As i used Ikervis for the very first time, i felt even more dryness and due to this a pain the following day, so i stopped since i was generally anxious about this and didn't want to experiment before my exams. After them, due to the stress, i got the burn of my life in my eyes and enormous headache which even reached into my nose and I thought it couldnt get worse so i gave it a real try. After 2 weeks there was a feeling of dryness, which i never experienced before. Like there was literally nothing of tears and it stiched when i moved my eyes and such a feeling of pressure. And it didn't went away, was every day like this, so i stopped again after 4 weeks. But then, of course, the inflammations came back, blurriness but additionally, the extreme dryness didnt even disappear and also i now had pain in my Conjunctiva, which also wasnt there before ikervis. And no doctor had experience w it, that ikervis could worse dryness so they recommended to continue using it, cause they all just have positive experiences. After over a month without ikervis i started using it again cause there already were dry as hell so it couldnt get worse. Now im in month 4 and it suppresses the inflammations but i really suicidally struggle with the Restrictions which the dryness gives me and kind of think about it, again, that ikervis caused the deterioration. I even read today that these can lead to a tear disorder. Now im thinking about to cut it again and observe the further course. Due to dryness or whatever, I also have extreme headaches every day. Even now just after using ikervis, I notice that they are drier. Can they cause a persistent tear disorder? Since the dryness did not improve after stop using it.
Can Ikervis cause more dryness? - Dancing Eye Syndr...
Can Ikervis cause more dryness?

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1 Reply
I have used Ikervis for several yrears now. I have Sjogrens. I also complained about the burning, soreness & rendness of the eyes but was told this was due to eyes being dry. So use artificial tears (I use Thealoz Duo) then 15 mins later use the Ikervis this regime certainly helps.