Ive heard that coronary artery spasms can occur in cycles, does anyone have experience of this? My episodes have been under a certain ammount of control , but these last few weeks ive had more episodes,including a painful one in bed last night.
Coronary spasms occuring in cycles?.? - British Heart Fou...
Coronary spasms occuring in cycles?.?

I have periods when my vasospastic angina is much worse.
The cold makes my episodes much longer and frequent.
I tend to end up in hospital when I have had a prolonged period of lots of frequent pains especially if they wake me at night.
I am like a human barometer. The weather has changed its colder....winters coming😱
Hi milkfairy, yes ive had some bad episodes in the cold. I took my family for a weekend caravan break this weekend, stupidly left the caravan window open a little,to keep it safely aired. And woke early hours with angina pain. I think cold was the trigger, as awful as these conditions are,i feel safer if i know the triggers. When it hits out of the blue, i feel helpless. I have to be careful with the nitro, it triggers my arrythmias.
I use 2 hot water bottles to keep me warm and help with the pain.
Then lots and lots of layers of clothes and blankets.
The unpredictable ' out of nowhere' episodes I agree are awlful they are the ones that cause me trouble too.
I can't use GTN spray either it works then I get worse rebound pain.
When I get alot of pain it's out with the hotties , I put my TENS machine on, listen to some music and rest.
I hope you feel more at ease soon.
Do go to A&E if you need to especially if you are getting lots of pain at rest.
Thankyou milkfairy, i always appreciate your sound experience. I have ,at the beginning of my journey,gone to a and e, i do try to only go if i really have to now,after some eight hour waits. I fully appreciate the nhs do there best,but by the time im seen the pains long gone. The times ive needed an ambulance,in all fairness to them,theyve checked me more urgently, but i feel as im wasting there time using this. ..think ill stock up now on the hot water bottle though. X
Hi Goldenheart,
Mine usually happen in clusters although I'm still figuring out the triggers.
I know that when the temperature drops they become problematic for me but it happens in the heat too!
Milkfairy is a fountain of knowledge so will be stealing some tips!
It is very annoying and frustrating when they come out the blue I've had a couple of disturbed nights over the weekend. Hopefully they will soon settle for you x
Hi ninjanoo, thanks for replying. Im still baffled by whats going on with my heart, ,as i have episodes on exertion too my cardio has suggested i have microvascular angina too. My ecgs have picked up a fib. I also have esophagus spasms. Apparently , all these conditions have similiar symptoms. I will feel happier with a confirmed diagnosis! Looking back,ive had coronary spasms for over ten years now,but maybe only once a year. Do you get symptoms on exertion at all? Plus stairs has been a problem for me for ages.
I get them whilst out walking - not that I have been able to walk as far as I normally would. Am only managing 20 mins max not as long as that some days. Stairs have been a problem but fortunately I live in a bungalow. I get them at night too sometimes but still trying to fathom the triggers for me. All a bit of a learning curve as household chores can trigger it as well.
I have a hiatus hernia which doctors and hospital tried to pin the blame on chest pains being oesophagus spasms but knew these pains felt different.
Think you just have to be quite persistent as you know your body better than anyone when something doesn't feel right.