Besides milk, which other products should I be aware ... - CMPA


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Besides milk, which other products should I be aware of to treat my son’s Dairy Allergy?

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I know that milk is everywhere (at least I know it now that I have to look over my son's diary free diet). But, is there a list with the most typical MUST NOT?

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CherieLu profile image

Dear JAMT, if your son is ready to start weaning (6 months+) it would be important that you keep in mind the following:

Besides milk, dairy products are present also in:

• Butter, butterfat, buttermilk, sour cream and most margarines (contain whey, casein, or lactose)

• Most baked items and some breads

• Most flavors of potato chips (except plain and salt and vinegar sometimes)

• Cream sauces, whipped cream

• Cheese in all forms

• Curds

• Dried milk, milk solids

• Ice cream, some gelato and sherbet

• Fudge

• Goat’s milk

• Lactalbumin; lactate acid / lactoglobulin

• Lemon curd

• Most, but not all, chocolate (carefully read the ingredients list, while some dark chocolates are dairy free)

• Whey protein powder

• Non-dairy coffee creamer (that contain casein)

• Some mayonnaises, mustards, and other condiments

• Canned chicken broth, that often contains whey, and ready-to-eat chicken and turkey, that sometimes cooked with butter

• Shortening

• Sodium caseinate

• Toffee

• Whey, whey protein, whey syrup

• Yogurt

BUT there are alternatives; there are appetizing foods that can be found mostly in Health Food Stores and can substitute foods we like!! In particular, there are:

• Others milk and yogurts based on soy, rice, almond, hemp seed, and oat, fortified or not, are available in such flavors as plain, chocolate, strawberry and vanilla

• Other cheeses, based on soy, rice, and hemp, and available in different flavors. Moreover, goat's and sheep's milk cheeses may be good for those with relatively mild intolerances.

• Other ice Creams, based on soy and on rice

• Other soy and rice yogurt

• Non dairy margarines



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