Diagnosed with NACOL 1 year ago after ... - British Liver Trust

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Diagnosed with NACOL 1 year ago after MRI for lumber problems. I get cellulites, a lot. Atm its,hot&rash&pain. My spleen is enlarged clot

2 Replies

Oedema Rash Swelling Hot Clot ? NACOL

Enlarged Spleen Acid Reflux Varices

Nose Bleeds Weight gain Skin discoloration

Red Blemishes Spots

2 Replies
Grankids3 profile image

Hi, I have similar and more of what's wrong with you, I get an MRI every 6 mths to check nodules/lesions on liver, my cirrhosis was caused by my diabetes, my spleen was enlarged then an aneurysm appeared on it, they coiled the aneurysm and that was 2 yrs ago past in January, keeping fingers crossed nothing else happens there, I've had the cirrhosis 11 yrs now, its slowly causing me problems but take each day as it comes, I've survived from Bowel cancer 5yrs ago, I can still have my holidays and able to fly so far, this could change at anytime, just living life as it comes, taking nothing for granted, hope you keep fighting, xx

sunnysmile profile image
sunnysmile in reply to Grankids3

Bless all you guys on here. Your posts are often heartbreaking. I am quite new still on here. Fatty liver (slight) last year with no sign of cirrhosis (then). No ascites (then). Did not stop drinking thinking because I eat a good diet and exercise I was invincible. Never once in my circle of friends is the liver ever brought up. My hubs can put away 18 pints in a night with his mates. He used to do this three times a week and also drink beer nightly. He is 69 and we have both drank too much since our 30's along with our friends. He now has a couple of beers most nights and a good drink on a Thursday with his pals. I have tapered down from 20 units of wine a night to 2. I fall many times, but am able to start again. I don't really feel any ill effect from alcohol (probs cause of the length of time I have drank) but it is only after joining this and another forum just out of curiosity on the effects of alcohol on the body that I got horrified. Of course I knew of the problems heavy drinking or indeed just weekend drinking can cause to people, but I truly did not know just how bad it can get. And I had no idea how bad cirrhosis affects you. It is just awful and beyond belief the pain and suffering it can cause. It has opened my eyes well and truly and I would like to aim to cut out my two nightly units and give my liver a well earned breather! (Bit scared on that in case of withdrawals).

Thank you for all your posts which, although can be hard and scary to read, need reading and digesting so we can be proactive, hopefully before it is too late.

Respect to you all for your honesty and I wish as little pain and suffering to each and every one of you, be it in body or mind as possible.

Peace to you all x
