COPD : I've recently been diagnosed... - Lung Conditions C...

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14 Replies

I've recently been diagnosed with Emphysema/COPD. My wife has only noticed tonight that my ankles have swollen.

Can anyone help me with this?

IE what it means?

14 Replies

Hi sorry I can't help but just wanted to say hi. I am sure you will get a lot of replies in the morning as us copders tend to be away to our beds quite early. There should still be a few bods around though. x

Jessy11 profile image

Hi & welcome to the forum bizylad. I'm not sure I'll be of much help to you, but I would advise you to see your GP.

It could be a number of reasons why your ankles are swollen. I've not heard of it being a symptom of Copd.

Hopefully someone will be on who can give you an answer. Most will be in bed by now.

Take care 🌼

LaurieRose profile image

Hi bizylad, we're you given anything with steroid in for your recent diagnosis? This makes some people swell as a side effect because of the cortisol. Until you can see go keep your feet up and drink plenty water. Best healthy wishes


Azure_Sky profile image

Hello Bizylad, For a while after finding out I have COPD my ankles swelled. For me regular walking was the cure. Also losing weight.

gingermusic profile image

I have the same as you and occasionally I have the same problem. Went to GP and it was brushed off as nothing to worry about. I just make sure when sitting my feet are up off the floor and it always goes away. maybe a visit to the GP would give you a better explanation but I was led to believe nothing to worry about

Ergendl profile image

I discussed swollen ankles with my GP, who prescribed a diuretic and another tablet for my high blood pressure, which has helped a little. I can put 1 to 2 kg fluid on during the day and lose it all again by morning with trips to the toiled overnight. Keeping active and putting feet up when resting, seems to help. I have moderate COPD.

Roessner541 profile image

I don't know what it means but my lung doctor always checks mine so I would let them know, it can't be good

I read swollen ankles can be one of the signs of copd

Nanny1086 profile image

Hi ,I don't have the answer I'm afraid ,but when I have an infection and the COPD nurse comes out to see me ,,, she always asks and checks to see if my ankles/feet are swollen ,, I dint know why ,,, but it could be another symptom, so in the mean time lots of drinks and feet up when podpssibke ,best wishes ,

Ian_D profile image

Hi bizylad: what a great "handle"!

I think that swollen ankles go with the territory of COPD/emphysema medication. It's the steroids what do it. Have had variably swollen ankles ever since my diagnosis (two years). Byproduct of relatively less mobility perhaps, also?

Have had to be more selective over choice of socks!!

"Put your feet up" and have a Happy Christmas!

Dmactds profile image

I occasionally have swollen ankles and it's nothing more than an indication I need to get off my bum and move, get some exercise, walk..., do SOMEthing; we've gotten used to a sedentary life and as we age "things" happen.

Also, when you're curious about something like this, type in your question to Google and check out what comes up; there's a wealth of information on the "Intertubes", some good, some bad. Look for links to official sites; for instance, on this you'd look for a link to some recognizable health organization.

Cheers !!!


Mooskie profile image

I don't know what it means if you have swollen ankles, but,I do know it is one of the questions I am always asked when I see my go or pulmonary doc. I have very severe copd but seldom any swelling. I think you should discuss with your doc. Going d luck.

mattcass profile image

Bizyladd, I take 2 tablets every morning to reduce the swelling and I get bloods taken every 3 months, They are called Furomemide 2 daily 40mgs tabs. Check with your Gp or PhysioNurse.good luck you do spend a bit time in the toilet before lunch.Mattcass

tamariki profile image

Swollen feet and lower legs is a typical sign of heart problems according to my doctor. I take furosemide and a potassium tablet daily. I also weigh myself every morning. I take the diuretic to reduce the swelling in my legs/feet, so drinking water will only make things worse. I recently had a heart attack, and was told the swelling is due to water retention in my lungs. There is plenty of good information on the internet regarding limb swelling.

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