Christmas is an exciting time for many but ... - Care Community

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Christmas is an exciting time for many but can also mean increased pressure for carers. What will you be taking on this Christmas?

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6 Replies
bagpuss105 profile image

When you're on your own with no family...and relatives who NEVER stay in's just like EVERY other day...and utterly miserable. Can't WAIT for the year to end...

kernowdame profile image
kernowdame in reply to bagpuss105

Sending you Christmas best wishes from a grey and dismal Cornwall this evening. I remember you from a few weeks ago. Hope next year is better for you. Spring is just around the corner.

Thoms98 profile image

Present buying,Sending Xmas cards, news letter to update friends that we are both alive, although in our eighties. Cards and simple gifts for the carers, and recognition, thank yous for the support and kindness from many people. Very necessary at this time of year. Hopefully it will continue next year.

Lily-s profile image

Careing for 3 people 24 hours a day 7 days a week 52 weeks a year is hard work. Happy Christmas to you all. My Christmas is just another day.

security profile image

Caring for 6 family members this year, Christmas dinner to cook and drive every one about visiting dad in hospital, Exausted just thinking about it...Christmas is not going to be the same this year with everything going on just now....😥😣😮

Budapest profile image

I am very fortunate to have family & I love Christmastime. I am just so grateful to the medics for keeping me well enough to be able to cope.

I do a lot of forward planning, keep everything very simple, rest & also I exercise a lot. I ask for a lot of help from others. I find the internet a godsend & buy all my cards, food & presents that way. I cross my fingers that I don't get an infection and keep away from crowded places for the weeks prior to Christmas.

I just hope my health continues at this level as am aware things can deteriorate very quickly as they have done in the past.

Best Wishes to all for Christmas & the New Year for good health & happiness.