Does being part of our Care Community help ... - Care Community

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Does being part of our Care Community help you to feel less lonely or socially isolated?

78 Voters

Please select all that apply:

17 Replies
Teobeck profile image

It gives me a resource for finding others' experiences with whatever I'm confronting on my CLL/SLL journey, and to share mine to help them.

Lynd profile image

It's wonderful to have people give you their support when things aren't going too well x

It has helped me when I needed it.

JanettePearson profile image

It's so good to know I'm not the only person feeling despair at my situation and gives me hope that one day before I'm too old I might be able to have a life without caring.

tobby1428 profile image

you have certainly helped me,there is not one day that I do not have dark thoughts about ending it all as sometimes even when my family are around me I still feel alone.reading about other peoples problems and situations brings me down to earth and I often cry openly when I read about other readers only bad experience with health unlocked was when you allowed someone to write about CFS saying that there was no such thing and even tried to play down the problems that I had with having guillane barre syndrome.maybe I was too sensitive at the time as it took me a long time for me to feel comfortable in responding to some of the members heart breaking stories.

karools16 profile image

I am not lonely or isolated.

blackjob profile image
blackjob in reply to karools16

I too am not lonely or isolated, but then I am not particularly gregarious. I feel so fortunate ( guilty even! ) when I read about some people's problems. A granddaughter 'lives' with me, although she is away at university most of the time. My ex husband lives a couple of miles away but we are still on good terms. He mows my grass! I have two delightful cats.

Healthwise I am fine(ish) but keep taking the tablets for various things! And resemble the hunchback of Notre Dame as osteoporosis wreaks its usual deformities. Garden is a bit of a jungle! (understatement of the year!)

I gave up driving a few years ago as I felt not quite as 'aware' as I used to be.

I do hope that those of you who find life's problems overwhelming can find some respite.

Guillemette profile image

sometimes when I read the posts it makes me more fed up than I am already

Baileyboo profile image

Without the amazing people who reply to each other, and myself, in this forum I would be totally lost. Their support is invaluable. I will be eternally greatful that I discovered this forum.

toofworc profile image

I hadn't included you goodselves in the Care Community.

sassy59 profile image

It’s nice to know there are other carers out there who go through all sorts to care for a loved one.

Jacki66 profile image

No, it is a very minor support but it does not take over from being part of the general society in person. How can a computer screen replace the warmth of a comforting touch by somebody who really understands??

Lucens profile image
Lucens in reply to Jacki66

some of us are not lucky enough to have the warmth of a comforting touch by somebody who really understands, and I have found the sentiments and experiences written herein by turn uplifting, moving, encouraging, helpful, affirming. even when sad, that also touches and speaks from a person's humanity, so it unites too. I find a genuine thought, honestly expressed, reaches out. heart speaks unto heart. open your heart. good luck.

sassy59 profile image

I’m proud to be part of the care community and feel we’re all in this together. It’s nice to know I’m not alone. Xxxx

Oshgosh profile image

I find that most of the posts on the care community are from the moderator. There’s a lot of puzzles etc.

Although I appreciate what the moderator is doing,My health is unstable,not helped by delays due to Covid.

I’m f I need puzzles,quizzes etc,I can find stuff on the net.

Sorry to seem so miserable

Mariyah2017 profile image

Just got into this.

faithhope421 profile image

I love LIFE and I LOVE LIVING my life , with it many trials ,triumphs ,highs and even the lows ,they all work together for me to have strength and courage ,to be me .I embrace any support as a opportunity to learn ,grow and share with others any good thing that has been given to me. whoever read this post ,wishing you peace ,love and joy