There are 3 different methods of emer... - British Pregnancy...

British Pregnancy Advisory Service

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There are 3 different methods of emergency contraception. Do you think there's enough info about each option?

Bpas_1968 profile imageBpas_1968Partner73 Voters
No - there is not enough info about all the options.
No - there is enough info about the two types of emergency contraceptive pill but not the coil.
Yes - there is enough info about the two types of emergency contraceptive pill and the coil.
Not sure
No - there is enough info about the coil but not the two types of emergency contraceptive pill.
3 Replies
Navywife profile image

Other than the one emergency contraception pill you are told about, I only found out about the coil method when I took a friend (many years ago now!) to a specialist clinic. We were looking to get the emergency pill for her and the nurse was pretty horrible about it. We were 18 at the time so may have just been a scare tactic to stop us ending up there again

shimmysham84 profile image

I didn't know there was 3 methods. I've only heard of the pill option.

Katie-cookoo profile image

No, despite the coil being the most effective most people don't seem to know about it. I think the general public also has less information about the Ella-one tablet rather than levonorgestrel. That being said since most people still come into the pharmacy asking for the morning after pill I'd say all information held is a little sketchy