I got wed!: Just had to share with you... - Brain Aneurysm Su...

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I got wed!

Bonnieblyth profile image
23 Replies

Just had to share with you all my news. I got wed yesterday in a secret wedding at gretna green......it was beautiful romanticand very emotional xx

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Bonnieblyth profile image
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23 Replies
Bonnieblyth profile image

No idea why its posted upside down :(

ktie profile image

regardless of the photo being upside down, you both look very happy. Congrats x

Bonnieblyth profile image
Bonnieblyth in reply to ktie

Thank you xx

dizzywench profile image

Congratulations how absolutely romantic forever love to you both xxx

Bonnieblyth profile image
Bonnieblyth in reply to dizzywench

Thank you xxx

Bradybunch35 profile image

So wonderful to see you celebrate your love - wishing you both lots of love and happiness xx

Bonnieblyth profile image
Bonnieblyth in reply to Bradybunch35

Thank you xx

JoByr profile image

Congratulations to you both! Gorgeous pic, you look lovely 😊

Bonnieblyth profile image

Thanks Jo xx how are you doing?

JoByr profile image
JoByr in reply to Bonnieblyth

Been okay last couple of days. Had a week off work, away for a couple of days, which was lovely. Although looking forward to been back at work on Monday and less time to stress and ponder. Feeling a bit hyper as I've got first appointment to discuss management or treatment this Weds!! But reading other stories on here sounds like it's a long process, I'm hoping for app on Weds and surgery Fri 😂

Do you have another appointment coming up?

Congrats again re wedding, how romantic 😊 x

Bonnieblyth profile image
Bonnieblyth in reply to JoByr

Morning jo thanks for your good wishes x

I am the same my appt is next friday for the same i am glad i gave myself the distraction of getting wed lol. We can both hope together for that quick turn around 🤣

Let me know how you get on i will keep everything crossed for you xx

JoByr profile image
JoByr in reply to Bonnieblyth

Morning, yes fingers crossed for us both. Let me know how you get on too and I'll be thinking of you Friday. Enjoy the rest of the weekend, Jo x

Bonnieblyth profile image
Bonnieblyth in reply to JoByr

How did you get on jo?

I was at my appt yesterday. They are arranging for me to be admitted for another angiogram. They are booking me a bed rather than day case as it will be done quicker. The consultant wants this before finaly deciding which will be my best option due to the position of it he at this stage is not confident that mine is suitable for coiling so is favouring clipping. He was quite candid in admitting they are snowed under and that they have patients waiting for 52 weeks that now have to be fitted in regardless if they are more minor due to the huge fines the hospital has to pay and so on but at least i know now rather than being left hanging with no info.

I do hope you have had some good news xx

JoByr profile image
JoByr in reply to Bonnieblyth

Morning, gosh how do you feel after your appointment, guess good that they're looking again and doing another angiogram to be sure and glad to hear you're getting in quicker for that. Hope you don't have to wait a year for treatment, but a lot to take in, in terms of if they need to clip rather than coil. By what I've read though clipping appears to be better in long run? Which area/hospital are you at?

I went to first app with neuro on weds, quick in and out! Couldn't really say much as wanted to do angiogram first, so had pre-op and waiting for date for angiogram. From MRA scan it's a CCA and in awkward position. As my other half said though, now on conveyor belt. Hope they get you in quick, keep in touch and let me know. Enjoy the weekend, Jo x

Bonnieblyth profile image
Bonnieblyth in reply to JoByr

I feel better for knowing they are actually sitting up and taking notice at last and for their honesty too. I am under Preston Royal, where are you?

You sound like your moving in the right direction too...we can share space on that conveyor belt xx

JoByr profile image
JoByr in reply to Bonnieblyth

Glad you feel better and at least you know where you stand. I'm not far at all away from you, in Leeds. What's the angiogram like? I'm a bit nervous, I'm usually okay with a bit of pain and not normally squeamish but must admit a bit scared of this- would be ok if they put you to sleep?! How long does it take? X

me2you profile image

Congratulations to you both 💕🍸🍾 x

Bonnieblyth profile image
Bonnieblyth in reply to me2you

Thanks me2you :)

Lyndaryan1 profile image

Well I hope your Pre-Assessment went well yesterday?? Here is how it went for me?? I was admitted Monday evening for my overnight stay which was noisy to say the least. Yesterday Morning my Consultant's Anaesthatist came first thing in the morning to run through all the normal routine of the surgery adding a bit more doom & gloom IF this or IF that then it could result in this or that. He asked if I had any crowns on my teeth to which I replied - 2. Well they might get broken this at the end of you may have a bracket with two bolts in your forehead type of stuff to which I replied - By your a little ray of sunshine aren't you? Not satisfied with making me bald you want me toothless as well laughing!! God his face never even cracked a smile!! I just thought - Oh another Geeky Stiff you will get on well with my Consultant. My surgery was listed for 1.00 and I asked why I wasn't first to theatre as it was a long surgery? He just replied my Consultant always liked to do something minor to get into shape before any majors so I thought fair enough.

I was told to get my operating gown on and was just closing the curtains when the Anaesthatist came to my bed and asked my to sit in the visitors chair at the side of my bed and he sat just below my pillow on the bed. He just said - We might have to cancel?? Well I jumped out of the chair put my hands round his throat to which he went backwards on the bed and I was pretending to strangle him saying - What the hell do you mean CANCEL?? Well he started laughing because he couldn't get me off and he had a right infectious laugh that was making me laugh and the beds opposite the patients were howling with laughing at me on top of this bloke pretending to strangle him when my Consultant walked in looked at the patients all laughing and looked across to what they were laughing at? and there's me on top of his anaesthetist both of us laughing. When we saw him we jumped off the bed like two naughty children and we stood to attention. My Consultant just said the the Anaesthatist - You've met Lynda then? I told you she was a special lady ha ha. Even the Consultant had to laugh at the pair of us ha ha.

A man had suffered an Aneurysm in his heart and was rushed into Hull Hospital where he was operated on straight away so he took my Intensive Care Bed so MY operating theatre was all staffed with Consultant Anaesthetist and full crew good to go but another operating theatre was doing the heart surgery and as that surgery had started he took priority for the Intensive care bed so all my theatre had to stand down. I can't believe the total waste of money in all those staff all ready to go and then they had nothing to do all afternoon as there was no other patients listed for that day??

My only concern was MY Consultant who is on his notice doesn't leave before he sorts me out but he did promise he would do my surgery before he leaves. I can cope with the Where and When but my main priority is the WHO!! As long as I get my Geeky Stiff Consultant doing my operation that's ALL I'm bothered about. His Anaesthatist told me he was telling him yesterday morning - I can't wait for you to meet my 1.00pm appointment she's like no other patient I have met in my entire career but I will let you see what you make of her ha ha. He was telling me in the three years he had put my Consultants patients to sleep he had never even seen him smile let alone laugh out loud. I said well you was exactly the same as him this morning so you make a proper matched couple to which he replied - YES and look at me NOW ha ha. I can laugh about it now thinking of what we must have looked like to Mr Geeky Stiff walking in ha ha. My consultant was discussing the situation with my husband and I whispered to the Anaethatist - I'll tell my husband later I've had you on the bed keeping a dead straight face to which he cracked out laughing my consultant broke off mid conversation with my husband - Looked at him & said - Don't bother even trying to curb your laughter it makes it even worse - then carried on the conversation with my husband ha ha. As I was leaving both of them were stood at the Nurse's station together and turned and said - We are SO sorry to see you leave Lynda but by god we will be looking forward to you coming back and Mr Geeky said I will try my absolute hardest for that to be as soon as possible and I know it was genuine so here I am sat at home - WAITING AGAIN!!

Hope you did a LOT better than I did


Bonnieblyth profile image
Bonnieblyth in reply to Lyndaryan1

Omg gutted for you it was cancelled but oh my you have made me chuckle and nearly wet my pants laughing at your escapades. They certainly will not forget you in a hurry. Love your positivity fingers crossed you get another date real soon.

My pre op went ok got more details of the ins and outs of the op but also they said that the professor may take out the bone and leave it out for a while to allow the brain space to swell. What with black swollen eyes sunken skull half shaved saved only by a turban on my head (prof insists on full bandaged head) im going to look a bonny bugger lol told my hubby mobiles are banned he fancies himself as a david bailey lol. Ive no date yet as they need to find me a spare bed in icu. Preston serves all lancashire for neuro ops so i will prob find myself in your position.

Glad to hear you are in good spirits about it you are better than me i would have a melt down first and then laugh later.

Let me know when you hear something xx

Lyndaryan1 profile image
Lyndaryan1 in reply to Bonnieblyth

I'll tell you what them other patients in my ward were absolutely hysterical and they were crying when I left that ward yesterday afternoon. They heard the geeky anaethsetist giving me all the doom and gloom and me trying to lighten him up a bit but he was having none of it but when I jumped on him with my hands round his throat he was that SHOCKED he was proper laughing and the patients opposite with a birds eye view were all having a right laugh but it was what my Geeky Consultant walked into and how quick we both got off that bed and stood to attention when we saw him ha ha. I can only imagine the Geeky Stiff looking and thinking WHAT THE HELL is going on HERE? Ha Ha. It was how he just said to the Anaethatist - Oh you've been introduced to Lynda then ha ha.

Even the Nurses were stood in the doorway looking to see what was going on as the laughter was that loud ha ha. He wasn't very strong I only weigh 8 stone dead but he couldn't get me off ha ha.

I've already been in touch with PALS and I had an MRI booked for Friday so at least I could see if there was any significant change in my alien and now me and my husband are arguing about me having it?? I would like to know what it's like now and his opinion is if your Consultant doesn't need it like he told you - He could do your surgery without it then why the hell would you go onto that scanning machine and put yourself at risk?? If it's grown at all then it could be just enough for it to blow so why would you want to do that? I wanted to do it as maybe it might be a comfort to know if it's stayed the same and if it's had a rapid growth then it might get me admitted even quicker as the results maybe couldn't be ignored any longer??

We are at a stale mate at the moment but he knows if I want to have it done then nobody will stop me so he's feeling a little frustrated with me at the moment. PALS are speaking with Mr Geeky Stiff as I'm doing this message and then going to his List Coordinator to try and secure me another date but without me getting moving on then I feel I want that scan so I know myself where the hell I am with the alien.

Its all more and more anxiety isn't it? If it's not the waiting it's as if there is always something else to overcome. I feel I'm riding in the flipping Grand National honestly getting over one hurdle and wow up pops another ha ha.

Never mind we both live to fight another day and we might get kicked along the way but we will always bounce back and we are still well and truly in the game!! You might like this as well. When I was admitted I stayed in my clothes until I HAD to get in the bed and I was wearing a nice summer dress with nice shoes etc. Hair SPOT ON!! Once I'd got undressed I put all the clothes shoes the lot in a bag ready for my husband to take home when he visited yesterday. He came early wanting to see me off to theatre so I went in the shower early yesterday morning, looked at my hair and thought?? Can I be bothered to blowdry it? Nahh it's getting shaved off shortly. Then when the cancellation news came I was hunting in the bag for the clothes I was wearing to go into hospital to wear coming out ha ha. God the other patients were telling me how immaculate I looked when I went IN and the flipping state of me coming out?? Creased to hell dress hair flat and awful just everything I hate ha ha. I had the patients laughing I told them I would get halfway home and my husband would ask me - Shall we stop for a bite to eat as you've been Nil By Mouth?? Like I would step out of the car looking the rag bag I did honestly?? He did ask as well ha ha. He got the reply I knew would be coming before I even left the hospital ha ha. Well if I hear anymore I will be sure to let you know.

Going back to your situation and the skull removal? If they don't remove the skull then how can they get to the aneurysm?? My Geeky man said he just takes out about a 2" circle but shaves a LOT more for infection purposes. Then some clip back or suture back or even glue back the piece of skull once they are happy with what's going on inside the brain>

My Geeky man said to his side kick he expects to remove the piece of skull on me and a Jack In The Box Pop Out ha ha. I found that really funny FOR HIM ha ha. I't my duty now to give the poor bloke a sense of humour and I feel I making progress ha ha.

Bonnieblyth profile image
Bonnieblyth in reply to Lyndaryan1

Im with you i would rather know its current alien status lol no i meant instead of a crainiotomy they may be doing a crainiectomy not sure of spelling which means instead of refixing the skull part at the end of the operation he will leave it out to allow the brain room to swell and then put it back in at a later date when the swelling goes down.

Im like you i would not get out of the car looking like a rag doll lol i would have put a blanket over my head in the car lol not that im vain or anything ;)

Lyndaryan1 profile image

Ha Ha. A definite disguise outfit was required yesterday that's for sure especially after the night I had ha ha. I think my Geek told me that it all depends on pressures and how the brain reacts as to when the skull ring goes back in but who cares if the alien has been sorted. I certainly won't be bothered at all as who the hell is going to see us in them Intensive Care Beds?? PALS have rung me this afternoon and are hunting down a listing date. They have told me the MRI Appointment is still open for me to attend on Friday so we will see who wins the war? Me or my husband ha ha. If I don't get a new listing date tomorrow then I'm definitely going for that scan. I take the view if it's grown at all it's a flipping good reason for me to get sorted like NOW and not be waiting behind others who have jumped the queue by me been cancelled. Not only that I NEED to know myself so watch this space ha ha


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