How has breast cancer affected your c... - My Breast Cancer ...
How has breast cancer affected your career? (Single answer)
Still in same job, but not missed whilst off so trying to find new job, no luck so far
I was off for 5months the first time I had breast cancer. When it came back 10years later as secondary cancer I was advised to take early retirement (at 43!)
I've just come to the end of my radiotherapy yesterday and am really tired. I can't see me returning to my p/t work as a childcare practitioner for another couple of months anyway, but I do hope to return to regain the normality of my life before this B.C got me!
I was out for 14 months used to work 37 hours per week but gone back 20hrs three days a week, would love to stay at that
I have been out of work for 2 and a half years. My breast cancer journey has been very long and included numerous operations (i.e, mastectomy/breast reconstruction). I have had a lot of difficulties during this time which wouldn't be normal but I'm happy to say I'm very well now. I have one last operation in 2 weeks and after I've recovered I do plan on returning to work. I've worked there for over 25yrs and my employers have been extremely supportive. I really miss the colleagues and the routine that comes with working.
I was very lucky as I was working in a 20 hour post (not my current job) when I was diagnosed in 2007. Through treatment I was able to work as often as I was well enough to which was good as I was pretty new in post, and was only entitled to statutory sick pay. If I was in the job I am in now (back teaching in high school) I would have needed just to take the whole time off as it is not the kind of job you can do some days but not others!
Feel the need to change my career but alternative employment role is presently unavailable, so may end up unemployed, through no fault of my own
I was out of work for 12 months I have been back now three weeks ,I am a chef,I work three nine hour days per week finding it difficult,don't know how long I can continue
Hope to return, but going part time
I never actually missed a day of work due to my illness but I did cut down on my yoga teaching because I felt too tired and because it's hard for me to be around people who want to discuss my treatment / illness. I don't like to discuss with students or yoga people.