Have you had, or are you considering ... - My Breast Cancer ...
Have you had, or are you considering reconstructive surgery?
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As I was already on Steroids & Methotrexate for PMR; I was advised against having a Reconstruction at the same time as my Mastectomy for healing/rejection reasons. I'm glad I went with this option as I healed well & prosthetic at this time is excellent, once I have finished my Chemotherapy (FEC/T) & recovered I will take advise & reconsider my options!

Thank you so much for sharing your experience MrsNails! I'm so glad to hear you are happy with the advice given to you.
I had 7 surgeries in all. 6 of them due to reconstruction. Three of them were emergency surgeries. I also had approximately 30 visits for more stitches as mine constantly were ripping my skin and exposing the implant. I had two Tissue expanders and three permanent implants in total. I finally gave up and have no implant and a flat chest on the right side.