tiered tiered: It’s nearly 3 weeks... - British Heart Fou...

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tiered tiered

E16Pat profile image
20 Replies

It’s nearly 3 weeks since my triple bypass operation I’m am so tiered


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E16Pat profile image
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20 Replies

Hello :-)

3 weeks is nothing after such a big operation and it is normal to feel tired this is going to take a few months to slowly build your energy back up

Feeling tired is your bodies way of telling you to rest while it heals

It can be hard when we are used to been active but be patient this will get better as time goes on :-) x

E16Pat profile image
E16Pat in reply to


in reply to E16Pat

:-) x

E16Pat profile image
E16Pat in reply to

Sorry to be a pest but did you have a nap during the day, I’m tiered but can only sleep at night can’t have a little nap in the afternoon

Thank you

Best wishes


Carlg profile image
Carlg in reply to E16Pat

First few weeks I was have naps and sleeping when I could. I was having trouble sleeping at night due to the discomfort.

in reply to E16Pat

Hello :-)

You are not been a pest at all :-)

After my op I did not sleep in the day or have naps even though I felt tired I did rest though but now 16 months on I am finding myself having naps in the day which I think some of my meds are contributing to that which we are trying to sort out

Even if you don't nap in the day if you feel tired just rest and getting a good night's sleep will really help you

Try not to worry to much at this stage how you feel that's what I was told and just go with it and slowly as time goes on you will see small changes :-) x

E16Pat profile image
E16Pat in reply to

Thank you


in reply to E16Pat

:-) x

devonian186 profile image
devonian186 in reply to

Can I endorse that. 3 weeks is nothing. You WILL feel tired! I was also in pain from the chest wound and had to take paracetemol for 4 weeks then suddenly it went away. Week on week I felt better from that point but not day by day as inevitably you feel quite well one morning do too much then feel worse the next day.

RufusScamp profile image

No major op, but I feel really tired mid-afternoon with the heart failure. You are NOT a pest. We are here to help people in your position.

sampaloc0624 profile image

no pest here. Be patient. Listen to your body, take time to rest. Ask questions to ease anxiety. Long way to go. Praying for your recovery!

spinningjenny profile image

Even though bypass surgery is every day stuff to the surgeons, nevertheless, it is massive surgery and will take some time to get over. You have lots of cuts and bruises to heal not to mention a fractured sternum, which even though it is held together with wire, will take about six weeks to heal properly. I always think it takes at least two weeks to get over a hefty dose of anaesthetic.

Take life easy, don’t push yourself, if you feel tired then rest or even nod off for a while. Let your body dictate to you, you will get better much quicker if you do xx

E16Pat profile image
E16Pat in reply to spinningjenny

Thank you for your comments, your right the grandchildren have been telling and pointing out all the bruises and pen marks, your right about the anaesthetic must take sometime to get out your system, it’s just the tiredness, it’s only 3 weeks this Wednesday I thought it was longer but sadly not, just have to be patient and let our bodies heal

Take care


gorillaqueen profile image

Hi Pat I can relate to this I’m 4 weeks post op and still feel really weak and so tired. Some days are better than others. From what I’ve seen on here and been told this is normal so rest and concentrate on you, one day at a time. It does not help having a very poor appetite but I’m trying. How’s your appetite ? How are you sleeping ? I am not sleeping well but rest as and when needed. Hope you start to feel better very soon Xx.

Montana77 profile image

I had mine October 10 and it took a good 5 weeks to get my strength back

Montana77 profile image

Do not push it. take naps .. I was so frustrated because of the drugs, they make you so tired. I thought I would be back in the saddle in two weeks but no.. .. you want to go go but your body says "not yet my dear" takes time. Look forward to rehab which makes you feel much better; and it gets you out of the house. I have 2 corgies and use to walking them and taking care of them it was tough to slow down. It will come .. be patient.

Rogo23 profile image

I was given a useful piece of advice after my bypass and will pass it on for what it is worth.Like most of us I was Hung up on getting to bed at my usual time and getting "a good night's sleep" after the usual period of frustration about wanting to have a nap in the day knowing that I would have trouble at night,a friend who knew a OHS recipient gave me the advice,if you are sleepy, sleep don't worry about keeping to your usual sleep pattern, so I gave it a try.

I did wind up watching rather a lot of netflix for the first six or seven weeks but as the pain from the scar decreased so I was able to get into the bed at night.

But if you are having trouble sleeping don't stay in the bed get up because it doesn't take a lot to make you dread having to go to bed, and lying awake in pain turn's bed from a place of comfort to a place of misery.

You will get back to a normal routine but three weeks is not even enough time for the scar to knit properly, so kip when and where you can, the sleep is more important than the routine at the moment.

Good luck, Dan

RailRover profile image

After my op I was tired, generally felt like crap, needed a blood transfusion the following week and an iron infusion 3 months later. I was also crestfallen because I was getting symptoms of unstable angina not dissimilar to those before the surgery. I complained to one of the surgeons and he laughed at me. He said: "You won't know what you're going to finish up with for a year, maybe even two, so don't get ahead of yourself." I'm 18 months on now. Back to my badminton and long walks; generally enjoying life. I still have my moments when I don't feel so great and wonder what the odd pains and niggles are, but I probably did that before and didn't take any notice of them before I knew what I know now.

nilmonisikdar40 profile image

I agree it's normal to feel tired after such a major procedure. Were the transplant taken from the legs or from inside the chest ( internal mammary artery). It's a good idea to check your blood count because anaemia after transplant is common. Best wishes for a quick recovery.

Heather1957 profile image

OMG 3 weeks is nothing, I know I used to feel it was 1 step forward and 2 steps backwards.

You have had a major operation, open heart surgery, just let nature take its time.

I slept in a reclining chair for about 2 weeks and took 8 co-codamol a day, spreading them out so I took the last ones as I was going to sleep, I didn't nap in the day.

Accept the tiredness for now, give in to it and let your body heal, I always say listen to your body it'll let you know when it is ready for more.

Take it easy.

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