How often should you have the pneumon... - Lung Conditions C...

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How often should you have the pneumonia jab if you have a lung condition?

MarkPilling profile imageMarkPilling416 Voters

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53 Replies
Taminaone profile image

It is debatable. This year have known people who have suffered bad cold just after the flu jab and one does wonder if it is as a result of the jab. Also last year they picked the wrong strain and apparently they pick a strain and either it is the correct one or not so it is a gamble. During the flu season without the jab take precautions, gloves on in public places like the rails at railway stations and supermarkets and wash hands after using supermarket baskets. My husband who had IPF never had the flu jab, he didn't believe in having it.

warwickstag profile image
warwickstag in reply to Taminaone

The question is about the pneumonia jab, not flu.

Taminaone profile image
Taminaone in reply to warwickstag

sorry, not concentrating, brain fog through thyroid problem! apologies

James48 profile image

Hi Mark, Is there a reason, it's only offered once in the UK ? Thanks

Parvati profile image
Parvati in reply to James48

It isn't only offered once Sir James - that is a misconception. Whether one is enough depends on the age you were when you had it. You may have more 5-10 year later if the doc thinks you need it - or you may have none if you have certain co existing conditions that contra indicate it. If you were over 65 when you had yours you may not need a follow up, but you can always check with your GP or COPD nurse.

James48 profile image
James48 in reply to Parvati

Thank you Parvati. I will check with GP :)

edwardo profile image
edwardo in reply to Parvati

Isn't that the logic, different strokes for different folks - ask your GP or respiratory team.

in reply to Parvati

Yes that is what I have heard too. It depends on other health conditions you have whether you need more than 1. x

siskin profile image
siskin in reply to James48

I had the pneumovax jab on Fri. I was told next one 5 yrs. am 75 with bronchiectasis.

Mgharris01 profile image

You should have the flu jab on an annual basis, due to the different strains of the flu virus which may be prevalent for that year, however, the pneumonia vaccination you should only need to have done once, even though I have now had 3 in the last 5 years.

James48 profile image

Out interest, do you have any data to indicate how many people had pneumonia last year in UK? I understand the flu virus mutated as it can do about every 10 years so the jab was ineffective. I ended up in hospital with pneumonia - needing 3 weeks of IV antibiotics .


O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to James48

You can get it more than once sirjames. Maybe "offer" is the significant word here. I had to ask for another after 15 years and have had it now.

James48 profile image
James48 in reply to O2Trees

Thank you O2 - I will check with GP :)

in reply to O2Trees

I did ask about the pneumonia jab with my doctor once. She insisted I didn't need it as they only give it to those who have had pneumonia 2/3 times before. The next time I saw my copd nurse she asked me whether I had had it. I told her what the doctor had said and the look on her face said it all. She said I needed one and she arranged it. x

young_one profile image
young_one in reply to James48

I was told there are 8 strains of pneumonia and that the jab covers 5. As i have had pneumonia (I have bronchiectasis) if it was one not covered by the jab i could be covered for 6. I never knew that you had to have it more than once. I am in my 30s so guess (hope) I will need it a few more times.

Toci profile image

This is interesting because when I was first diagnosed and immunised I was told it would be an annual thing. The following year I was told no, it is every 5 years and, after 5 years, that it was a one-off.

frose profile image
frose in reply to Toci

Exactly the same here, Toci. Actually, I asked my nurse about this only last week and she said that nowadays 1 vaccination is definitely considered to be for life.

Granny56 profile image

I don't know, I believe it should be a one off but my GP confused me and said I was too high risk and only gave me the flu jab. I am a non smoker with mixed form of asthma, borderline hypoxia due to gas exchange problem in the alveoli, I would have thought at I would be a good candidate for the pneumonia vaccine?

The flu jag is once every year the pneumonia jag is every 10 years depend on your doctor I had my pneumonia jag 9 years ago but the doc I see at the respiratory clinic asked for me to have it again last month because I am getting one exacerbation after another at the moment so I think it has something to do with how bad you are xx

Parvati profile image

The answer to this will vary depending on what age the patient is, what health conditions they may have etc. For example in older patients over age 65 a one off is usually considered enough. In those under 65 it will need redoing between 5 and 10 years later - this is because the effects aren't so long lasting in younger people. There are other factors too that will modify how often you have a pneumonia jab or whether you have one at all. So the question seems a bit pointless really.

I thought was every 10 years but could be wrong.

Be nice to see post on walking pneumonia and pneumonia jab interactions.

Marguerite2013 profile image
Marguerite2013 in reply to

Yes, I thought so too. Depends perhaps on how severe one's lung condition is. If fairly well controlled with medication, I would say one!

millerag75 profile image

I live in America and it's once every 5 years here

O2Trees profile image

Hope you're going to clarify Mark, and tell us what the official position is. I was told when i had the pneumonia vac that it was for life. That was 15 years ago. No-one told me otherwise but reading here and on various websites i learnt that this isn't so. I asked my GP for another one which I've had now but would like to know if i should ask for another in 5 years or 10. I only got this latest one because I asked about it, despite having had double pneumonia in March. And maybe if i had had it earlier i wouldn't have got pneumonia this year.

MarkPilling profile image
MarkPilling in reply to O2Trees

Yes - I will be clarifying with a follow up post later in the wee.

soulsaver profile image
soulsaver in reply to MarkPilling

...k? lol

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to soulsaver

Saved Marks blushes there soulsaver. Well don. xx :)

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to sassy59

e. Doh! xxx

papageno profile image
papageno in reply to MarkPilling

Yes it would be great to have some clarifications. I was told 10 years when I had the pneumococcal immunisation two years ago.

Lucette profile image

I had one over 10 years ago, this year my consultant checked my immunity to it with a blood test and told me I did not need a new jab as my immunity to pneumonia was very high.

When I had mine last year Im sure I was told every 10 years so have put that as my answer.

Jaysha profile image

I personally do not have one as it does not agree with me.

in reply to Jaysha

How do you know it doesn't agree with you if you haven't had one?

linsabout profile image

My doctor says every 10 years. Or just once if your over 70

friendly profile image

i caught pneumonia after having jab two years previously, i have never had flue and never had the vaccine. perhaps its because i am for ever on antibiotics.

Offcut profile image

I had my first, when they first bought them out and was told it was for life. However I still seem to get pneumonia every 18 months to 2 years. I did have a major lung failure in 2008 and it was decided I have the pneumonia jab every 5 years but I still get pneumonia and pleurisy but not as bad as 2008?

hilde profile image

I was told when I had mine at age 70 I wouldn't need another. Since then I have had lung cancer but I still once is sufficient.

Hilde 72

redted profile image

I think it depends on the severity of the problem,as not everyone is the same.

sassy59 profile image

Pete was told that the one jab was for life but has since been told that it is every 5-10 years so we will have to chat about that to our GP. The problem is you get a different answer every time. xx

butter-fly profile image

Hi Mark

Five years is what my health centre advised after I had pneumonia twice in five years.

Mooskie profile image

I will add to the confusion! I was told only one jab after age 65, however, I do believe this pneumonia shot is for "bacterial" pneumonia only. True or false???

patedwed profile image

Too many allergies, can't risk the jab.

tomc profile image

Preferably not at all and if well managed and looked after this is possible.

Barnclown profile image

I have both infant onset systemic lupus & sjogrens + early onset immunodeficiency (hypogammaglobulinaemia + lymphopenia, which existed before I began treatment on immunosuppressives). I'm now being investigated by immunology. The consultant has warned me that blood tests show I have literally 0 antibodies to pneumonia bacteria & have made 0 antibodies in response to being given pneumovax 23 recently (the 23 refers to the number of types of pneumonia bacteria the vacc should protect against). So, now they'll give me the prevnar 13 pneumonia vacc and see if I make pneumonia antibodies to that. My lung condition gives bronchiectasis type symptoms. Immunology have me packing home emergency kits of antibiotics. So, my impression is that complex cases like mine can mean consultants give more frequent pneumonia vaccines, or just stop giving the vaccines because we don't respond...anyway, I'll be finding out as these immunology investigations continue....aiming to update the forum

Patches2 profile image

One before the age of 60 and one after sixty years of age!

scorpiolass profile image

When I was first given the pneumonnia jab, I was told by the Nurse, it would need repeating every 5 years. In the interim I moved & my new practice told me life time only. Consequently, it is over 10 years since I had one & I did get pneummonia in hospital 2013. Be good if there were a standardised practice.

Phoned the Surgery this a.m. and was told one vaccination only unless you have had your spleen removed.

bexx profile image

ive had pneumonia twice last time serious and still never been offerd it

wheezybronch profile image

Once every ten years for fit people, but people with lung conditions with active infections or prone to pneumonia, yearly.

Colours23 profile image

How would I know I'm not a nurse!!

When I had my first pneumonia jab some years ago, I was told 10 years, then a couple of years later they said it had changed and I shouldn't need another. Early 2015, I had a blood test to check for antibodies for pneumonia and HIb. Both were very low, so I had boosters. Ended up in hospital with pseudo/pneumo, about 3 days later. I think I must have been brewing both of them just before the jabs. So now I've been told I'll probably need them every few years or so.

_Esined_ profile image

I was told by my gp it's every 10 years, no matter what conditions you may have? !