How has the hearing loss affected your career? - deafPLUS


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How has the hearing loss affected your career?

24 Voters
It has not affected my career
Other (please leave comment below)
I have stopped working - do not plan on returning
I have changed my career so I can continue to work
I have stopped working - plan on returning
I have reduced my hours
I’ve switched to working from home
7 Replies
BeansMummy profile image

I had to stop work before my hearing got too bad (for other health issues), but I would have to prove that my hearing loss wouldn't be a problem if I was returning (the usual health & safety excuses).

Enjoy profile image

I could no longer hear the children's soft voices. I devised little things to help overcome this, but eventually decided I needed better hearing (even with aids) to do my job properly.

Catra profile image

I haven't worked for about 20 Years not because of hearing loss but other issues. I have had many ops on my left ear fitting gromits and T-tubs but nothing worked,I now wear a hearing aid in that ear.My right I have Menierse I'm slowly going deaf. so work is a scary thought, lots of noise,lot of people not some thing I'm looking forward to.

jayfer profile image

I was bullied as 1 person did not understand my type of hearing loss, my confidence deteriorated and when off Ill , unrelated, did not return, took early retirement through ill health

krishnaprasad14 profile image

I could no longer hear the soft voices. I am looking for better hearing aids to do my job properly. Can someone help me to find better hearing aids.

Htims46 profile image

I always wanted to be a nurse, but at just 18 I got married. Did not accept married women in those days. Then had three children. Suddenly went deaf one day while do the washing up. My left ear just popped and Iv never heard from that ear again. At 32 decided to do my training to be a nurse. They didn’t take partially deaf people in those days so I didn’t mention my deafness. I managed to do my training, but I had to concentrate very hard. Sometimes people would speak to me and I would guess what they were saying, then I would get a weird look, obviously I hadn’t heard properly what they had said. I’m retired now, but I continued with my nursing on a one to two one basis (district nurse) but it wasn’t easy. I have still received no help with my deafness. There is a separate post about that under the heading deafness.

Shysteve profile image

Hi im steve 50 uk,ive been deaf all my life with the exception of around 40%in my right year,from when I was in school I was told(even by teachers)that id never make any useful contribution to society,so me being so pig headed decided that I wanted to train to become an engineer,im currently working as chief engineer in a multinational company,and to be honest I can tell die to the vibrations that the machine is making to what condition the cutting edges are in, people at work used to look at me strange as id be stood by my machine with the palm of my hand resting on the glass,few uears in and most have adopted my "style",so please if you have any doubt about yourself or your abilities just because your ways dont conform to the norm,ive also received an invitation to head up a brand new machine shop including planning/layout etv in the USA, although I wont be taking the position due to family reasons, definitely felt like a huge pat on the back of acknowledgement,thanks Steve