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Would you be interested in hearing how Covid-19 has impacted others living with your conditions, and/or share how it has affected you?
I would be interested to hear others comments on how they feel about having the corona virus injection when it becomes available
When it comes....is it live vaccine? If so...could we take it?
I seriously doubt they will even consider a live virus. As far as I can tell most of the vaccines are focusing on specific qualities of the coronavirus, not on the entire life form. For those who understand these things (I don't really, it's like trying to understand something in a foreign lanaguage of which I know only a few words) this article looks quite interesting:
The injection id a mild flu that has been made to look like Covid by putting the spike like on it , the idea is that the immune system will think it is Covid and when covid does come along it will kill it because it believes that it is the same as the injection .I is NOT a covid injection only a mild flue regards Tom
The no is not the opposite of the 'yes' answers. Not good questions.
Nah, you're not aging! You're right smack dab ON TARGET!
and are you truly an old fart?
Yep. 83 now and practicing how to say 84. And you?
Creeping up on 71...just a spring chicken really...except the PMR made me feel more like a trussed bird...thank goodness for steroids.
I would be interested to hear others comments on how they dealt with Covid-19 etc etc
It would be nice if it really was in the past. I was in Lidl's this morning and elderly couple behind me were pushing up far to close - so I said - 6 feet please. Of course it's 6'6" in old money too! He snapped my head off with a very testy "all right all right!" There was absolutely no need to be getting close to me in the queue - no one behind him etc. And I had put their stopper thing way back on the belt thingy. Why is it so difficult for people to do?
I find waving my stick at people or tapping them on the bottom helps with safe distancing, might seem eccentric-but who cares !
Perhaps I should soon wear a purple hat with a feather in it !!!!
Watch out - you will arrested for "assault" in the age of woke-ism! 😂
Living in the UK, never heard of woke-ism before. ?
Apologies for my ignorance.
I hadn't heard of it either! I love daxies too but last one did her back in so I don't want to go there again - she was really lovely but the steroids wrecked her temper and she turned on me after she had knocked over the kitchen swing bin - I hadn't even said anything either! I wonder if our steroids would excuse us on an assault charge? Does anyone remember the woman who got off a very serious charge citing Pre Menstrual syndrome?!
I did get out of jury duty when I received a summons within days of starting pred 15 mg. Was quite disappointed because I'd always wanted to see how the process worked, but in the moment I knew I would not have good judgement, if I could even stay awake during the proceedings.
Sadly because many seem ignorant of the importance of safe distancing.... Either that or they just can’t be bothered. I’d happily risk being rebuked if asking others to keep back. Seems to have generally got a bit lax now death toll is dropping....
Is it dropping though? There seem to be a few spikes in various places. Lincolnshire is supposed to be low but I didn't think our MP helped matters much when he said we don't need to do a lot of these measures. Good way to create spikes it seems to me - not being Alert is crazy!
I agree Pippah45 it seems more and more are passed caring/forgetting about social distancing as time goes on, and yet more and more locations are getting very close to lockdown again. So many will be in for a very rude awakening. Then we still have Winter
to get through too, so watch this space. Now I describe myself as an optimist but I foresee a very difficult Autumn/WINTER/Spring coming up don't you ? Along with all the
usual coughs colds and seasonal flu, so do continue to keep your distance and stay away
from people during this period.
Yes I agree with you and I am so thankful that I live in an isolated spot and have cracked the grocery deliveries etc! I always used to baton down the hatches when Flu was around and it would be really good if wearing masks keeps on being accepted as a way to go forward. My mother used to wear a mask to stop spreading colds round the family and it worked none of us got colds from her. I kept colds to myself from my family by a lot of hand washing. Obviously not 100% but it worked quite well.
I have had one break from home in my caravan for a few days over my recent big birthday I felt very safe and it was good weather to chill out - hopefully I will be able to do some more but I am not sure I want to got NT property visiting and other things I normally do when away from home. Pity with time ticking by - my caravanning days have to be limited. I definitely had a bit of a battle to actually go as my driving confidence had been knocked a little. But I gave myself a good talking to! I think a few people are concerned about time limited life span but I sure as heck don't want to catch Covid 19 if I can help it.
What big birthday was that then Pippah45 ?
Well you could make a guess if I tell you 45 is significant but not my age?
My function here is to provide support, so in that context, if someone wants or needs to talk, I am happy to listen.
During lockdown I have been able to have much longer and more informative telephone consultations with consultants. Then, when I had an infusion it was like having private treatment! None of the usual long waits in Outpatients - I went in at the time of my appointment. The canula was inserted by a Sister and was done painlessly, and hospital transport was waiting to take me home, rather than having to wait around for hours! When I needed a blood test the District Nurse was told by my consultant to come to take this at my home, rather than me having to search round for someone to take me to the GP as I am very disabled.
I would be interested because i was not advised to shield until 28th July. So i can only wonder many things....
It would be interesting to hear peoples stories because I have a friend who works with the NHS (in the covid ward) & caught it herself)
For me, yes, all information is useful, however the thing I am most interested in, is not necessarily the people with the same conditions, but those who were already housebound as a result of their conditions, (as I am), how the fact, of how all these other people had to live the way they were already, but with a get out clause.
I would be interested to share how lockdown has affected me, but I thankfully have not had Covid-19. Lockdown has affected me in several ways, and still does
sent out of hospital after 2nd day with the verdict that I had NOT got it after 4 tests said NO Cov 19. for 5 to 6 weeks no medication and not knowing where I was or what was happening to me. I slowly regained myself and after another few weeks started to feel OK
received a message to attend Hospital for CT scan and after another two week got the results, Ground glass effect and I did have Cov 19. To make matters worse when I originally went into hospital the doctor came and said "If you have a heart attack or stroke I WILL NOR REVIVE YOU". I said I will not sign a DNR he then removed the oxe tube from me and went. NO hello I'm Dr x, or how do you fee. One good thing came of the one day stay they put me on a tablet that reduced my sugar levels to 4.5 average. Re the latest injections against cov. it is just a mild flue that has been made to look like cov by putting parts on it so it has the spikes and looks like cov, this makes the body think kill that and learns to do the same to Cov if you get it.
Hi Guy's & Girl's, I don't know if it's been said, but Who's getting the Standard Flu jab & is anybody having second thoughts, with all the rumour's floating round,
I’m having second thoughts about it, I feel a bit strange about it all at the moment, like I can’t trust the government to do the best thing for the people of the UK. Usually I’m all up for having the flu jab but I’ve become a bit wary of having any additional treatments due to the events of the last 6 months. Maybe I’m just being daft!

What rumours are floating around?
IF and it's a big if, people learn from the lessons of how social distancing and stronger measures can reduce the spread of infectious diseases, then there should be a record low number of deaths from flu this season. Bear in mind that the flu kills people over all age groups compared to COVID-19, where the deaths are predominantly in those older.
This link shows the record low flu season experienced by Australia. Just look at how flu cases dived in late March when Australia went into lockdown in Figure 9. The number of hospitalisations is way, way down too - to record lows, per Figure 7.
I've had my flu shot!

I don't think you are being daft - I was astounded the other day to hear someone say they trusted the government - after ALL they have got wrong? I don't trust them for sure!
I think the Govt seriously underestimated the gravity of Covid19 initially and was
grossly underprepared to deal with it. Hindsight is a wonderful creation. In my so called wisdom, the better part of valour persuades me not to be overcritical towards
this Govt. I very much doubt another could do any better in the circumstances. We should all try to support each other and protect one another from the scourges of
this pandemic. Pulling out of a total lockdown was always going to be extremely
difficult and this is proving to be so.
Very heroic of you cycleman - and I agree that no other government would have got things right. What I really object to is all the downright LIES. There wasn't enough PPE so why keep saying there was. The dishonesty puts me off almost all politicians. Are there any honest ones?

No I feel the same way believe I do not trust this Tory government at all.
Think it's the Chinese Govt we should never ever trust. After all it was they who
withheld leaking the existence of Covid-19 by at least 5 months maybe longer.
I read about an English person who was working in Wuhan and returned to
England in November 2019 and was later found to be infected with the disease. Blame the Chinese,
they have infected the entire planet !!
Yea I heard the same. Yea I blame the Chinese alright. Didn't they mess up in their nuclear plant as well ? Not so smart as I thought.
I think it affected my son more after weeks of staying in went and did a crime he has never committed before and is now looking at 11 years in prison. His mental health has plummeted and so has mine but I am on the right medications my son won't seek help but is now getting help on remand in prison after breaking down.
He's on in court soon and I hope they do a mental health report to help cut his sentence so he can manage or I fear it will brake him further. I can sleep it's ruined my routines and health.
It's completely knocked off my sleeping pattern. I now sleep in the day and up all night. Plus I have MY son going to court next week so throw in some worry.
I feel like a vampire hence my new avatars.
I just posted a letter 3 in the morning.
I got to get my medications on Friday morning so I will be up all night till gone 11 to pick up meds.
My rating is erratic to ice cream and hot pots.
The lockdown affected my son sending him a little stir crazy got into a street fight and is now looking at years in prison. I hope the judge takes his mental health and this crazy lockdown into his sentence cause none if this would of happened he hasn't done this kinda of thing before. So yes it's impacted me and mine for years to come.
Wishing you and your son the beat of luck Calvin. I hope he has a good solicitor working for him.
This is my second post but I have to say this .
I haven't been right since the pandemic. My son has been locked up doing something he's never done before. I think staying in has done a number on both of us. I can't sleep I did some light chores and suddenly I was struggling to breath. No it's not Covid it's inactivity. Just watching tv. Plus my boy is in court next week. I'm anxious again after finally getting rid of it for a long while. I think I'll go back to meditating.
Had a letter of my Ford dealer their closing down which was handy they were quite close to where I live. Now I have to go through the city and their mad driving speeds.
So much is changing. Businesses shops closing. No routine to speak of.
The Chinese could of informed us way before. I read that they were carry out test of the exact strain in their labs at Wahua and that their labs was dirty security was dreadful. I don't know it was fake news how can anyone really tell. But it's odd how one small area across the world can affect us so badly.
I do wonder did this lockdown give my son a kind of cabin fever because what he did was senseless and over the top.
I am angry tired worried fed up.
I've heard that because of the vulnerable demographic they are actually at least going to include elderly subjects in the test phases.
Hi, really interesting to read others comments, it's difficult having these learned conversations with yourself as you only have your own opinion😵!
There has been so much going and not going and opening and closing that it's really down to each person to protect themselves. No one else can do it for you! Between the queue pushers in the supermarkets, the heavy breathing joggers, the groups outside restaurants, we just have to keep that distance, or turn our back or even step out on the street to get around them. What does anybody else say? Hello anybody there or is it just me again☹️!