Has your health, physical or mental, or tha... - Care Community
Has your health, physical or mental, or that of those you care for, changed during the pandemic?
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My health has gone down hill, but then I am getting older too. But the lockdown certainly hasn’t helped. And my husband who has dementia certainly has been effected since he had covid. As have a lot of the other residents in the carehome where he resides.
I keep having this debate with myself too Rienj70. Is it just the normal aging process which seems to speed up anyway in your seventies, or is it that the pandemic has hastened a bit of aging?
My physical and mental health have both definitely deteriorated during the last 12 months without seeing my family or friends.
I agree glo42 that one of the very hardest things about the pandemic has been social isolation. It's hard to imagine that it hasn't affected nearly everyone in some way mentally. What I hope is that if we do get covid19 on the run, and have some freedom to mix again, we can regain our equilibrium again!
I feel I’ve felt more depressed or low mood since the pandemic started. It has felt isolating and I’ve put on weight so my health has gone downhill. In some ways Pete has benefited from lockdown because he hasn’t been around people very much. I know he’s felt a bit down too though as he likes to get out. Hopefully things are improving now bit by bit. Xxxx
Me too sassy59 and weight's a terrible issue for me too. When I walk at the moment my legs and back ache and I huff and puff and just want to get home again. My fear is that I won't be able to regain much fitness at my age...... but I am trying!
My physical health has gone downhill, as I've been staying in due to restrictions and bad weather, consequently I sit here and one small problem suddenly gets a lot bigger just by sitting here churning things over which does nothing for my mental health, hopefully it'll start to get better now I'm back at work, and I've got the outlet of a walk to the market on a Friday
Yes Jennymary, when we have no release for our problems, they do just circle round and round in our heads and feel worse. And I found that practical problems were so hard to deal with too. It seemed that with so many people working from home and slowing down systems, getting help with bill errors and so forth was frustrating, not to mention trying to get medical help!
Things always seem worse than they need to be when you are stuck at home on your own and there's no other adult there to help you put things into perspective.
I have had times of gloom as well when once I had cried because I couldn't go out one Saturday at the end of February.
I found that going out in the bad weather was helpful as it got me away from the flat.
It's nice you have the market back again and I have been envious of those goodies!
Yes, definitely. My mental health has suffered as I have felt very isolated not being able to see family and friends. I have continued to work though, which, although very stressful as I work in the health service, has given me a routine and meant that I have had contact with colleagues whom I get on really well with.
My elderly mum has suffered very much as my dad died just over a year ago and she has felt very lonely. Luckily, she lives next door to my sister, but the rest of the family have had limited contact. My sister is in need of a break (as she tragically lost her husband to Covid just after Xmas) so I am trying to help all I can and I was amazed at how my mum had deteriorated.
My mum's mobility has decreased, she has put on weight and she is very de motivated. She no longer cooks for herself and is more dependant than before. I am hoping that as her social activities increase, she will start to improve.
What strange and challenging times we are living through!
Sending lots of love and strength to all the carers our there. 💕🌞
Hi Hellebelle, I do think that being able to leave home and have a routine does help a bit, but it's been hard on everyone. Your poor mum. What a lot she's had to go through. It's lucky she has your sister at least close by. And how dreadfully sad for your sister to have lost her husband to the pandemic. That must have cast a long shadow over you all. It has been a sad, strange and frustrating time. Here's hoping that the vaccination program will prove to be our big hope for a better future!

Thank you for your kind words. We are still trying to come to terms with the death of both my dad and my brother in law. They were very much loved and cherished and it is a challenge for us to move on. My brother in law was being treated for cancer and contracted COVID in hospital. What makes matters worse is that he was put on a ward with suspected COVID patients, when he should have been shielded. I really hope that we learn from this and these hospital acquired infections are investigated so that this is minimised in the future. I understand that the health service was under severe pressure, but mistakes seem to have been made, which has made it harder for my sister to deal with. She was not allowed to see him until a few days before he died.
My heart goes out to all of you whom have similar experiences.
Sending love and strength to you too Hellebelle. I feel for you, your dear mum and your sister. Thinking of you all. Xxx🥰🌈
Thank you so much for your reply. We are still trying to come to terms with what has happened. I always appreciate reading your posts and how you are coping with life.
I think one of the positives of this whole pandemic has been being able to appreciate and find joy in the simple things in life. My daily walks have taken on new significance as I now notice the wildlife and scenery much more.
Thank you for your kind words and it will take some time to come to terms with such tragic events. I agree about the positives of this pandemic being able to appreciate the simple things in life. It’s changed my outlook too and I notice things I was maybe too busy to see before the pandemic. I love watching the birds and hearing their song.
Take care Hellebelle, thinking of you. Xxx
I’m 68 but I didn’t realise I was so old until the pandemic ! I’ve always been fit , healthy , slim and fashion conscious and never thought about age at all until recently! Now I look in the mirror and see an old lady , I have different minor aches and pains every day and I have to force myself to stop thinking I have some life threatening illness . I haven’t put on weight but the amount of sweet stuff I’m consuming now does bother me . I’m sure most of my issues are psychological, not having any reason to dress up ( much as I love my garden and wildlife the squirrels don’t care how I look 🤦🏻♀️) and not mixing with younger people is definitely affecting my outlook . I just hope I can bounce back when I’m wearing a nice dress and heels (albeit quite low heels 😂)and indulging in a few wines with friends when it’s safe xx
I love the comment about the squirrels not caring about how you look Thepainterswife. But let's hope that gradually we can build ourselves up again as restrictions ease. I've lost a lot of confidence which is something i didn't expect to happen. Maybe we'll all have to be a bit determined to gain back our previous health and wellbeing.

Definitely! This isn’t the retirement we had planned ( even before covid) but we always stayed up beat and made the best of it and I’m determined to get back to that mindset Im with you on the confidence problem mine has been well and truly knocked but I’m taking very small steps to get back to who I want to be - I absolutely refuse to spend what time I have left being miserable 💪 when I wake up feeling down I give myself a good talking to !!😂 xx
That's the way to do it Thepainterswife! 👍😀😂
I understand completely Thepainterswife as I’m also 68 but feel so much older. I don’t move as well as I used to but I’m trying to dress well and put makeup on each day. I am determined to lose weight too as I have gained some. Enjoy each day and get those heels on 😀
It won’t be long before you’re out and about again. Take care xxx🍷🍷🍸
Sorry for the late reply my ancient phone finally died but the good news is it forced me to go out shopping for a new one , mission successful , another small step forward and feeling good 😊 Keep up the good work with the dress and make up , I didn’t feel any aches , pains or twinges whilst I was out and about and meeting people , I swear I’m feeling younger with each small step I take 😂🤣 xx
Im a bit happier now we can socialise
Yes, much better with the ending of the strictest of lockdown.

i regressed during full lockdown i resorted to childlike behaviour & childhood games such as marbles & skittles & played then as if i was a child ie jumping up & down when i hit marbles & whooping & shouting out yessssss loudly ^ & ruinning tound the house when i knocked all the skittles down
For me it has been mixed really as I have had times when I have gone to bed early and cried due to the stress of job hunting and the stress of having things taken away from me that I enjoyed.
What I decided on was to rearrange the things that can be replaced for due course say like Weston a couple of weeks back that was replaced from last year which I really enjoyed and a trip out to the castle museum in Taunton in a couple of weeks to replace the one missed last year and this Saturday a pub lunch out to replace the one cancelled in December which was disappointing and we had fish and chips instead to take the sting out of the disappointment but still I was miffed though and then I was gutted for the poor people who had their Christmas plans pulled out from under them at the last minute and I find disappointment stings harder when something is cancelled last minute like that was rather than a couple of weeks in advance like with my autumn plans last year although I was ever so upset over it having a couple of weeks was better than last minute as it had given me time to have found something else to replace them.
Sadly some things can't be replaced no matter how hard you try.
That's a good strategy for the things that can be substituted Catgirl1976, but yes, sadly some things can't be replaced and that also goes for all who lost someone due to the pandemic. That's something that can't be recovered from.
Yes, both physical & mental health have decreased so much. I'm a full time carer for my adult daughter with severe learning disabilities. My mother in law has had a hip replacement during the pandemic and needed lots of because she lives alone. One of daughter's has needed a lot of support as she has depression and two young children. My youngest is trying to get through her last year of school and then on to college, difficult enough most years now she has anxiety. My eldest who worked for the NHS is now in a wheelchair because she is suffering so much from fatigue due to long covid. I cannot help any of them enough to make much difference, but I am trying. What more my local authority have increased contributions to the care service. My disabled daughter is lucky if she gets a quarter of the service when are not locked down, the increase in charges is 194%. WSCC are disgusting in their behaviour towards care charges, complaints and adult care service systems. Yes my health has changed.
Hi, it sounds as if you have so much to deal with. I have found through my job that the role of carers isn't appreciated as much as it should be. It seems to be that cuts to services disproportionately effect those people who are either needing care or those providing it. It is particularly galling when you see how much public money has been wasted by this government. There are so many people effected by this and I have hope that eventually it cannot be ignored and that we have a kinder and fairer future. I have so much admiration for what you are doing. I hope you are able to have a bit of time for yourself to recharge.
It sounds as if things are really tough for you blueheartceramics. I hope you can get more help for your daughter and family and for yourself too. WSCC should really get their act together but I dare say they’d have lots of excuses as to why things have changed.I do wish you better days ahead. Xxx
Its infuriating isn't it when those places always have an excuse on hand for everything and its never their fault!
People who always have an excuse to hide behind with myself of why things can't happen infuriate me a great deal because its dishonest and its like an insult to my intelligence as I can tell when something is a load of lies as opposed to a genuine reason as to why something can't happen.
With myself I just say no I'm sorry I can't make a particular thing which doesn't upset anyone even on occasions when it has been lies!
Its direct but its honest.
You've had very full hands blueheartceramics! We hear comforting words all the time about the plight of carers, but it eventually all ends up on the back burner because as carers we have a conscience and do far too much because we care for our charges and fill in gaps which should be being addressed centrally by government. My own sister is in a really difficult situation having had two serious falls and still being left, by and large and with only a little help from her family, floundering to try and get by, looking after my brother-in-law with dementia. That's why it's so important to keep this forum alive to keep conversations going and to support each other when the going gets tough. It's been a casualty of the pandemic too, with people too scared about covid19 to be able to concentrate on caring matters but I think we have reached a point now where it should be revived as many voices will always work much better than one!
Hi Sue, I have tried to stay positive in the light of things but like they say there's always light at the end of the tunnel. Clive X 🤗
I have tried my best as well to keep positive but have had episodes when anger and resentment has got the better of me.
Just try and stay positive , I know it is hard but like I said light at the end of the tunnel and you will get stronger my friend . Clive X 🤗
To be fair things are better now than what they were last year.
Well there you go Catgirl that is because you were positive and determined nothing is easy in life and there many ups and downs it's how we navigate through them . Clive X 🤗
Well done Clive. Just do the best you can. All will be well. 👍😊