A cookie eating virus?: my comment on... - Lung Conditions C...

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A cookie eating virus?

Jaybird19 profile image
24 Replies

my comment on safety in hospitals has been regarded as political. remind me to use This person in future . This was about safety, not politics . Anyone of any persuasion would get the same comment. I spent my life working with infective material wearing protective clothing like this, and if it is provided then you should wear it in the manner intended . Iincidentally the ability to answer this post was removed on my tablet and the necessary cookies on my tablet disappeared at the same time, this might be coincidence but the tablet now will only give me the heading of a post and not download the main part, Should I be worried about interference else where, A cookie eating virus?.

i have found that this computer will do all that the tablet used to do but not at all wise to use.

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Jaybird19 profile image
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24 Replies

It wasn’t political, unless anything to say do with the nhs is political. Which would cover a great many posts and make the forum a bit pointless

Jaybird19 profile image
Jaybird19 in reply to

tell the administrator that ! i was surprised

Silly-mummy profile image

No it wasn’t political at all and agree with Hanne62 all you did was make a comment about Safety first but this forum is becoming a little bit like the school room you are not aloud to voice your opinion , and certain people in here do not like that but I quick enough to tell what you should do. Just putting it out there x

Jaybird19 profile image
Jaybird19 in reply to Silly-mummy

thanks I agree

cofdrop-UK profile image

No it wasn’t political and your point about safety within the NHS was very valid, especially in the present climate. It was shut down very quickly when the debate wasn’t nasty, offensive or unpleasant. In the old days the site was frequently offensive and we don’t want to go back to those days but if we are not allowed to debate anything re the NHS, then I agree with Hanne the forum would be pointless.

Stay safe

Jaybird19 profile image
Jaybird19 in reply to cofdrop-UK

thanks I was surprised by it.

hypercat54 profile image

I have just seen the post and agree with you. Apart from 1 reply everyone did.

Having said that as someone who remembers the terrible troll attacks of years ago I would rather err on the side of caution. This site nearly tore itself apart and there were serious doubts about it's survival.

Who remembers our heroic admins (who aren't as far as I know paid) Annieniel and our dear departed Mrsmummy (stand no nonsense or you will be bollocked - bless her) staying up until the early hours to stop trolls and keep the site a safe place.

I also remember being targeted by a troll several years who kept making up alias's to abuse me and others. MrsM categorically told HU that he was not allowed on the site. She even checked the new members list to catch his latest alias and deleted it straightaway! She was just as quick as our lovely Jan (Toci) who was smart as a whip who put her deerstalker cap on and kept an equally close eye. She was a good friend to me. x

Jaybird19 profile image
Jaybird19 in reply to hypercat54

how can people behave like that ?. gives them some dubious pleasure, I suppose. didn't know all that

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Jaybird19

We have all read about it happening online mainly to well known people. The world has some bitter, hate filled, inadequate people in it who use the internet to direct their ire. That's how they get their kicks.

I joined BLF a few months after they moved to HU for more protection against trolls. x

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to Jaybird19

Bev is right, it was appalling. Completely different now.

skischool profile image

Publish and be damned is my motto :) but having spent quite a lot of time in a suspended state under a previous regime of moderators be prepared for periods of self isolation. :)

Ex con Ski's and a cat who doesn't care.

Jaybird19 profile image
Jaybird19 in reply to skischool

really .? I know 2 greys had some problem also . have I joined a select band oF rebels ? But I would like my tablet access back again as this computer has its faults and is not easy. last time I typed that word predictive text changed it to wise ! There is so difference in the layout too

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Jaybird19

download a spell checker,and learn to skate on thin ice,it can be fun sometimes. :)

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to skischool

Oh I am no goodie two shoes as you well know skis, and have skated on thin ice before . Sailing close to the wind can be fun 😁

But there is a huge difference between that and trolling. Dear MrsMummy and I exchanged a few verbal battles! 😏 x

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to hypercat54

The only trolling i have ever engaged in was from the back of a fishing boat and even then i wasn't very good at catching things. :) xx

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to skischool

Ha ha I thought that was catfishing? 😁 x

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to hypercat54

I once got lacerated by a catfish whilst fishing in Margarita and shortly afterwards robbed and shot at.it wasn't one of my better days. :) xx

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to skischool

Choking on my coffee. Thanks. 😁😁 xx

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Jaybird19

I think 2greys was a technical glitch. This has happened to me before. x

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to Jaybird19

I put up some funny - in my view - youtubes. Someone who will remain nameless messaged me and bet they would be taken down in 10 minutes, which was pretty much what happened along with naughty schoolgirl style telling off. :D

Jaybird19 profile image
Jaybird19 in reply to O2Trees

but i have lost access to download post. can read the headings but not get any more and I don't now whole stole the cookies !!

this is only on android tablet that I use but can download on dsek computer which I rarely use. google tells me to enable these but how. I tried to message the admin that removed it but no success.. have reset password too. think I will have to try rejoining. Of course. it might be a coincidencethat the coolies are gone from the tablet.

moderator_AandLUK profile image
moderator_AandLUKAdministratorVolunteer in reply to skischool

Thanks, Ski's, I'll bear that in mind!

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to moderator_AandLUK

:) :)

moderator_AandLUK profile image

Hi Jaybird. Well, here we are again! I didn't want to delete your previous post because it was making a potentially valid point but in a political context. Similarly, you have chosen this time to make the same point, but in the context of having replies blocked on the previous one; none of this is really necessary if you have a valid point to make, which is not in dispute.

Following your previous post, another member asked me why I had blocked further replies. I didn't feel it appropriate to elaborate in my reply to your original post, but this might be an opportune time, given the responses you have received to this post, to put this into context by reproducing my reply to the other member below:

""Thanks for taking the time to write. I accept that, to a certain extent, any decision on whether something is "political" is subjective, if only because politics is not confined to political parties, and permeates much of our lives.

HealthUnlocked and its associated organisations try to avoid anything contentious from appearing on its fora for the simple reason that this tends to result in people taking sides and ensuing arguments. Moderators try to avoid making decisions on the rights and wrongs of particular comments (after all, these fora are designed to allow people to express their opinions freely), only to enforce the Guidelines, which are shown in the "Pinned Posts" on the right hand side of any post. As you will see, the Guidelines include a lot of information on what is not acceptable, and moderators have a lot of discretion on what to allow.

Because all moderators are volunteers, most moderation is done reactively (ie, following reports from members). [I have removed some detail here as it is a public forum, but I will write to you privately]. I took the decision to retain the post but block further replies because the existing replies were largely inoffensive; I would have deleted the post if subsequent replies had become abusive which, sadly, has become an all too common occurrence of late. Basically, my intention was to prevent the sort of escalation which we have been too late to prevent in other cases.

Hope that goes some way to explaining the background to my actions in this particular case."

Obviously, we can't please all the people all of the time, or always get it "right". Only just recently we overlooked a potentially contentious post, which had received no inappropriate replies in several hours, only to receive 11 reports in the subsequent 7 hours!

As the song goes: "It's not what you say, it's the way that you say it", and this is particularly relevant to this forum. It is entirely possible to put over a view without breaching any of the Guidelines, and I am sure that such posts carry more weight.

Lastly, help us to help you - the more people who stick to the Guidelines, the less interventions we need to make, and the more helpful the forum is to everyone (which is, after all, its primary purpose!).

Keep safe and well.


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