Hi everyone,Im new here,my question i... - Brain Aneurysm Su...

Brain Aneurysm Support

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Hi everyone,Im new here,my question is according to good old Google any aneurysms that are 7mm or over they operate is this true ?Thank u !

Hobbsy profile image
26 Replies

Saccular clinoid seg of carotid

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Hobbsy profile image
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26 Replies
FrenchEmm profile image

Hi Hobbsy.

Sorry about your diagnosis.

My doctors did say that 7mm is around the point where they might operate, but I am not sure this is a completely hard and fast rule either. It may depend on the position of your aneurysm, general health and other conditions you may have etc...

Hopefully your surgeon can advise you on what to do next!


Saffynix profile image
Saffynix in reply to FrenchEmm

I’ve just had my 6mm webbed it has been watched for 8yrs after my first Annie 10mm was coiled..

Andersl profile image
Andersl in reply to Saffynix

What's 'webbed' mean?

Saffynix profile image
Saffynix in reply to Andersl

Will try and put pic on here...sorry don’t know how to do that ,,,it’s like a soft metal mop cap which fits in the aneurysm . Some one on here said it dissolves in time but I wasn’t told that , was told it’s like coils stays in place and only done on under 8mm annies

Saffynix profile image
Saffynix in reply to Saffynix

Mine was done 8 weeks ago

Hobbsy profile image
Hobbsy in reply to FrenchEmm

Thanks so much for your reply !

I've seen my surgeon since he's decided to. Do other scans to see if they have changed and shape ect , he said after Christmas so I have a bit of a break for now at least , my health is not fab I've had lung and bowel cancer in the last 5 years lost half a lung and some bowel , have to see what happened , have a lovely Christmas !!

And thanks again x

Audifan profile image

Hi, My Annie is 6.5mm at the time of diagnosis (3months ago). I was given the choice to monitor or operate. The consultant told me that if it had been 7mm, they would have taken the decision themselves to operate, but as I was below 7mm, I was to make the decision!? Came out of that consultation numb. So, I made the decision to get the operation as I could not live with the uncertainty over my future and I go in tomorrow (13.11.18). I am confident all will go well and I will be back to ‘normal’ soon. This has been a roller coaster time of emotions and decisions. I have enjoyed reading the posts on this site and have been meaning to post earlier but have now got round to it. My target is the New Year to feel as good as I can. It would be interesting to hear how quick / long it has taken others to get back to their level of normality. I should say that I have no symptoms and the Annie was an incidental finding. I hope this helps.


FrenchEmm profile image
FrenchEmm in reply to Audifan

Hi Campbell,

I hope your procedure goes well. You don’t say if you are getting it coiled or clipped, and obviously this will impact on your recovery time.

I had mine coiled a month ago and overall I am now feeling ok (but still tire easily).

Keep us posted on how it went!


Audifan profile image
Audifan in reply to FrenchEmm

Hi, Emmanuelle, Op plus 9 days. All went well and I got a WEB device fitted. Everything was straight forward and they were all pleased. The WEB is relatively new and has the advantages over a coil in that within 90 days the WEB dissolves and the clotted blood seals the aneurysm. I have had a bit of a roller coaster in recovery, good days and not so good, sore heads with a shooting pain across my head (I call it my firework rocket) and the tiredness. Every day is a bit better and I only take pain killers when I really need them and at the moment I have gone 1.5 days without pain killers, which I think is great. I am due a review scan in 3 months time, then 1 year, 3 years and finally 5 years. So in summary, so far so good, but very early days as you know. If you search aneurysm web device on google, you will find out lots about it. Hope you are well.


Celtic0560 profile image
Celtic0560 in reply to Audifan

Hi Campbell can I ask where you had your procedure and what time of aneurysm you had?

Celtic0560 profile image
Celtic0560 in reply to Celtic0560

Sorry - type of aneurysm. This sounds like a great solution and I hope your recovery continues to go well

Audifan profile image
Audifan in reply to Celtic0560

It was an Anterior communicating aneurysm (ACOM) if that means anything to you. The op was carried out at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh. Apparently most of the Scottish ops are now done there although a few are carried out at the new QMUH. Hope this helps. C

Hobbsy profile image
Hobbsy in reply to Celtic0560

I hope your keeping well and it's all improving each day 😉

FrenchEmm profile image
FrenchEmm in reply to Audifan

Hi Campbell,

I am glad your surgery went well!

I have never heard of the webbing but it sounds amazing so will definitely look it up!

I hope your recovery continues to go well. I am about 1.5 months after my procedure and the tiredness is a lot better now.

My next review is also at the 3 months mark so in January... not sure about the frequency after that.

I hope you continue to feel better!


Audifan profile image
Audifan in reply to FrenchEmm

Thanks Emm, good luck with your scan. I should have said in my message above, the WEB devices cost £9k each, plus the hidden cost of staff, facilities etc. My op was also done by LIVE x-Ray which is another new inititive and drastically reduces the time taken for the op. Truly fascinating! All together, these may be reasons the WEB is not used as often. The Western General in Edinburgh is a University Hospital so they use and research the latest tech. Yes I am a luck boy and do realise how fortunate I am.

Looking forward to getting some energy back. I think I said before my target is the New Year, 6 weeks on, so hopefully I will meet my target.

Good luck for the future. C

Celtic0560 profile image
Celtic0560 in reply to Audifan

Hi Campbell yes ACOM does mean something. I was diagnosed in March this year with pericallosal aneurysm, which I have been informed is ACOM. Mine was measured at 4mm. I was referred to QEUH in Glasgow, which was a nightmare! Finally got some answers in September after fighting the whole way. Mine is wide necked, which they said would require stent and coils. I did not know about the web then but later read about it. I did not know that it dissolves and thought it stayed Insitu like coils. Brilliant solution. I have been advised watch and wait. No scans planned until next year, but if any changes, I would definitely be like you and opt for the procedure. As I said previously, I hope your recovery continues well. Best wishes Cath

Audifan profile image
Audifan in reply to Celtic0560

Thanks, as I said, I was given the option to watch as it was near the 7mm border line. Our issue was that my father in law suffered a brain bleed then survived for 13 years badly disabled. We did not want to re-live that, so it was an easy decision. My annie was narrow at the artery, more a bubble so the WEB was ideal. I fully understand your stress and the uncertainty. The staff at the Western General were brilliant start to finish and I could not praise them enough. Sorry to hear of your experience at the QEUH. Hope the information on my journey has helped. Campbell.

Celtic0560 profile image
Celtic0560 in reply to Audifan

Hi Campbell. I completely agree with your reasons, having also witnessed the after effects of bleeds. Your information and recovery is reassuring. Many thanks for that.

Audifan profile image
Audifan in reply to Celtic0560

No problem, contact me anytime. C

Hobbsy profile image
Hobbsy in reply to FrenchEmm

Yes please keep us updated !

Hobbsy profile image
Hobbsy in reply to Audifan

Hi oh I do hope it's all gone well for you and that it was the right decision , I look forward to an update , merry Christmas take it easy but try to enjoy it to !! X

Audifan profile image
Audifan in reply to Hobbsy

Thanks. All good here. 5 week past on Wednesday and I would say I'm about 95% there. Headaches have gone and now no more tired than I would normally have been. Absolutely no regrets. Hope you get things sorted. Have a great Christmas. Campbell.

54Apple54 profile image
54Apple54 in reply to Audifan

Hi , how did your op go , wishing you a swift recovery 🙏🏽

bobbybobb profile image

I had a lobulated aneurysm coiled in August. They said the procedure went very well. I don't feel very well after it and are still suffering very severe migraines.I'm due for a review soon so I hope they can give me some answers. I believe coils can compress over time and may need re-doing. I wont be letting anyone mess with my brain again.

Hobbsy profile image
Hobbsy in reply to bobbybobb

I'm sorry to hear that things aren't so well for you , I hope it's improved , I look forward to hearing your update x

bobbybobb profile image

Hi I was seen in clinic. their bringing my scan forward because of the problems I'm having. It's due after xmas. x

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