What is the most valuable aspect of be... - HealthUnlocked Blog

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What is the most valuable aspect of being part of your community on HealthUnlocked?

SaskiaHU profile imageSaskiaHUHealthUnlocked137 Voters

Please select one:

24 Replies
Sanmateogirl107 profile image

you have a family who understands your pain when your own family does not support you or understands because they are afraid of the unknown. julie

orangecity41 profile image
orangecity41 in reply to Sanmateogirl107

Or do not have close family for support. This is my CKD family for support.

Bassetmommer profile image

All of those answers are important to me. I learn so much from others, gain so much from articles and info we share. I love the opportunities to be an advocate and work on research projects. And the emotional support is so helpful and wonderful.

Cat04 profile image

All of the above are important, at different times of our journey through diagnosis, realisation & acceptance of your conditions, treatment or management, and the future beyond.

Flossie72 profile image

I found this really difficult to answer as all the options apply to me at different times. A F isn't a steady progression although we all expect it to progress. Just when I feel things are settling down and I feel reasonably confident and secure with my situation , it jumps up and bites me again. Then I need to go back over everything I have heard and read. I re-need the emotional support, the wisdom and education from others, and I feel I am always learning something new about this condition. My life would be much more unsettled without this wonderful community.

jowalk6 profile image

All of the above really. It's like a warm hug when you're having a bad day. We all have our own stories and journeys and it's good to know your not alone in how you feel x 🤗

lgd333 profile image

All the above... I'm an advocate and ambassador on another health site, and love communicating, sharing experiences with people, and giving/receiving support.

Maisiethedog profile image

I initially joined to get information but I also really appreciate sharing experiences with others and giving and receiving support.

orangecity41 profile image
orangecity41 in reply to Maisiethedog

I also initially joined for education and found much support from others.

Beecalmed profile image

All of the above. Couldn’t pick just one. Just knowing there’s someone to talk to who really does know how you feel or really can answer your questions. Particularly during COVID when it feels like the NHS want to be there but just haven’t got the time or resources to treat AND support you. These forums ease anxiety, provide support and trusted information. Glad I found mine.

Evercurious profile image

All of the above, there is so little offered by my doctor, even less when you are searching on line.

agingfeminist profile image

excellent information from other members about specific issues in treating PMR/GCA

Cat00 profile image

I've never met anyone in real life with my conditions, knowing they are out there has changed everything for me.

Greyone profile image

When all else fails, support is still possible.

Izb1 profile image

Most of the above applies. I found myself in no mans land when first diagnosed with virtually no information and nowhere to turn. This site not only provided information but massive support from its members. The friendship I have found on here is second to none and I wouldnt be without it.

veriterc profile image

I am afraid I copy your information onto aftercancers.com as so much of it deserves a wider audience because it empowers us to ask for better care.

Coco63 profile image

I find the (PMR) site so informative and supportive. It’s somewhere I’m not afraid to ask questions from fellow sufferers and really wonder how I would have managed without it. Particularly as I feel my disease is way down the list of doctors’ priorities compared to those with more serious conditions, so would not have felt inclined to trouble my doctor with questions and would have felt very much in the dark as a result so thank you! 🥰

SORRELHIPPO profile image

Two way exchange, learning from other members and telling of my experiences, this then builds into support and feelings of being cared for.

francesw47 profile image

They are all important. I cannot prioritise one

Stairs10 profile image

I clicked on OTHER. It has been useful to get ideas on how other people have managed the condition. The advice given is not a cure but it's handy to learn what people have tried to alleviate pain and discomfort.

YelvertonDevon profile image

Primarily joined this site as my first Haematologist was numbers driven so for example treatment would happen at x. This site opened up a new world where many more things are possible and information on research being carried out around the world. . Warmth and fantastic sense of humour a huge added bonus. My second Haematologist was a recommendation from this site and he was excellent.

twooldcrows profile image

this site is like a big family that is always behind us no matter what is going on in their lives...great support living with MS....

Lotus-Blossom profile image

The most valuable part of being part of a community on Health Unlocked for me is the emotional support and building friendships with those who have similar experiences to me.Thanks for including me as a part of your survey. I enjoy taking part of them.

morrissel311 profile image

The comments under this post are so informative :)