So upset....just going to have a Rant... - British Heart Fou...

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So upset....just going to have a Rant!!! Anyone care to join me.

DizzyD profile image
64 Replies

I am not aiming to offend anyone nor do I wish to slag off the NHS but I am very angry as I lay here bed bound because I am too unwell to carry on with my life. Being angry is not good for me in my present condition but what the heck suppressing anger is not good for me either. Perhaps if I let rip, I might feel a bit better. Perhaps I need to see a shrink because as far as I am concerned I have been traumatised by treatment within NHS in the past and by lack of treatment in the present time.

I am not the only one, there is thousands of people in the same boat as myself who feel like they don't have a voice, who are downtrodden or brow beaten by so called medical professionals when they voice their concerns as individuals in their own right.

At present I can't have a ablation because I have an enlarged heart. Well how did I get the bloody enlarged heart, which in my mind is due to hypertension. First port of call is too blame a person's lifestyle which is not always the case. My justification for being so angry is because my hypertension was actually caused by being over prescribed levothyroxine for more than 30 years. Being over prescribed this medication put in hyperthyroidism mode, which leads to high blood pressure, left undiagnosed and untreated consequently led to enlarged heart with the addition of more heart problems to add to the list.

So besides internet searches that support my claims where is the scientific proof to substantiate my accusations? 2019 the head of endocrinologist dept at the hospital where I had my thyroid removed, of which I attended every year since then, reviewed my case notes in great detail. His words were, "Basically, you are literally burnt out. You have been over prescribed levothyroxine for over 30 years which more than likely has damaged your heart"!! I was devastated, shocked was hard to take in. But late in the day, but still he reduced the levothyroxine. He closed the stable door after the horse had bolted and I am left to pick up the pieces of a failing damaged heart. In addition week before I got to see him a trainee endocrinologist wanted to increase the levothyroxine. Zealous prescribing certainly seems to be the order of the day. Despite the high dose of levothyroxine I was on, not once was BP checked in's not mandatory. Even when I reported palpitations on numerous occasions and letters were sent to my GP they were never investigated. Somehow, I was always fobbed off when I broached the subject, or perhaps I assumed the Dr knows best. But do they?

Today, I am literally terrified of all medication including heart meds. In all honesty I am contemplating stopping two new meds because I am bed bound today after taking them two weeks now. I feel worse not better. I am fed up hearing it said by NHS "The benefits out weigh the risks". Does that mean the meds might make you feel worse which is better than having an AFib attack? Really!

I really am so pissed off with harm that is caused by so called medical professionals who swear by the Hippocratic oath to do no harm. They have certainly harmed me and I am left to deal with it all, anger included in my own

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DizzyD profile image
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64 Replies
SheldonC profile image

Deleted as not worth getting into a discussion with.

Petercarrington profile image
Petercarrington in reply to SheldonC

Sadly I have experience of this sort of thing and it’s got worse since the pandemic. Our GP was told on several occasions of a family history of extreme levels of cholesterol and did nothing, the end result?2 MIs , 3 blocked arteries and bypass surgery.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to Petercarrington

I raised the issue of my father, his brother and their father all dieing prematurely of heart attacks, and was told your BP and cholesterol levels are fine. Years later I presented with angina followed by a quadruple bypass. One cardiogist said my family history was horrific and someone should have picked up on this far earlier!

Petercarrington profile image
Petercarrington in reply to MichaelJH

Didn't they check your HTL?

nilmonisikdar40 profile image
nilmonisikdar40 in reply to MichaelJH

I am afraid a minority of the professionals have blinkered vision and they have learnt what they were told in medical school and preparing for higher education but not prepared to widen their horizon. Unfortunately in you case , you consulted that small minority. What can you do in this case? Complain in retrospect?

Heather1957 profile image

I am sorry you feel you have had such poor treatment.

I am not sure anyone can say anything to help I just hope having a rant and putting your feelings in writing has helped (even if by just a little)

Heythrop51 profile image

My GP practice routinely measure BP on over forties If It hasn't been checked for a few years unless they are on BP medication when it is checked virtually at every.opportunity. Did you maintain a healthy lifestyle over those years? Just playing devil's advocate here!

greenfingers profile image

If there is one thing I have learned from this so called pandemic and after reading lots of research is that pharmaceutical companies don’t care about your health they care about their profits.My husband is the one with the heart problems and believe me he has had medication and procedures which I know have been ignored over the years. I won’t go into his problems as you have enough of your own. I on the other hand have an under active thyroid but know if my dose is too high I get the many symptoms like you. Last year when I wanted my levels checking I was told no tests were being done! I have on occasion paid for private blood tests, don’t know if you know about them from being on here. Look under the Thyroid Forum, there are discounts available. You also get a doctor report.

As for Statins, well that’s another story. I suggest you read the book A Life Without Statins by Dr. Aseem Malhotra he is a top Cardiac doctor in this country. Even if you don’t take statins it’s well worth a read. It’s a an eye opener that’s for sure!

I’m sorry you are in such a mess from negligence, maybe you could sue them? You won’t be on your own.

It sounds to me as though you should get your thyroid checked before all the the heart medication because if it’s that cause it needs sorting.

Look for Seaside Susie, Slow Dragon, just two of the great helpers on the Thyroid forum.

All I can say is good luck and hope things improve for you.

in reply to greenfingers

Dr Aseem Malhotra believes so much in his findings that he charges you to hear/read them? Fear is a great business, like his 21 day Immunity plan or his Pioppi diet, don’t you think its strange that one individual could be so gifted? Let the money roll in !

nice of you to promote him. Ill take my risks with the other millions and millions thanks.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to

Dr Malhotra is on a par with Dr Kendrick and both are on my ignore list. It's the same as the TV docs who push 800 calorie diets. Having spent a lifetime around diabetes including a decade on the committee of a support group. Achieving a normal BMI and exercising will reduce the insulin requirements for Type I and 1.5, and reduce or even remove the need for medication for Type IIs. But it is never cured. Claiming a cure is for rubbish TV and tabloids!

stillaboveground profile image
stillaboveground in reply to MichaelJH

Are these 2 doctors on a par with Dr Google also.

Jack2019 profile image
Jack2019 in reply to

Fear is a great business! Statins are a global public money grab because of the successful fear campaign of the dreaded LDL. Why do you dismiss someone because they wrote a book, do you not read stuff presented or suggested by your health care professionals? If you want statistics have a listen to the attached. If my doctors talk statistics then I will listen and make an informed decision.

in reply to Jack2019

Wondered when David Diamond would show up ! Dear jack2019 if you re-read my post you can see that I never dismissed anyone, and it was in answer to greenfingers promotion, I think you will find that {like your post} is against the forums rules.

But to answer you yes I do read stuff that my cardiologist/ heart team suggests to read and not once have I been asked for money to do so.

Take care, and good luck with your flag waving, I for one will not be cheering you on { after thinking about it and making an informed decision for myself and myself only }

Jack2019 profile image
Jack2019 in reply to

exactly the response I expected as well.

in reply to Jack2019

Its a pleasure to not disappoint.

DizzyD profile image
DizzyD in reply to greenfingers

Thanks greenfingers thank you for your most welcome reply. Yes I could sue them but the stress in doing that would be to detrimental to my health. I would love to get a copy of my thyroid history readings from endo clinic to see what they show.

Regarding thyroid: I don't have one, had it removed over 30 years ago hence the levo and zealous prescribing

to suppress TSH level. As you may know most doctors, endocrinologist or GPS, only look at TSH and FT4 markers and ignore FT3. Hence, over the past 6 years I have been educated via thyroid site you mentioned, so monitor

my own thyroid health now, private blood tests and get feedback from said site which is amazing. Last thyroid test was Nov 2021 numbers not optimal but at least my FT3 was mid range. FT4 was higher than FT3 not happy about that because higher FT4 can be detrimental to heart.

Will certainly get another private thyroid blood test as you suggested because I have no idea if these heart meds are effecting my thyroid levels.

Ohh greenfingers, as for statins was prescribed very low dose by GP a few years ago due to slightly raised cholesterol but I did not take them. Knew about Dr Mallotra opinion. However, I had started taking T3 alongside levo. Surprise, surprise, after NHS annual blood test got phone call from GP who was delighted because cholesterol level and pre-diabetic was normal. Cholestrol and pre-diabetic status returned to normal because my FT4 and FT3 were at top of range. due to taking T3 not quite optimal because FT4 was a bit too high. Why didn't my GP know this?

After a recent admission to hospital (heart issues) was discharged after few days and given a bag of medicines one of which was 80mcg statins (big jump from low dose that should have been taken off my records) despite my discharge notes saying all my bloods were fine. Asked the nurse where is the evidence showing I had high cholesterol to warrant this drug. Informed her that a recent private cholestrol test was within safe range. Knew right away it was zealous prescribing so just got out of there as quick as possible.

Will certainly buy A Life Without Statins.

Sincere thank you greenfingers. Your reply really a lot out of it. Have a rewarding day lovely.

greenfingers profile image
greenfingers in reply to DizzyD

So pleased you seem to be on top of your thyroid issues. Unfortunately GP’s don’t know a lot about thyroid, as you say they only look at TSH and basics! I hope you get sorted quickly as it’s frustrating when no one seems to be listening. Dr. Malhotra’s book is well worth a read and hopefully you’ll be on the mend. I can understand you not wanting the stress of suing them I’d probably feel the same. They literally get away with murder! Good luck.

Fynndog profile image

Hi Dizzy D . So sorry to hear your story. I guess this happens much more than we know. But having had a rant you might feel the benefit.Maybe if it’s possible you could see someone privately and get to voice your feelings . The meds you are now on may be not the right ones for you , getting them changed ( which I know is really hard ) might solve some of these issues.

The NHS is not what it was , it’s failing so many people at present despite the diligent work of the countless nurses and very good doctors.

It needs an overhaul , something that will take time. The issue now is getting you sorted . I really think you might gain some help talking to BHF nurses, they have helped me so much.

Give them a ring . Wishing you all the very best and sending my humble hugs

rizal profile image
rizal in reply to Fynndog

What it really needs is not so much an overhaul, but proper funding

Partner20 profile image
Partner20 in reply to rizal

On the contrary, there is more than adequate funding, but much is misspent. The NHS needs delayering, as it is top-heavy with management. In addition, the unions have had an extremely negative influence over the years. Yes, there are compassionate and hard-working medical staff within the system, but not all have these attributes, I can assure you, and we have seen both dedication and negligence from staff at all levels. Postcode lotteries definitely exist, too. The NHS was never designed to do what it has to do now, and needs an urgent overhaul, but this will never be done due to widespread self-interest and union influence.

rizal profile image
rizal in reply to Partner20

Well now, a very political reply and one that runs contrary to accepted fact. But in keeping with forum rules I will not indulge in an argument about this

I totally understand. I have personally experienced or personally known some people who have had some shocking experiences with incompetent doctors. Just two examples:My cousin's son had leukemia. My cousin took him to her doctor before he was diagnosed as he appeared very ill. The doctor waved her out the door and said there's nothing wrong with him. He nearly died at one point. My father had a massive stroke and was taken to hospital with classic symptoms with his face half paralysed. Oh, apparently he just had an ear infection and they wanted to send him home. My mother who left school at 15 had to argue with the A+E doctors and ask them are they crazy? Look at him! Again he probably would have died if discharged.

This site constantly says "don't google". I can't agree. No one is going to care more about your health than yourself.

StillAliveSoFar profile image
StillAliveSoFar in reply to specific_apartment_7

Lewisham Hospital, by any chance? Or Morden Hill Surgery?

specific_apartment_7 profile image
specific_apartment_7 in reply to StillAliveSoFar

No. It's an international problem. I'm in Sydney, Australia and this happened at a large tertiary teaching hospital with a good reputation.

simplysal profile image

Out of interest, during those 30yrs of being prescribed levothyroxine, did you not go for annual thyroid function tests so the ‘too much thyroxine’ and a swing into hyperthyroidism been picked up?

During your follow up reviews when the thyroxine was further increased by an endocrinologist, what symptoms did you report having when a life in thyroxine was suggested? Were you reporting symptoms suggestive of an under active thyroid like fatigue, brain fog, sensitivity to cold, brain fog etc? Medics usually act on what we firstly report. Also any medication changes are always made with our consent and can always be challenged/refused.

It’s hard when we find evidence on the internet to support our claims. You’ll always find evidence on the internet to back up every scenario in life.

Anger over a past that now cannot be changed will only leave you stuck. Nobody else. Do you have the right to feel what you feel? Yes definitely. You obviously feel that their course of action over the years have left you in the position you’re in. Can you do anything productive with that anger? Could you write a letter of concern and send it in. Will that give you the release you need?

I say that medics can and do make errors. They are human. Minus the very few medical professionals who have been known to do harm, most of them try to keep you well. Even if the outcome of their action ends up with unfavourable results, they are not likely to have wanted that to happen. Most medics are always striving to do their best by you.

I think it’s good to release but spending time ruminating on a past that you now cannot change will not help you in the present, or help you in moving forward. Spend a little more time thinking about how best to optimise you in the here and now. Ask yourself “what do I feel I need right now”.

Have times where you can connect to your anger but most importantly, spend time where you don’t.

Good luck.

ETHEL103 profile image

So sorry to hear this .As you say a lot of us feel we are not being looked after as well as we would like.Has got worse since covid .They have used this as a reason to change our gp experience.Im not blaming the GPS but someone needs to take the blame.Routine checks are not being done and we all realise people are going to present later in their illness as yourself.I just wish someone on here that works as a gp or practice nurse will tell us on here what actually is happening now our blood tests,blood pressure and diabetes checks aren't happening.

Tricia7048 profile image

Sorry this has happened to you Dizzy. Not much better for me too. My kidney function dropped like a stone by contrast dye for heart stents so that has ruined my last 5 years. I have severe back pain without a functioning painkiller. They say they cant give me anything which works because I am so sensitive to meds. I had kidney stones (caused by bisoprolol) earlier this week and an ambulance came. They insisted I needed hospital help. They took me there, I waited hr and half to see a triage nurse with her back to me! who then said it would be between 7 and 8 hrs to see s doctor! There were only about 10/15 people waiting. I went home in a taxi. It cost £40 I have still been in a great deal of pain 24/7 ever since

Soooo disappointed in nhs. I dont know what to do next. I spoke to family gp and she said I could talk to the mental health nurse...but she was off sick.

Pain is driving me crazy to do something I may or may not regret.

I hope you get some help from someone kind. Hugs x

DizzyD profile image
DizzyD in reply to Tricia7048

Hello Tricia7048 so sorry to hear that you are in so much pain. Wish I had the power to take it away, sadly I don't...I am powerless!I know exactly where you are coming from when you wrote, "Pain is driving me crazy to do something I may or may not regret".

Please be kind to yourself if you can. It's virtually impossible not to feel miserable when in constant pain.

I really do sympathise with you. My damaged heart goes out to you. My prayers are for you. Hang on in there lovely there is light at the end of the tunnel which you may not be able to see just yet, but it is there, it will appear. Hey I did get help from someone kind....THAT PERSON IS YOU. Lots of Hugs precious.

Tricia7048 profile image
Tricia7048 in reply to DizzyD

Oh Dizzy thank you!! Youre very kind !I cant wait to come out of the tunnel cos its sore!! I will try to keep being strong but Im scared it beats me, too much, too long. Fingers crossed the angels hear our prayers. Lots of hugs back for you too xx💖xx

DizzyD profile image
DizzyD in reply to Tricia7048

It's also dark in that tunnel Tricia and scary but remember this: You are not alone, you are never alone! Yes you are strong, the physical pain although hard to endure, will weaken you somewhat but if cannot harm your spirit. You will see the light. Peace be with you. Heartfelt hugs and prayers coming your way.

Tricia7048 profile image
Tricia7048 in reply to DizzyD

Thank you so much xx. Hugs xx

Dear DizzyD

Well lets hope that this rant helped you, I am truly sorry for what has happened to you and the way that you have been treated.

Sorry to play the balance bit, but balance in the forum {and life} is needed. This help lift the fears of new comers and others that have on going treatment.

Anything can go wrong with anything, remember the old saying of never buying a ford made on a Friday? Not that I’m in anyway comparing you to a car, but then again are we so dissimilar when things go wrong to our mechanical friends ?

The shear volume of persons passing through the NHS is totally astonishing and things will go wrong and my heart {being repaired} gos out to all the stories that we hear, believe me including yours.

I cannot do anything but listen to you, my wand is broken, I don’t possess any super powers to help your case, If I had I would happily use them on you.

But we have to remember how many of us have had success within the NHS, and believe me I don’t hold them up as Gods but I do have great respect for their trained for work.

Without the work of my local cardiologist dept, I would not be typing this to you and I have been informed and educated at every stage of my treatment {still ongoing}

This is not to distract from your distress, just to offer a balance and hopefully the balance is that, more have a successful diagnosis/treatment with the NHS than those that don’t.

I really hope that you can find it in yourself to forgive other humans mistakes and stop the awful way you have been handled eating into your recovery.

Take care you are in my thoughts.

in reply to

I agree with Blue1958. I wouldn’t be here either without my doctor, who is run ragged with patients, because of his quick actions at getting me a blood test so quickly that it prompted me to realise my simple chest discomfort was something more serious and the remarkable care I received a day later that saved my life 🙏

DizzyD profile image
DizzyD in reply to

Hey Blue1958 thank you for your reply. It's quite funny really when you said that you are not comparing me to a car, because my endocrinologist did compare me to a car, a burnt out Ferrari in fact. Thankfully, I do forgive human mistakes on a daily basis, if I didn't I would be a very bitter person. But when NHS damaged my heart with zealous prescribing that's a different matter. Please note I am not blaming one particular person here. What really concerns me is the psychological distress bordering on panic and fear when a doctor prescribes a medication for my heart problems or anything else come to that. I literally fear the medication based on my experience of damaged heart caused by levothyroxine.

Anyway sincere thanks.

Have a rewarding day

Griff-64 profile image

Unfortunately, incompetence exists in all walks of life, and I've found a great deal within the NHS.Having said that, I've also found some exceptionally gifted individuals within the service.

Being a full time carer for my partner, I had to learn quickly that if I didn't agree with Dr's, consultants etc, I had to confront them with my concerns. Sometimes successfully, sometimes not, but I learned a lot over time.

And its not just in the hospitals but in the community services too.

Even my local pharmacist has given me very poor advice about my medication which caused me to be quite unwell and very concerned for weeks until I realised what was going on.

I had one occasion where I decided to make an official complaint through PALS and it had a positive outcome, but I've had other occasions when perhaps I should have used it and didn't.

It can be a complete nightmare...... But where would we be without it? 🤔

SirBeatalot profile image

Hi DizzyD.I can sympathise.

My Grandfather died of a heart attack and my father had a triple bypass in his sixties and yet my high blood pressure, although known about for years, went without any follow up or investigation.

I ended up having a quadruple bypass.

DizzyD profile image
DizzyD in reply to SirBeatalot

Yep SirBeatalot my GP knew about my high BP. I always went to see him with headache that was not relieved with paracetamol. He would look at my medical history, an see I had migraine since childhood. Prescribed me Propranolol for migraine. High BP was ignored always mentioned my history of migraine. On many occasions BP not checked at all. When it was checked sometimes he said that my high BP was due to white coat syndrome.

Your family history should have spoke volumes to a GP when you presented with high BP. Negligence comes in many forms doesn't it?

I am the only person in my large family to ever have cardiac problems.

Hope you are doing well after your quadruple bypass.

R3mi profile image

I don’t understand your frustration. but it is only YOUR body that this is going to be affected by your frustration you were told the medication you were taking was over subscribed but you are still here. 30 years later thats a lifetime for some people and even more for others. So the chances of it killing you are pretty remote. The doctors and nurses are only human have you never made a mistake. I think your issues are elsewhere so maybe look at some other reasons for how you are. We are all going to die of something. Consider you are far better off than a lot of people especially some very young children take a walk round any children’s ward and then see how you feel afterwards. I don’t know what sort of work you do or did but did it have the same responsibilities as the medical profession has probably not. Just give thanks that you are still here. Only you can make your life easier and better. So forget the past start with the first step today and enjoy the time you have left which could still be an other 30 years or more. Oh just in case you think you’re the only one. I was wrongly diagnosed they eventually got it right and I am still here. Good luck to you and have a happy life.

DizzyD profile image
DizzyD in reply to R3mi

I am still here because I fought to see head of endocrine dept, rather than a trainee doctor. who incidentally wanted to increase the medication that had already damaged my heart. Yes I am still here but clearly you are missing the point: Zealous over prescribing damaged my heart which has really had a impact on my life.

Thank you. Have a wonderful day

R3mi profile image
R3mi in reply to DizzyD

It wasn’t my intention to dismiss what you were saying. I now have a pacemaker that does not register and and has been in me 10 years only to be told nothing wrong with your heart by some consultants what has improved my health is finding out my iron levels like you after persisting were so low that my system shut down. Thankfully I revived on my own steam that is another story. But theses guys are only human and the amount of people they have to cope with with less resources I wonder there is not a lot more of this coming out. Anyway apologies if I seemed uncaring and well done for speaking up.

Wingnutty profile image

I could write a book on all the mistakes that medial professionals have made on me, so I'm not going to list them all here. But I think you are right to be angry as am I. Although I must say that the NHS has saved my life at least 3 times after much nudging them to do something, so without them, I would have been dead 22 years ago. It's hard to be critical when you are still alive due to the NHS knowing the alternative. I now treat every fact given to me by a medical professional with contempt from the past experience of knowing that they are just as likely to be wrong as correct. As others have said, nobody will look after yourself better than yourself. I am skeptical when a professional tells you not to Google symptoms that the advice is more about protecting their misdiagnosis than protecting the patient. Unfortunately, there is nowhere to go with this sort of complaint, it will always fall on deaf ears, so I think I have to repeat what others have said and just do the best you can to keep yourself as happy as you can be with the rough hand of cards you have been dealt.

Griff-64 profile image
Griff-64 in reply to Wingnutty

One GP I had in the past would consult Dr Google while I was sat there watching 😁 didn't stay with him very long

Wingnutty profile image
Wingnutty in reply to Griff-64

I don't think that would have put me off him Griff-64. At least it shows he is genuinely looking for a diagnosis and admitting he doesn't know everything.

Griff-64 profile image
Griff-64 in reply to Wingnutty

When I went back to him for the result of an angiogram, he wasn't happy because I'd googled it to see what meds I'd be put on. Didn't like his attitude much

Wingnutty profile image
Wingnutty in reply to Griff-64

Don't blame you mate.

uzininemm profile image
uzininemm in reply to Wingnutty

'I now treat every fact given to me by a medical professional with contempt....'

If this is the case why do you still see medical professionals if they are not going to help you?

I find this comment your extremely dangerous.

Wingnutty profile image
Wingnutty in reply to uzininemm

It's also dangerous to believe everything that medical professional tell you. The only thing they seem to do these days is send me for annual diabetes blood tests and I always ask for a copy of the results and check them myself. I have had nurses who see a test being out of normal range as being ok because it is not very far out, but they don't seem to think it is worthwhile telling me about it, so the only way I get to find out is by demanding a copy of the results.

uzininemm profile image
uzininemm in reply to Wingnutty

Your response is not in keeping with your original statement and I quote again 'I now treat every fact from a medical professional with contempt'

The point is you did not answer my question, if you really feel this way I do not understand why then do you still go for the annual blood tests when you are sent for if all you do is treat every fact from a medical professional you with contempt!

Wingnutty profile image
Wingnutty in reply to uzininemm

It's because I trust the blood tests to be correct, but I don't trust the medical professional to give me all the information I need in those blood tests. I have already explained that the professional sometimes don't let me know when something is out of range as if it's not important for me to know.

DizzyD profile image
DizzyD in reply to Wingnutty

Spot on wingnutty. When a doctor says that your blood results are in range this is misleading. For example even if some results were near bottom of range, they still tell you they are in range.

Tricia7048 profile image
Tricia7048 in reply to uzininemm

Its simply being CAUTIOUS. Because its our bodies and we have only one. I too have saved my life by not trusting them and wrecking it by trusting them. Sad but true, eh.

DizzyD profile image
DizzyD in reply to Wingnutty

Yes you are correct Wingnutty in so many ways, particularly when you mentioned that they have the potential to be wrong. Knowing what I know now, when it comes to endocrinology and my thyroid treatment I get private blood tests and self medicate accordingly. No more NHS endo intervention for me. EUREKA!Wish I could say the same re heart problems. But I am going to see a private cardiologist for rest of .my heart issues. Sure there will be a big difference.

Thank you wingnutty...enjoy your evening

Desanthony profile image

My Mother had the same thing happen to her but it was her fault because she would not go to the Dr or clinic to have checks. If you are on heart especially AFib medication that is not making you feel any better then you should go back to your cardiologist and ask for a change of either dosage or medication.

Hi DizzyD,

I have come to the conclusion that today's GPs are little more than a slow, and virtually inaccessible version of Google.

Gone are the days when a doctor would look holistically at your general shape and appearance, and with a hands-on approach.

Nowadays they can barely look at you at all, preferring instead to study their screens, and follow the usual formulae, which usually can be found online.

Coupled with the policy of only dealing with one condition per consultation at a time. Thereby discounting any other, possibly relevant, symptoms.

I would rather be told to lose weight, quit smoking, exercise more, or even be told to get-a-grip and stop being such a hypochondraic, than simply given yet another tablet, with all its possible side effects.

I want advice, not chemicals.

DizzyD profile image
DizzyD in reply to

You have hit the nail on the head Vespaman which is why I rarely go you see my GP

Tricia7048 profile image
Tricia7048 in reply to

100% agree with you! How I wish for the old days to.come back because they can only push pills now!!

10gingercats profile image

I for one am quite distressed by your post. Your anger seems to know no bounds .I ask you to try and control this anger for the sake of those who are struggling with their own medical difficulties and seek advice from those that can help them.

nilmonisikdar40 profile image

I have read your long story and quite interesting. It's your body and when you feel bad , there is no one to share that feeling of un wellness and frustration. By the way why was levothyroxine prescribed in the first place. Was it because of hypothyroidism which if not treated optimally can give rise to hypertension and lipid problem. Apart from not checking you BP in clinic, have you had an ECG? You have done quite a lot of research with your condition. I have no more to say at the moment.

DizzyD profile image
DizzyD in reply to nilmonisikdar40

Levothyroxine prescribed after removal of my thyroid. With no thyroid a person is hypothyroid. Was over treated with levo which gave rise to hyperthyroidism and then hypertension which is a symptom of hyperthyroidism. Hypertension undetected, undiagnosed, untreated then led to enlarged heart and afib.

Silvasava profile image

I don't have a thyroid either and I've also been on Levothyroxine for over 30 years. I have Dilated Cardiomyopathy caused not by the Thyroxine but by radiotherapy to my left side for BC. I was aware that the radiotherapy could affect my heart but it was 10 years before I had any symptoms. No my life isn't the same as it was but I am still here and I intend to make the most of it. Obviously I would prefer not to be in this situation but without the BC treatment where would I be?

StillAliveSoFar profile image

I don't suppose you went to Lewisham Hospital by any chance?

AdamJames157 profile image

I have had two years of trying to get my GP to take my health seriously. I was a 32 year old fit male prior to February 2020.

I was told I had viral fatigue and sent away with Codeine tablets. I kept going back (failing sometimes as they wouldn’t see me) only to be told the same. Ended up going private and finding out I have a severe leaking aortic valve and an enlarged two years later.

I repeatedly raised issues with HBP and feeling unwell with my doctor and I was ignored repeatedly. The NHS is purposely being run into the ground and GPs have a lot to answer for.

I am sorry to say but refusing to see their patients is just utterly wrong.

Lhasaone profile image

I can understand your anger and frustration. Just over 20 years ago I was diagnosed with an overactive thyroid by my GP at the time, close to collapse he said. Outcome was that I had the thyroid removed and was put on levothyroxine and have been on it ever since. My left mitral valve was damaged and leaking, swiftly put on warfarin and given 3 cardioversions, none of which got me back into a normal rythym - no surprise there. Ever since I've had annual ecg's with a consultant face to face follow up, until 2/3 years ago when just a reading of the results sent to GP and me. A reduction of the thyroxin but no mention of the enlarged hole appearing at the end of the valve... Towards the end of 2020 I began to feel really unwell, legs swelling up with liquid, bandages administered by GP Practice nurses twice a week. I needed to speak to my GP and for her to see the state I was in. Metaphorically I banged the table hard enough when I appeared at the surgery and demanded to see her. She arrived, took my blood pressure and called an ambulance. I had gone into heart failure and spent 3 weeks on a drip to get rid of the excess fluid. At one point my old consultant who I had seen in the early days came to visit me so I was able to let rip... politely of course but he got the message. He apologised, amazing, but he'd read my recent notes and said this never should have happened... Hospital Cardiologist suggested I might be suitable for a valve TP, basically a fairly new procedure by a crack cardiac group in the Bristol BRI. I checked out the main man, he had performed around 100 of these procedures with a 5% failure rate. He called me this year in early March - one year after me leaving hospital. He suggested I had a few more tests which I had, then had a video call scheduled for last Tuesday for the "team" to give me a yes or no answer if I could have the procedure or not. I get on line, soft bird sounds and a voice every couple of minutes telling me the "team" knew I was online and was first in the queue... FOUR HOURS later (8pm) I was still waiting - ok I know emergencies crop up - but no one from Admin thought to come online and tell me about the delay, I clicked off. The next morning I called and made a complaint to Admin and to pass it on to their manager. I'm still awaiting a response. So, certainly I understand why you are pissed off as right now, I feel the same as the delay means my valve leak is getting wider. I think we - the general public - believe these consultants know all they need to know about their speciality and its obvious at times this isn't always the case.

Hi Dizzy D,

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