Copd lifespan : I am 37 years old and... - Lung Conditions C...

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Copd lifespan

51 Replies

I am 37 years old and was diagnosed with very mild COPD. My doctor states that this will not affect my lifespan at all. I would have thought that being diagnosed at a young age would shorten my life span significantly. I'd love to be wrong on this but feel confused? Thanks to any that have advice on the topic.

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51 Replies
RibvanRey profile image

Hi. Your Dr is correct. If you smoke then stop. Keep fit and eat healthily. Avoid places with polluted air. Try and stay away from infection. You are more likely to die from a road traffic collision or an heart attack than from COPD. HTH

Regards Rib

in reply to RibvanRey

I guess I assumed being diagnosed young would mean an earlier demise. Thank you for your response Rib!

RibvanRey profile image
RibvanRey in reply to

Pleasure. If you are in UK, your profile doesn't say, you could ring BLF for a chat with one of the nurses. Their number is at the top of the page - click the Red Balloon. They will answer your concerns. COPD has no cure but it isn't necessarily a killer. Rib

vittorio profile image
vittorio in reply to RibvanRey

Hi Ribvan - ALL things are RELATIVE , - your Doctor says it " Will not affect your lifespan " - but WHAT IS YOUR "LIFESPAN " ?, what is ANY OF OUR "LIFESPANS " ? NO ONE KNOWS ( except God, but that is just a personal opinion ) , it can't be calculated of even guessed at, as by definition it could be hopelessly WRONG !!! . = A pal of mine was once "Diagnosed " as "BEING IN THE LAST STAGES OF CANCER " - that was EIGHTEEN YEARS AGO !!! AND HE'S STILL GOING STRONG , AND HAS OUTLIVED TWO OF THE DOCTORS THAT MADE THIS DIAGNOSIS !! - the Doctors were totally wrong on this one , so, be positive and live your life to the full, you will soon learn that LIFE IS FULL OF CONTRADICTIONS - THANK THE LORD !!! - GOOD LUCK.

Pietba profile image

I was also Diagnosed with stage one and I'm 57 and all the replies that I,ve got on this site agrees with your Dr's statement. As a matter of fact I've talked to a friend that's and overseer of Deep Mining clinics. There are a lot of deep mines in SA and a lot of miners develop Emphysema (COPD) The moment they find a miner developed it they bring him above ground or board him. Their findings are that the moment the miner is removed from the foul air (same as smoking) he actually get back a certain percentage of his capacity (10-15%) and then stabilise. From then onwards the lungs age the same as anybody else's (20-25 ml per annum ) provided one stay away from danger factors i.e. Sicknesses, foul air, smoking, open fires (we loves it in SA and its poison to the lungs). And yes Important stay fit and exercise.

However I went through a stage where in my mind I was suffocating. Funny thing is I the took the dog and took a walk up a mountain without getting short breathed and then I was relaxed when I got back home. Don't allow this to get into your mind it will kill you. Luckily I'm over that now with the help of my dog and a bit of Urbanol when I get a panic attack. Rib van Rey is correct - you are more likely to get run over by a Greyhound bus than dying of this. Its not a killer it's a reading on a meter and a condition that one unfortunately can not get rid of.

in reply to Pietba

Thank you so much for your reply! I too had that constant feeling of suffocation even though I could run around the block without being short of breath. It seems to be worse when im stressed or scared. Recently have not had it at all. Thank you again for your reply.

victoriablue profile image

Morming Suzipete your life span should not be affected I am now 69 and was diagnosed in my early 30s.

So stop worrying I new less then and the help and information that is available now is loads better.

Also this site is a great place for you any worrys and someone will be in the same place willing to help.

All the best for a long and healthy life. Rose

rubyred777 profile image
rubyred777 in reply to victoriablue

Hi Victoriablue,

You look like you could be my sister! I have had copd about 6 yrs now. My fev 1 is 62 , oxygen 93 when laying down , 97-98 when up and about. My peak flow is 300. I'm very glad to meet you.

victoriablue profile image
victoriablue in reply to rubyred777

Hi there Rubyred do we look alike? They say everyone has a double :)

Nice to meet you as well I have had COPD since I was in my early 30s I am 69 now :( lol not so hot on diagnoses then so I was treated as asthmatic for a long time.

Any way keep in touch hope things are doing well. Rose

in reply to victoriablue


Very pleased to meet you Victoria. I have not come across anyone else diagnosed at my age or younger.

sukee52 profile image

I was only 16 when I was diagnosed with a lung function of an 80 year old, and I am now in my 60's so try not to worry too much. Any diagnosis can be frightening, but there is lots of help and advice available which should reassure you.

in reply to sukee52

Thank you for your reply!

Offcut profile image

I was a lot younger than you when a locum diagnosed Asthma in my many years ago. Not long before Asthma was recognised they treated it with valium as they thought it an anxiety problem? COPD is a broad term to Chronic lung conditions, sounds a lot worse than it is. As things move forward in the medical world GP's etc are finding out problems earlier and able to treat. I now have RLD, PH and heart conditions to help things along. :(

As for life expectancy most of that is what you do in life and the way you look after yourself plus the million and one other things that get thrown into the mix of human existence!

Unusually both my parents were diagnosed with Leukaemia my Father lived for 34 years after diagnosis my Mother lived for 6 weeks?

As for H2o2 that has been mentioned on here I am not convinced it is safe to self administer! (My Opinion)

Be Well

peege profile image
peege in reply to Offcut

Thank you for saying that Ofcut. I too believe we shouldn't be advising newly diagnosed people to take Hydrogen Peroxide. We are not medics after all. I have seen it, smelt it, held it in my hand. Little bottles of highly concentrated bleach. Dangerous in the wrong hands.

Suzipete, a warm welcome to this site.

How did the gp or hospital diagnose you? Why did you have to go to doc in the first place?

Do you smoke, or live in very polluted area or work with chemicals or dusty a environment? Perhaps brought up in a haze of cig smoke?

It's always possible they got it wrong, occasionally GPs do.

The thing is, if you're diagnosed young there should be a reason. If none of the above Apply to you then there could be an underlying reason.

I don't wish to alarm you in any way at all, you might just ask them "why" - that's if none of the above apply.

There are a few things you can do to stay very well:

*Get flu jab asap

*Get pneumonia jab asap (think it include septicaemia & meningitis, not sure)

*practice hand hygeine to avoid bugs! get some hand gel for your bag

*avoid coughs! sneezes people with bugs (tough but important).

*take a good multivit&mineral and a Vit D3 daily - all year!

*keep your immune system tip top

You need to avoid getting chest infections really if you can.

Wishing you all the best. Peege

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to peege

I used it a very diluted state to treat my pond and tropical fish and it was a kill or cure but Most of the time scarred them!

I have read medical reports were H2o2 has been used with benefit but under strict controls and tests! Mistakes are long term problems and should not be taken. (my Opinion)

peege profile image
peege in reply to Offcut

My opinion too. My husband used it to kill off invaders in his body, Cancer principally. He tried to push it on to all of us in the family as a cure all. It was frightening. it didn't work in his case.

He died leaving massive debts on cards paying tens of thousands on cure alls.

in reply to peege

Hello Peeg, thank you for your reply! I was diagnosed a year ago after doing a spiro test. I've had three tests so far. I've also had my heart looked at as well to make sure it was not a heart issue masking itself as COPD. I've had the genetic test for it as well and it was negative for the Alpha gene. The doctor said he's seen this in even younger people.

I get short of breath climbing stairs or carrying heavy objects. I can run and walk just fine though. I also had this constant feeling of suffocation. Like I could never get enough air. I've had that since my mid twenties. It's recently improved. I've been smoke free for a year now. I quit the very second I found out I had this. Thank you again for your reply.

peege profile image
peege in reply to

Ah, that's good the Alpha 1 test was negative. That's what I was talking about but didn't want to alarm you further.

Your description sounds remarkably like asthma. have you been tested for that? Are you on inhalers?

I have asthma and mild copd . I may even be borderline COPD now as I've learnt so much since joining this site.

My asthma was dx 10 years ago but not properly controlled until recently. I know really that I had it all my life, just very fit. Only when I climbed hills did I think I was having a heart attack or something.

You could always ring the helpline 03000 030555 they are brilliant.

Peege , good luck

in reply to peege

The doctor tried albuterol during my spiro and it had little response. Sure wish it was asthma! Thank you for all your advice and comments!

in reply to

this is a prime reason not to trust doctors the side effects could of made you even worse.

in reply to Offcut

Thank you so much for your reply Offcut and the information.

Laura296 profile image

Hi Suzipete,I have had Emphysema since I was 34.I am 56 and still here..Enjoy life sweetie and don't smoke...Rib has given you all the advice you need.Kind Regards Laura x

rubyred777 profile image
rubyred777 in reply to Laura296

Hi Laura 296,

What is your secret to taking care of your lungs? What are your stats. Fev 1, oxygen, peak flow. I'm always interested in not only how long with copd but how good is your quar of life. Its a pleasure to meet you .

~ RUBY ~

Laura296 profile image
Laura296 in reply to rubyred777

Hello, sweetie,If you do all the things peeg and rib advice you,these are the methods of staying well as you can.My quality of life was excellent ,up until 2yrs ago and I deteriorated quite quickly,I am awaiting a lung reduction operation in January..I smoked for most of my life and wish I hadn't ,but there are always ppl worse off..Pleasure t meet you too.laura x

in reply to Laura296

Thank you so much Laura! Glad to meet someone else that was diagnosed young!

Good Morning - I am glad to tell you that your Doctor is correct!!! My husband was diagnosed eventually when he was about 50 (now 66) - but actually he had been showing symptoms for a long time before. By the time he went to the Doctor he was already moderate/severe. The only advise I would give is to look after yourself - my top three tips are:-

Stop Smoking - a must

Keep fit - absolutely necessary

Chest infections - at the first sign get to the doctors and gets some meds.

Finally if you feel that you are not breathing as well as you could be or not well - dont wait like my husband did! - go to the doctor and prevent further damage.


in reply to

Thank you very much Tadaw! I value your advice!

Jeremy76 profile image

We are almost on the same page, i'm 38 and was diagnosed with mild emphysema in March this year.

I do get tired more easy sweat more and get muscle fatigue. Breathing is ok, can't complain.

It would be good to keep in touch with you as we are a relatively new demographic in this.

How are you feeling?

in reply to Jeremy76

Hi Jeremy, it is such a pleasure to meet you! Yes please keep in touch, I've not met anyone else as young as myself with this condition. I too have muscke fatigue but have found walking/running helped build them up so its not as it was before. Aside from being tired and breathless at times I feel fairly well. I was very frightened after being disgnosed. I'm a bit better now. Thank you for your reply!

Hi suzipete nice to meet you and welcome to the site. I can't add to the great advice you have been given. I will only add this - please don't google indiscrimately as you will scare yourself silly. Stick to official recognised sites like this one. I appreciate it is a scary diagnosis though.

Even though you are young to be diagnosed your doctor is absolutely right. If you take proper care of yourself there is no reason why you can't live to be 100. You might even end up fitter than others in your age group! Most of all don't let it define your life - get on and enjoy it. x

in reply to

Thank you so much for your reply cough a lot!

eightyplus profile image

Well I am 82 years old and not planning any journeys in the near future. You have had the advice from the best of the best.


No smoking and do your exercise.

in reply to eightyplus

Thank you eighty plus! Great solid advice!

caz1988 profile image

In 2008 I was diagnosed with mild COPD emphysema, I'm now at severe ( stage 4 ) awaiting news to be put on the transplant list as I'm only 50, reason it progressed so quickly is I carried on smoking and didn't really look after myself. I'm now 15 months smoke free and although not cured I feel a difference from being smoke free. Both my hubby and brother were diagnosed mild this year my brother hasn't smoked in 15 years hubby stopped in April none of them are on any medication for COPD. Everyone is different but if you stop smoking and keep healthy progression will be slow. Regards Caz x

in reply to caz1988

Well wishes to you Caz! I'll be praying for your transplant to come through soon! Thank you for your reply.

btown profile image

Hi Suzipete, you have some very good info on this site, learn about your condition and keep fit, I have taken up tai che to help with my breathing, and cut out dairy, camomile tea and honey and ginger tea are great. I use First defence spray from boots the chemist to keep away cold viruses, flu jab is essential and wrap up well before venturing out in winter, I use a buff to cover my mouth and nose so I dont breathe in cold air.

hope this helps a little. T

onamission profile image

I was diagnosed 10 years ago at the age of 42, yes you are very young when I was diagnosed I stopped smoking and for the first 3 years my level stayed as it was and then I got the flu.

Your lungs will never improve but if you look after yourself you can remain stable

in reply to onamission

Thank you so much for your reply. My doctor seems to think ill stay mild and not progress as long as I do not ever smoke again. I'm hoping he is correct. My research shows the latter. Thank you again.

onamission profile image

It is also very important you keep away from people with flu as often when someone with COPD gets the flu it turns to a chest infection

in reply to onamission

Thank you! I have had three or four chest infections since my late twenties that were bad. I run from sick people as best that I can! Thank you for your reply.

I was diagnosed with COPD when I was 45 years old, I will soon be 73 & in between these years I like most People with COPD have had a rough ride, also I have suffered perforated & collapsed lungs & I am still here. Ribvanray is quite correct with the advice he has given you. so take care & don't worry.

in reply to

Thank you so much Art! Sorry you have had a rough ride but glad you are still around!

The Doctors always right, so why not leave it at that,

in reply to

Having worked in the medical field for several years I've found that one should always do their own research in regards to ones health. But I get your point and thank you for it Malk.

Tomlen profile image


Worry not I have had Copd since is was diagnosed when I was 35 years old. i am now 71 and still going strong!

in reply to Tomlen

Oh thank you Tomlen! I love hearing stories like yours! So glad you're still going strong!

Tomlen profile image

Chill out and enjoy life!

Suzi rather than me write out all the latest scientific research there's a book called encyclopedia of natural medicine by murray and pizzorno if you want to heal yourself then this is the book to buy.

It also shows two studies on children that were given vaccines one for flu 9600 kids and whooping cough 450 kids the flu vaccine increased the risk of getting asthma by 4 and whooping cough by 5.

A quick outline of the things that are beneficial for those that would prefer to ignore the latest research and go with the doctors advice using outdated research

B12, B6, vitamin D or Boron/Borax, Magnesium, Quercetin or Isoquercetin, Grape seed and Pine bark extracts, Green tea, Pycnogenol, Passion fruit peel, lycopene, Tryptophan related to B6, Omega 3 fatty acids, Capsaicin, and Ivy leaf extract

all of these were evaluated in different studies and had a beneficial effect on the lungs against a placebo effect

buy the book as it will show you how and why it works

in reply to

Jinni I love all of this information! I will buy this book as I have researched some of the same things for lung health. Thank you so much for sharing this.

MightyS profile image

Try 30 minutes of exercise everyday that means heavier breathing than normal, like brisk walking or jogging and you should be running marathons when you are 70.......

in reply to MightyS

Thank you MightyS I truly hope so!

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