How long after OHS before you allowed to shower or at least have a wash?
Shower: How long after OHS before you... - British Heart Fou...

you will have a consultation with a nurse before your operation and they should, at that time, give you a leaflet or booklet on what to expect after the op.
Whilst your in Intensive care for the first two days it’s a bed wash, but once your on the ward you can more or less have a wash, cant remember about showering I know once I was home I was showering straight away just,with some assistance
I didn't have a shower for about 2 weeks, because I was in ICU longer than expected, but had washes every day.As soon as I was back on the ward they left me to it, with no help and I managed a shower, albeit, using a shower seat. My legs were like jelly standing for a few minutes and I remember feeling worn out trying to get dressed after. Things that you take for granted are really difficult.
You are told just to let the water run over the wound and not to wash it with soap or anything , but it felt so good to finally have a proper wash after so long 😊
I had a shower whilst in hospital. It was a bit awkward ( I even washed and dried my hair 😬) I was very tired after. If you can’t manage a shower you should be able to wash 😊
Hope you are on the mend soon
I had a bed wash the 1st 2 days while in a more high dependency ward but once back on normal ward I was told to have a shower. Before the op I had a special wash gel to use (presume super antibacterial) & had to have a shower with that again after.
Could have one pretty much after a week. I was told to use no soap or shower gels on any of the wound sites until 6 weeks, just to rinse with warm water and pat dry
I was given a bed bath day 1 when in ICU, then back in ward I had strip washes with a bowl of water. I had my 1st shower when in hospital a week after my op - some help needed (I was a bit daunted but it was worth it to feel properly clean) and was sitting for part of it). But once home I managed myself although I did feel shattered afterwards. I did my husband to help get the medical stockings on and off each day. Just water on the scar initially and unscented shower gel elsewhere . I made sure to carefully pat the scar dry.
I was four days after my bypass still in HDU. But had help from nurse and had to sit for the first couple. Not easy but feel great afterwards.
I had my op on Friday, moved to ward on Saturday, had a shower on Sunday. I guess it depends how you are doing after the op. I only had a new valve and a patch, op was less than 4 hours and I was only 49 and fit up to the week before my op.
A nurse stayed in the shower room the first time and there was a seat in the shower.
Take care.
An initial bed bath by the nurse (optional). This may have been the evening of my morning op but more likely the next morning. Then self-administrated strip washes within the ICU bed cubicle each morning. I think I had my first proper shower (minus the chest area) on my first day back on the ward. This was the Sunday after my Weds op (delayed as they couldn't get me a bed down on the ward. So not long at all, just a few days. Took me months to shower my chest area and even now (17 months on) I don't linger it under the shower. But that's my hang-up.