What are your memories of perfumes a... - Lung Conditions C...

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What are your memories of perfumes and aftershaves in years gone by?

KingoftheCocktails profile image

Do you have specific memories of the scents of yesteryear. What did your boy/girlfriend use?

I used to love girls who wore 'Hartnells in Love'.

Nowadays the wife likes Channel No5 .Ouch to the pocket!



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KingoftheCocktails profile image
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65 Replies
newlands profile image

Mine was Coty L'iamont now its also Chanel no 5 people laugh because i keep my perfume in the fridge it will keep a long time


KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to newlands

As soon as she's not looking, the wife's No5 is going in the fridge Dorothy

Mocarey profile image
Mocarey in reply to newlands

Dorothy I loved Coty Lamont too. Good tip for keeping perfume for a long time. I have quite a few I like, can't even remember half of them, Womanity is one. My family keep me going with them! M

I remember some of the lads using Old Spice.

appyalison profile image

I did not like the smell of Brut so I bought some for a boss I did not like much. He repaid me by wearing it everyday to work! What comes around goes around! :-) :-) Alison

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to appyalison

Splashed it all over, did he? Alison

appyalison profile image
appyalison in reply to KingoftheCocktails

He certainly did, king ... :-) :-) Alison

peege profile image
peege in reply to appyalison

haha, Karma

M\y memories go way back, before boyfriends. My Grandmother dabbing me with Yardleys lavender when I was around 4. L'aimant when I was courting, not husband!! IMperial Leather was a favourite. Now I am ancient, back to the lavender.

I love lavender perfume. I used to use a perfume in the 60s called 'Laughter', im not sure who made it but it was in a yellow box, and we certainly laughed a lot those days, I love all sorts of perfumes, but one called Ki Ku reminds me of one of my romances, (you can't get it now), or the romance it reminded me of!

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to

Miss both of them Eh? sheepdog

Chanel no 5 reminds me of one holiday romance I had. I met this boy in the 60s on holiday (with my parents), and we kept in touch for awhile, he came to visit me from Kent where he lived, and I was up North, anyway he bought me some chanel no5, and when I saw him off on the coach he breathed on the window and wrote 'I love you', but I never heard from him again!,( I think that might have been because he borrowed money from me, I should have known. Never mind, didn't really like him anyway!

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to

On holiday at 'Costa Lot' sheepdog

in reply to KingoftheCocktails

you brighten my days kotc, thankyou.

Pepsicoley profile image

What a lovely question, Richard.

My Dad used to wear Old Spice and (although it is out of fashion now) I love the smell. I don't remember my Mum wearing any specific perfume but she always smelled good. My Grandma wore lavender (Yardley I think).

Unfortunately my husband has been using Brut deoderant since goodness knows when and I really don't like the stuff (but he won't change). He doesn't use aftershave because he has a beard (he came back from the Falklands with a full set and I often wonder what he looks like under the beard!!!).

I've tried lots of perfumes but always go back to my favourites No 5 or Miss Dior. I now find lots of new perfumes 'assault' me; they are so very strong - nothing subtle about them.

Love and hugs



KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to Pepsicoley

I loved my Old Spice. but nowadays aftershave is a no no for me Annec

phillips1 profile image

I always found the best aftershave for pulling was Kouros. Unfortunately I was married by the time I found it. Hey ho.


KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to phillips1

Still pulling were you! naughty boy Bobby

appyalison profile image

Perfumes are so personal but one day Martyn, my son and myself were shopping in Birmingham. We decided to try some aftershaves to spruce up Martyn. We were sniffing away when, suddenly, my son said, smell that so i did. We both looked at each other and said in unison, "Old man's pee". Then we both burst out laughing and walked off arm in arm leaving the assistant stunned. Martyn pretended not to know us ... :-) :-) Alison

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to appyalison

Can you blame him Alison?

sassy59 profile image

I remember Panache and Rive Gauche and still love L'aimant. I could not stand Blue Grass or L'air Du Temp and still can't. My favourite is Acqua Di Gio by Giorgio Armani but you have a job to get it now. Still find it online though. What lovely memories.xxx

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to sassy59

One to suit each romantic mood!!!! sassy59

maggie44 profile image


I like Elizabeth Arden Blue Grass or Worth's Je Reviens for daytime use - I can still buy them on line and wear one or the other every day ( regardless of whether I am going out or not). If I go out in the evening, I wear Chanel's Coco ( too strong for daytime use). Before I had my eldest son I was a beautician in a large store. For two weeks out of 4 I did treatments in the store's small salon - for the other two I worked on the perfumery counter for my company Cyclax. The Dior stand was next to mine and the perfumes made me cough - I found them very strong and 'dry'. I would have been 22 -24 yrs old then - mini skirts etc. It was in 1965-68, false eyelashes were all the rage I remember. It is amazing how perfumes, food smells etc are so evotic of previous experiences - but very individual. Just as well we don't all like the same - otherwise some manufacturers would go out of business!


Mocarey profile image
Mocarey in reply to maggie44

Maggie I wore false eyelashes and mini skirts too. Couldn't afford expensive perfumes. But loved the sixties fashion and music. I was 21 in 1968. M

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to Mocarey

Oh and that light blue eye shadow Moacarey?

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to maggie44

What an interesting profession maggie44 .I bet you could tell a few tales!

maggie44 profile image
maggie44 in reply to KingoftheCocktails


Yes I could tell a few tales of those days, but far more interesting were those from when I was a secondary teacher (having trained after sons went to school) in what was then politely called a 'challenging' school. I come from working class stock, brought up in a council house, but with parents who valued education and what it could offer. However the lives of some of my pupils were totally outside my experience - they had life tough. Naturally they were a pain at times - that's the job of a normal teenager, but they got on with life despite their difficulties. I felt priviledged to work with many of them - hope I taught them something useful but I know they taught me just as much!!


KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to maggie44

I used to get on with it as best as I could Maggie

I used to love Chanel,but got a bit pricey,still when the kids go overseas they know what to get me!! I love the body shop perfumes now,especially the vanilla,not the cheapest,but they do go a long way.

Blue grass,was a favourite,years back,as was oriental something or other? Lol can't remember proper name!

Old spice,always a favourite of mine,with the lads,noticed it starting to come back again.xx

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to

You're right, it is on it's way back Wendells

Is4bell4 profile image

Oh grief! rofl. When I was a child my mother used to wear 'Perfume of Paris' it stunk like a skunk.

xx Ros xx

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to Is4bell4

Phew!!!! Poor Ros

pollyjj profile image

Estee Lauder Youth Dew been using it for years, only one that does not make me cough.

polly xx

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to pollyjj

Eternal youth for pollyjj Eh?

crankyme profile image

Love opium, no5 poison and all sorts of perfumes but my all time favourite was Geminesse! Anyone remember that? Cant get it any longer I think it went out of production around 1989 or so. Ahhh memories eh?

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to crankyme

The wife says she loves opium !!!!!! crankyme

Mocarey profile image
Mocarey in reply to KingoftheCocktails

I love Obsession and Prada too. I wouldn't refuse a gift of Opium either! None of them come cheap. Unfortunately

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to Mocarey

Sorry Mocary. What is this Obsession with Opium?

crankyme profile image
crankyme in reply to KingoftheCocktails

Well christmas is just around the corner kingofthecocktails! lol we girls always love a treat.

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to crankyme

Christmas time, mistletoe and wine. Sorry ,no mention of perfume crankyme

Mummywummy profile image

I loved Goya Black Rose also Le Train Bleu neither of which are available anymore

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to Mummywummy

Goya Black Rose mmmmmmmmmm Cuddled up on the back seat in the flics her head on my shoulder mmmm memories return Mummywummy

katieoxo60 profile image

My memories of perfumes were my mothering law always sending old spice at Christmas for my husband, it was naff in modern terms and a subject of family jokes. My first experience of perfume was lily of the valley from my father, it remains a favorite with me to this day, however I buy the soap now as the perfume irritates my chest. I have been bought Channel No 5 by my husband in our courting days. And used to always have to buy my mum yardleys sandlewood when young as that was her favorite, most of our taste have changed with maturity.

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to katieoxo60

Coming from Devon .'Devon Violets' was always popular ,you could smell it a mile away as they say katieoxo60

fishtail profile image

anais anais,lulu and diesel.(not the fuel). all are very light subtle perfumes.lovely.x

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to fishtail

Did 'Diesel' go a long way fishtail?

Valcopd profile image

What an evocative question. My darling Grandmother introduced me to 4711 cologne. She would always put some on my hanky, without telling my Mother. Her favourite was Coty's Chypre, no longer available. My Air Hostie days were scented by a Carven perfume, given away in the loos. Can't remember the name, maybe Youth Dew ?

My lovely husband courted me with Ecusson by Jean D'albret, while I wore false eyelashes, hairpieces and mini skirts. Those were the days. Now it's Delicious Green by DKNY, No 5 and Glow by JLO. Such memories thanks everyone. XX Val

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to Valcopd

My mother loved 4711 and I still have a bottle in it's box. I'm a hoarder Val.

george68 profile image

I distill use old spice but theses days its just to get rid of dead skin!!

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to george68

It's on it's way back ,you will be one of the in crowd again george68

peege profile image

You certainly know how to get attention from the ladies KOTC ;D

my granny Dean used to wear 4711 eau de colgne. Mum wore Ma Griffe, my 1st boyfriend gave me a bottle of Chanel no 5 but then my stepfather forbade me to see hime again.

Now I've only worn Magie Noir for years (well I've worn clothes as well but you know what I mean)

BTW belated birthday greeting to you King x peeg

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to peege

Thank you peeg for your greetings. Do I know what you mean. My imagination began to run wild!

katieoxo60 profile image

I can recall my mother also putting4711 in an hanky, devon violet toilet water was very popular with holiday makers to brimg home as a gift.Your title KOTC certainly raised a lot of responses enjoy the rest of your day

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to katieoxo60

I am enjoying my day reading all the responses katieoxo, not a very good response from the male members, surely they must remember what their sweethearts wore?

First perfume was home made Rose petals from the garden & water, closely followed by Californian Poppy! As you can tell we didn't have much money in our hosehold. When I got a job I progressed to Je Reviens, Charlie Girl and then I found Chanel5 and recently Channel Chance. Now I only have a pension I think I need to grow more roses. :-D

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to

I used to go around the country lanes picking dog rose petals to make perfume presents for mum and aunties mapal

Matrix profile image

Mine, Dolce vita miss Dior nice and light can't do heavy as they make me really ill oh and Shalimar .

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to Matrix

I bet you are perfumed beautifully Matrix

Glitzdevil profile image

Blaze when I was early teens

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to Glitzdevil

Did it set you on fire Glitzdevil

CornishBrian profile image

My mother used to use Lily of the Valley....what a pong. Still, that was in the 50's and then you only had a bath once a week....wether you needed it or not. Needed something strong to keep the flies off you.

My wife used to use toilet water until the seat hit her over the head. Wouldn't have minded but I was sitting on it.

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to CornishBrian

Flies didn't come near me, I smelt too much. My friends used to say ''Our mum says we can't play with you because you smell''

Matrix profile image

Why thank you ,I try to be .

Glitzdevil profile image

Lol definitely gave me a spark

undine profile image

Like Pepsicoley I like Miss Dior, I also like Femme and Madame Roche by Roche, Mum likes Opium but it smells like cat's pee on me (different chemical reactions in our skin I suppose). Grandma loved Blue Grass and the smell of it always reminds me of her house and very, very happy times. They say smell is the strongest sense for evoking memories. I think that when I was a teenager I used a 'perfume' called 'Charlie Girl' - like Mapal can't remember what it smelt like but think it was all the rage for a time bought out specially for teen girls. Thank KOTC for the walk down memory lane again xxx

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to undine

I've been reminded of a lot of ' Old Smellies' undine

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