NHS website : Being unable to sleep... - Lung Conditions C...

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NHS website

25 Replies

Being unable to sleep after diagnosis of COPD decided to look on NHS website taking about progressive disease then finally end of life

This has made me ten times worse oh god help me...now firmly believe I have been given a death sentence.

Feel totally sick.and even more afraid than ever

25 Replies
jabber profile image

Hi Emily, don't panic! And don't go back to Dr Google. Read again all those responses to your last post. You have NOT been given a death sentence.

I also have asthma and was diagnosed with severe COPD 11 years ago. Many people here were diagnosed longer ago than that. I'm still going strong and feel much better now than I did then as I'm now receiving the correct treatment. Now you've been diagnosed, you will be prescribed appropriate medications and you will be back in control. You may not need oxygen - we have members here who don't need it. You've given up smoking which is the best thing you could do for yourself. You say you don't get very breathless, so try to exercise regularly as this will also help you to keep well. And don't worry about what stage you might be - it's just numbers. Much more important is how you feel and whether your inhalers are working well for you. If they're not, they can be changed to something which suits you.

Try to get some sleep now, and come back for more support any time you need to. We know how you feel and are always willing to listen.

With love, Jan :)

in reply to jabber

Thank you for your response and support

hypercat54 profile image

Yes I am sure the NHS covers this as well. Most never reach end of life from it and I doubt whether you will. We are the ones who live with lung disease and between us we are pretty much experts.

We had someone on here end stage (passed now) who was given 3 years and lived 11. You have a lot of living to do yet so don't spend it worrying

If you are in the UK why not ring the BLF helpline on 03000 030 555 and ask to speak to the nurse there. They are open office hours. x

in reply to hypercat54

I know everyone is being helpful. I am just unclear of my future. And I can't see one. May be if I get some sleep. Thank you

Yatzy profile image

Hi Emily. Try not to worry quite so much. I think you might just be overreacting as you begin to find out what this diagnosis entails.

You’ve only just been diagnosed, I think, and COPD tends to progress slowly. My husband had a similar change of diagnosis from asthma to copd, plus some bronchectasis. He was advised to take an extra inhaler each day, and his breathing is improving well.

My Mum has mild copd and she was 99 last week! There’s a wide variety of stages of copd.

I hope you have a chance to get more information from your GP/nurse soon. There are loads of people on here with copd who will answer any worries too. Also the helpline for this site is very helpful.

I hope you’ll manage to settle to sleep soon. Night night 💕

in reply to Yatzy

Got results today over the phone from my GP heard COPD moderate to severe he thinks ...heard nothing else. Now just feel I will have to stop work have oxygen and die.. my brain is doing overtime.

Night and thank you

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply to

You’re jumping too far ahead in your thinking again, Emily...you cannot know yet how your copd is likely to progress....slow, slow down. I think you’re worrying about something unlikely to happen, if it ever does, for a long, long time yet.

Ssshh! Give your mind peace.....hope you’re sleeping soundly by now....xx

in reply to Yatzy

Hi Thank you but had no sleep at all.

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply to

Oh dear....wishing you a better day today, Emily, with more information on your condition, that helps to settle your mind. 💕

in reply to Yatzy

Hi going for flu jab as not had it sats 95 but pulse when I am walking 123.

I don't know if that's a good idea having flu jab

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply to

Do ask at the surgery...but they’ll want you to have it unless you have an infection currently is my guess. But ask first. Also maybe ask if there’s a nurse or dr available to explain your recent diagnosis. Explain how worried it’s made you feel. Good luck 🌹

in reply to Yatzy

No infection I don't think but I didn't know when I had last infection until I ended up in hospital

in reply to Yatzy

Good idea re nurse although it may be nurse doing injection

Whitechinchilla profile image

Hi again Emily61.

Please, don’t panic. You don’t have the full picture yet.

Phone your surgery and ask to see a practice nurse as soon as possible. You need answers and you are entitled to ask for them.

And leave Mr Google alone until you know the exact extent of your situation. A little knowledge can be dangerous.

All of us here understand and know only too well that getting upset will

not, sadly, change the situation.

Please you must look after yourself.

In finishing I have a question that has helped me in many difficult situations.


Try it, it may help.

Good wishes. Keep posting.

in reply to Whitechinchilla

Going for the flu jab today...I know and hear what you are saying Dr said he will speak to nurse Monday and then arrange appointment...I may contact community respiratory nurse as I am known to them since hospital admission in December...they might be able to explain if they too have my results on the system.

I can't help this anxiety trying not to stress but so so scared...

in reply to Whitechinchilla

I have just phoned earliest they have is 5th March at surgery

Whitechinchilla profile image
Whitechinchilla in reply to

Do try the Respiratory nurse. And if you can’t get a appointment then talk to a nurse on the BLF helpline. Talking will help you.

It’s perfectly ok to be scared Emily61. We all understand.

But don’t isolate yourself, that cannot help.

Do keep trying until you find someone to talk with, today if poss.

Very good wishes.

You have family here now who understand. Lean on that.

in reply to Whitechinchilla

Oh thank you feel given diagnosis and then left to get on with it sorry for moaning

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to

Nothing to be sorry for Emily. We all remember what it was like to get our diagnosis and how devastated we were. It takes time to come to terms with it but you will as we all do.

Vent and ask as many questions as you like, we are all here for you. x

in reply to hypercat54

Thank you going back after having flu jab to see my Dr recweptionusit squeezed me in. I know it will not change diagnoses but at least he will be able to explain things face to face

christina1947 profile image

Thinking of you Emily the anxiety is much worse than the copd symptoms maybe ask for help with anxiety until you get meds sorted and your condition managed. You will get it managed and you will be fine take care

Whitechinchilla profile image

Good that you have pointed out that anxiety is the worst.

It is very true.

Each time I walk my sats go to 93 and pulse to.123 I am not exerting myself when I sit down it's 97 and pulse 70 am I worrying unnecessarily sorry everything is scaring me now...I am going to see if someone can go through my results as I am making myself quite ill. Had my inhaler as struggling to breath not sure if that's my anxiety or copd as not sure how copd affects me..quite angry Dr told me over the phone yesterday. Should have afforded the time to sit down and gone through it with me. Now I am having an annual asthma copd review March. I am beside myself now really

Whitechinchilla profile image

O my golly, I really feel for you Emily61.

It must feel as if the anxiety is overwhelming you.

I don’t mean to sound bossy or harsh. Just understanding how you are feeling.

Best thing you can do is find some way to relax.

Now we ALL know that is easier said than done.

I have had bad days where I have done exactly what you are doing. Checking my numbers every 30 mins expecting a miracle and getting upset when I didn’t find one.

Find something to distract yourself.

The only person who can look after you properly, is you.😄

You can get through this.

Good wishes.

in reply to Whitechinchilla

You are right I know

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