and am just looking for answers that speak my language. Hate this bull that everyone is too careful around me. Not even sure what I'm asking. But Cant people just be real, and not righteous?

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Matt87 profile image
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13 Replies
PixyT profile image

That is very unusual, do you have an endocrinologist that is helping you? I would really recommend that you talk to the people at the CDC in Johannesburg. The problem with diabetes is the long term effects it has on your health.

Can you explain what you mean by people are being to careful and righteous around you?

Matt87 profile image
Matt87 in reply to PixyT

Hey, thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I'm in Cape Town. I just mean, all of a sudden people start looking at me like a baby that needs help. Their tone in voice has changed, their attitudes have changed, and even the websites providing help are in that same tone of voice. I'd like to be able to talk to people who can just come out and say f*@# off if I'm being stupid, instead of trying to gingerly caress my hair and show me better ways. I'm new to this, so I hope my response to the situation isn't offending anyone or anything.

PixyT profile image

Matt - you are being an ass :) When people don't understand something it scares them. And it sounds like people are trying to help you and they just don't really know how. Diabetes sucks it does affect every aspect of your life. BUT if you do not take care of yourself you are going to pay the price. Being blind and having lost a few fingers (all which are very real risks with diabetes) is NOT SEXY - not even Mills and Boom can make that look sexy. Stop smoking, stop eating crap you know you are not suppose to eat. Buy a book, google but learn about diabetes. You have diabetes and the only person that can really help you is YOU. :) And I meant all of that in the best way possible.

Matt87 profile image
Matt87 in reply to PixyT

I know I'm being an ass, and appreciate you calling me on it. And it's not like I don't know about it and all that. I went through all the steps, went to the dietician, did all the research, I've just reached a point where I'm fed up. If my readings are always fine, even after drinking a bottle of tequila, I just don't understand why I need to put up with it. I'd rather be struggling to keep good readings so I know it's real. all this iffy stuff makes me lazy and uninterested in taking meds. Not sure how to tackle this.

Marinus_eric profile image
Marinus_eric in reply to Matt87

Hey Matt. the thing with most booze is that it drops your sugar levels, if i drink a coupel of wiskeys my levels run between 3 to 4.5 . as for ppl treating you like a baby you can always do what i did, i am stronger and fitter than most of my friends.

PixyT profile image

Ask them to test you for insulin resistance.

mucha profile image

What does insulin resistance mean??

WinnithePooh profile image

Hi Matt, you are so not alone in feeling the way you do and all the info in the whole wide world is very bombarding. My road to diabetes started last year around August while being pregnant with my second child. So they called it Gestational diabetes ( sorry for spelling), went to a diatician, 2 weeks later glycophage and a week later in the hospital using insulin, and man I hate needles with all my heart want to faint everytime I see one. So after giving birth i just stuck my head in the sand and pretended it went away. After a while my husband asked me to just please go to the dr. So off I went in April to see the dr and now I am on the road of diabetes, injecting 4 times a day - wanting to faint each time. pricking myself to test almost 6 times a day and just feeling so overwelmed and not knowing which way to go.

Saw a expert dr on diabetes yesterday and he told me just maybe we will be able to control my diabetes with some lifestyle changes and tablets if not then maybe get me onto a insulin mix only twice a day. Yesterday was the first time I really felt that this could turn around. But still I don't know which way to go. This morning I sat wondering what I am allowed to eat acctually because everybody is just saying cut down on carbs and eggs and this an that so what is left????? i don't know. So keep your head up i know all the info is overwelming but at least we have a place to ask questions that might sound stupid to some people but if you don't know just ask someone is bound to answer.

Matt87 profile image
Matt87 in reply to WinnithePooh

Hey, tanks for responding. Yea, I'm just having a tough time with it. Probably need help.

WinnithePooh profile image
WinnithePooh in reply to Matt87

Is the rest of your family helping you? My husband changed his way of eating to fit what I must eat and must say my readings have hit the below 8 mark a couple of times and I feel like jumping for joy on not having to use the needle. It is easier if you have support.

Tinkybell profile image

Hi Matt don't feel so alone in your feelings because you are not!!!! Im 25 and have been doing the very same shit you have and I know its not good so catch a wake up!!! it does definitely suck having to remember to take insulin and eat healthy instead of just having a good few drinks and partying :) but don't be a fool man! rather live properly from now so that in 20 years time you don't lie in the hospital one leg short and blind.....I tell myself that everyday and its still freaken hard

SADIYA profile image

Hi Matt. Honestly I feel the same way. All this medication is but just to curb the symptoms. They don't cure anything. They won't give people the cure, cos pharmaceutical is a billion dollar industry. It's all about money, and not about saving lifes. Well in dire need we have to take it so that we don't reach detrimental stages. But I still prefer to find a cure. Any problem in the body means that there is an imbalance in the body. Meaning the levels of our nutrients are not in check. Nutrients are vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Sugar diabetes is a dietary disease. Also many people eat and sit and barely any movement what so ever, which adds to the problem. That's why brisk walking or exercise is important. While I researched, I found that sugar diabetes patients lacks these 6, zinc, selenium, chromium, magnesium, vitamin D and insulin. So if you can up these levels to its required amounts, your sugar will vanish. Remember everything in moderation. Too much or too little of anything is no good. Even too much of a good thing is not good. Example too much Vit A causes rickets and too little causes night blindness. If you research over Google be careful, cause some info is true and some is not. So be careful you not misled.

My aunt had Sugar Diabetes. She took Karela (vegetable) and the leaves of a lemon tree. Washed it, dried it and then grinded it. Then mixed it together. Every morning on an empty stomach, she had 1/2 tablespoon. She is now cured from sugar diabetes.

SADIYA profile image


1) Quality Sleep

2) Emotional Health

3) Self Discipline


Approximately 90% of patients root cause of their diseases starts in the mind & manifests in the body. The mind is a very powerful tool. Our mind can be used to built something beautiful & it can also be used to destroy. If our emotional health is not good, we will have disease or we will not be able to heal. Most sickness starts in the mind. If you believe it's all over, it will be all over. Tell yourself, I'm stronger then this, I can beat this, and you will. The human mind finds a way to justify everything. You can have all the stress in the world, but it's how you take that stress. It's not what you go through in life, it's how you handle it. Everyone has some 'bullshit' or the other to handle. Most people have attachment to their stress. So if they loose something, it means their identity is gone, or their social status is gone, etc., and that is what depresses them. Everyone has a problem, but it's how you face it. Meditate, pray, find your peace, acceptance that God sent it your way. Emotional stress is NOT allowed. Mindset is so important.


The mind is half the battle won. It's not what you go through in life, it's how you deal with it.

What you looking for, you will find.

So have positive energy and you will have a positive vibe.

Not what you're looking for?

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