Oxygen levels/speed of recovery - Lung Conditions C...

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Oxygen levels/speed of recovery

wheezyof profile image
28 Replies

I've just got a fingertip oxygen reading gadget. At rest I get the same level as I normally get at my consultant appt. 94

I've been popping it on my finger a fair few times in the last 24 hours just so I know what's my normal.

Doing something simple, making a cuppa, going to the loo causes a dip, my levels drop to anything from 70 - 90.

My question is : how soon should the levels go back to my normal?

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wheezyof profile image
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28 Replies

My advice? Bin it! The constant changes could drive you up the wall.

wheezyof profile image
wheezyof in reply to

I like your answer. However it was my doctor who suggested that I had the meter, got to know my norm, then it would be another check, when I felt ill, as to it being a flare up or other unwell. Just like the peak flow readings. My norm 240, if it drops below 200 it's just one sign of a flare up.

I'm not worried by the drop in oxygen, just curious about the length of recovery time.

in reply to wheezyof

I was concerned that you were going the way of some of my friends who have bought all sorts of gadgets and have worried themselves silly by the natural fluctuation that take place within our bodies. A bit hasty with my advice I'm afraid.

wheezyof profile image
wheezyof in reply to


It was sound advice and meant kindly. Thank you, please keep coming with your words of wisdom xxxx

Offcut profile image

I have a finger o2 / Heart rate gizmo too. But I use it as a bench mark. I have multi conditions and what I think is important is the recovery time. Dropping below 80 for any length of time is not great for the organs. I have been told to keep an eye on my BP so use a cuff BP machine as well at home. I have a Peak flow meter as well ;) All recommened by my doctors.

Be WEll

wheezyof profile image
wheezyof in reply to Offcut


Your doctor and mine must think alike. How long are you at rest before your oxygen levels go back up? I know we are all different but I'd like a rough idea of what I should expect.

Truth is, I just like knowing things. I love solving puzzles too. xx

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to wheezyof

Now that is a question that is hard to answer. Yesterday I was not breathing well at rest so it took a lot longer to recover. It can on the better days be 10 to 15 mins before I am up to speed/my normal which can be anything from 90 to 94 at rest? When I do to much walking then it takes my calfs and breathing a lot longer?

wheezyof profile image
wheezyof in reply to Offcut

Thank you x

ledge profile image

like you, my doctor has also recommended I know what my norms are - even as variable as they can be. So on a good day my norm is about 96 but I can walk up stairs one moment and it drops to 90 then on another day same stairs, and guess what no variation. So make of that what you will. However, I do exercise in a very light aerobic session at the gym and also when I did my Pulmonary rehab, I noticed that I would become desaturated - in about 3mins into the event. Down to say 92 - Heres the odd bit THEN it would rise to say 94 even whilst I was still bobbling about. However at the end of my walk test which tested me hugely in both distance and speed I dropped to 87% but it took about 2 minutes to get back to normal.. my normal that is. Does that help. I guess what I am saying is we are all different, and even our own bodies can react differently with out I suppose too much rhyme or reason.

wheezyof profile image
wheezyof in reply to ledge

Hello Ledge,

Yes that helps. I agree that we are all different and we can have various results at different times.

However, your recovery time must have been okay at pulmonary rehab or the physio running the session would have taken some kind of action. As they didn't refer you back to your doctor or blue light you to hospital I'm assuming that if I have similar recovery times I'm okay too.

Even allowing for us/our lung conditions being different I reckon my recovery rate is within safe limits.

Thank you x

O2Trees profile image

I think the standard and looked for time for return to normal O2 levels is 2 minutes but we are all different. There are other things such as heart rate to consider too. And there will always be some with perfectly healthy variations on all these averages - cos that is what they are, averages, happening in the overall context of your health generally.

wheezyof profile image
wheezyof in reply to O2Trees

Thank you,

I'm not wound up about the readings and realise they will vary enormously for lots of reasons. It's just nice to have an idea what to expect. At the hospital/doctors my readings are normally taken after sitting about in the waiting room for quite a while. Obviously they drop when I'm active so using the oxygen faster. I just didn't know how long it should take for my levels to rise again. With all the answers here I'm getting to know xx

goat-lady profile image

I love my oxymetre - but can c it might drive u crazy. I just use it as a bench mark - as other people have said. If after activity / sitting it doesn't get into the mid-90s over a period of days then I suspect there may be a problem brewing. My usual is around 96. I usually allow 10/15 mins minimum between activities - works for me.

wheezyof profile image
wheezyof in reply to goat-lady

Thank you.

It seems to vary a bit from person to person but with all the answers here I'm getting some idea of acceptable times x

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to wheezyof

I got the two minutes from the time the physios use when you finish your fix minute walk test.

john110865 profile image

Here is my tuppence worth. May help, may not. In December 2017, I was placed on LTOT at 3L / min at home and 10L / min ambulatory. In March 2018, I was advised that I most likely had Hepatopulmonary Syndrome. Having done much research and reading many articles, the diagnosis of HPS is looking 100%. So what happens with me is:

At rest with no O2, my SATS are 86-90. If I walk to the kitchen, they drop to mid 70's. Bear in mind the finger SPO2 meters take a few (up to 20 in my experience) seconds to re-calibrate. If I then sit with no O2, I recover to my normal in 2-3 minutes.

On 3L / min O2, resting SATS are 90-97. Walking to kitchen my SATS drop to 80-82. But return to my normal slightly quicker. Even on 10L / min my SATS drop to 84-86 on walking. ANY movement (standing or walking) causes my SATS to drop way below 90.

With HPS, the supine (laying flat) position keeps my SATS 88-92 (I do not us o2 while asleep for example). But, just standing my SATS drop to 82-84 on or off O2. Walking just makes matters worse.

The mechanics (in my case) are - Right to left shunt (like hole in heart), IPVD occurring (dilation in Lungs - especially base thereof).

I do not feel short of breath, I can work through low levels, but I try not too as it IS damaging my Organs at 80%. At present, I rest as much as I can, but I am getting very bored!

As stated, no idea if this helps, but for sure it is my experience. I am awaiting a LT with a UKMELD of 57, which is the only known possible cure at present. Problem being, if the SATS get worse, they will probably not accept me as the risks will be too great.

Happy to discuss more if this sounds like you / anyone on here.

ps - please be aware that your O2 levels are very important. Get to the bottom of why they drop, especially if below 80. Keep Well John.

wheezyof profile image
wheezyof in reply to john110865

Thank you for such a comprehensive answer.

It's good to hear other people experiences xx

Hacienda profile image

I have to do my Sats every Morning, as I am on Transplant List. My Consultant arranged for me to have the whole "Tele Health care package", But, as the NHS went into "No Money Situation" My H/C Tablet" had to be returned, under the instruction that I carry on and write all my Sats down every Morning. It is a Vital part of my day and I Know If I need Help because of the Readings. Average 02, is 92. on exertion it drops to 87/88, after a few Minute ( 5 mins) it will come back up. BP can be up/down, but not that Bad to worry. Body Temp is Good, will change if I have an Infection. I go to see my Transplant Doctor on Tuesday 4th, so I can show him, How well I have Been, I hope he returns the favour, and Grants me New Lungs. xxxx

HungryHufflepuff profile image
HungryHufflepuff in reply to Hacienda

I hope so too! I’ll be thinking of you on Tuesday 🤞

wheezyof profile image
wheezyof in reply to Hacienda

Good luck for Tuesday. Thank you for your reply. With the answers hear I'm really building a picture of what's acceptable. Without getting obsessed I'm monitoring my normal so I'll be aware of drastic changes.

maggiewhiteley profile image
maggiewhiteley in reply to Hacienda

I didnt know you were back on the list, I am so pleased for you, and hope you don't wait to long.

Hacienda profile image
Hacienda in reply to maggiewhiteley

This was two years ago Maggie when I was on the list, never went back on it. Today I am at end Stage COPD and have Palliative care Nurses now. Stay well. xxx C.

maggiewhiteley profile image
maggiewhiteley in reply to Hacienda

I am so sorry, I have no idea how I ended up in old postings,

Balloo profile image

Hia I have one on my smart. I phone . Always ok 94 plus now this with certain lung stuff not about oxygen level it's the get rid the co poison . It's the breath out I use technique which does seem strange it's called breath out . Had a good pulmonary rehab but you on line u tube breathing . It seems strange cause u feel like u want breath my lungs wrecked TB lots stuff do up houses. Back Uk they know nothing .

wheezyof profile image

Thank you,

Yes the CO2 levels are important. It was the dr suggested I use the oxygen levels as part of a check list of my state of health. x

Brighteststar profile image

Hi wheezyof,

Where do you buy the gadgets from that you put on your finger I would like to buy one.


HungryHufflepuff profile image
HungryHufflepuff in reply to Brighteststar

This is a good place for all kinds of things:


wheezyof profile image
wheezyof in reply to Brighteststar

The link HungryHufflepuff has given is good or Amazon. A friend got mine for me.

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