I have serve COPD.I find I stay in a... - Lung Conditions C...

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I have serve COPD.I find I stay in a lot to avoid crowed places where I might pick up a infections, I feel this is effecting my life.

Mikefever profile image
33 Replies

Please can people let me know, if they feel the same?

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Mikefever profile image
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33 Replies
Suzy6 profile image

Yes it does effect my life too. I do still work but meet very few people. I have to forgo lots of social things as I never know how I will feel on the day. Sometimes I have loads of energy somedays not. xx

Mikefever profile image
Mikefever in reply to Suzy6

Thanks Suzy6. Why cant they invent new lungs?

Jeremy76 profile image
Jeremy76 in reply to Mikefever

If only they invented new brains, then I know, personally speaking, I would have been smarter to think I was 10ft tall and impervious to carbon monoxide.

pollyjj profile image

Hi mw77 When I am well I still try to go and do a bit of shopping just try and keep my distance a bit from other people. I think the worse place to go is the Doctors it is full of sick people, I hate going and only do so if it is really necessary.

Recently I visited a friend on the Respiratory ward at our local hospital a couple of time and low and behold I came down with Pseudomonas I don't think it was a co-incidence, I won't be visiting there again.

polly xx

Mikefever profile image
Mikefever in reply to pollyjj

pollyj, I agree about going to the doctors and the hospital, I feel we are sitting ducks to get infections.

in reply to pollyjj

Interesting...how do you know you have pseudonomas?

newlands profile image

Hi i only get out once a week as i need a wheelchair outdoors , if i was able bodied it wouldn't bother me too mix with others .

I don't believe in all this using alcohol wipes etc my doctors have stopped using it now . i am also at the severe stage plus lots of other health problems .Life is for living you take care ,im sure people will come along and disagree with me but then i am 72 and been too the university of life !!! get out while you can

All the best Dorothy

Mikefever profile image
Mikefever in reply to newlands

Thanks newlands, good advice.

FarmerD profile image
FarmerD in reply to newlands

I,m with you on this Dorothy,I too have severe Copd,emphysema.On one of my consultants appointments I queried the infectious thing and a young registrar,very young she looked about twelve,told me that most of my infection came from myself and not as I thought from my wife who is a teacher.I would,nt avoid other people therefore.We are forced to go to hospitals which are dens of infection at our most vulnerable so what the hell.Live while you can we will all be gone soon enough.Live well and keep smiling.D.

Bevvy profile image

If you CAN get out i think you should try to go out.

I am still working albeit part time. As a result of the effort involved I go out socially very little.

I DO believe in hand gels (but not neurotically!) I carry one in my hand bag and make certain I use it prior to eating. I think it helps avoid infections from colds

Mikefever profile image
Mikefever in reply to Bevvy

Thank you Bevvy.

I don't have COPD, I have Bronchiectasis with the additional joy of pseudomonas colonies. I don't do anything any different to normal. I still shop at Tesco and Asda, I still catch the bus. Ok I get a few funny looks when I have a coughing fit and once (in the docs waiting room) a nasty comment. I've never really socialised much anyway, so don't miss things like parties etc. I always make sure I have plenty of tissues handy and either wash my hands or use gel. The most annoying thing for me is when someone hearing my cough says "have a fag love, that'll clear your chest" really?? Don't think so somehow.

Puffthemagicdragon profile image

I have very severe emphysema and, apart from the doctors and hospitals I do everything as normal ( shopping, etc, ) but also keep aware of people around me and be on the lookout for anyone who may have a cold or other respiratory ailments. COPD doesn't run my life, I do ! :)

sue48 profile image

Its verry difficult to reach a happy medium. You do what you feel is right for you ! I have asthma bronciectasis and copd with the added joy of no immunesystem for wich i have a weekly infusion ..i just make sure if i know there is someone with infectiobn i give them a wide birth. .you never know who has some bugs lurking about. .. most havent. Sue x

chrissie53 profile image

Like puff i don,t let COPD run my life,,i still go out to the shops and occasionally to the pub,,i walk the dog in all weathers thru out the year, am at stage 3,, i refuse to feel sorry for myself, its a case of you got it so get on with it,,most people in my village know when i,m tired or trying to get my breath cos i,m sitting on there wall,,i swear blind because i get loads of fresh air,and pump my lungs to there fullest,it has staved of any infections this winter, which is a godsend,,i also have RA, which is a right royal pain, as i never know which part of the body it will attack,,tis usually my hands, which can put me at a disadvantage,,even opening the fridge door is painful,but living on my own i just have to put up with it,,,,

peege profile image
peege in reply to chrissie53

You've got a great attitude Chrissie. I'm convinced of that pumping your lungs to their fullest and deepest. I'm convinced that's helped me this winter, that and walking the dog . Sorry you have RA though. Best regards P

Luckyring56 profile image

No, definitely not. Unless you have a severely compromised immune system and have your flu jab every year then you are better off getting on with your life as best you can otherwise, once you cut yourself off from people, your body will begin to act like a toddler starting play school and you will be at higher risk of catching an infection because your body has had no fighting to do to keep your immune system on alert.

The other thing is, if you stay at home all the time, you will stand a higher chance of becoming depressed, which it sounds as though you're heading in that direction from what little you say, and this will also compromise your immune system.

Obviously it does make sense to avoid people who are streaming with colds, coughing etc. but on the whole I think you should make the most of your life and live it to the fullest you can.

Best wishes,



I agree it is best to be out and about as much as possible even if it means taking the risk of catching something nasty. The other alternative is to shut yourself away and what sort of a life is that? Best to live life to the fullest you can and enjoy it. I agree try and keep your distance from those with colds etc. but don't let your illnesses ruin your life. Puff is right - it is much better to be in control of your illnesses rather than leting them rule you. xx

Eve3066 profile image

Do you take something to boost your immune system ?

yorkie70 profile image

Hi mw77,

I think that you should work on trying to put aside the fear of "picking something up" otherwise you will eventually become housebound, and you do not need that. It is like someone saying "i will not cross the road as I may get knocked down". etc. Below is a post i submitted some time ago.

Hi to all who read our posts. I do not post much but I do read most. It does seem that reading the posts that a number of folks tend to get a little lazy, and negative, on the subject of keeping "fit" and also dwell on the longevity of our lifespan. Yes I myself do get lazy when I am not at my best and this is one of the worst things that can happen to our group who have similar complaints. I do snap out of this mundane attitude and get on with life. One must be positive in all aspects of life, from a very early age I believed, and still do, that our brains are our finest doctor we could have so think positive. My age is 70 yrs (M) my FEV1 19% at last test. I do not use oxy, my sats run at 90 to 96 % resting and exercising, sometimes into the 80's if I don't watch it. I will not give way to this disease as i try to stay in charge of my well being. No I am not superman just trying to live my life. I will never try and put an expiry date on my life as if i were a pack of frozen peas in the supermarket. I try to be active 24/7 less my sleep time.

Good health to all. Breath easy and long. Stay in control.

Dave from the LoS

O2Trees profile image

I don't believe its an either/or here. For me its not about letting copd rule my life, but learning to work with it.

I lead a very full life - cycling, gardening, dancing, making art, lots of socialising plus various community activism/campaigning. But I'm also extremely vigilant about infection control, mostly because an exacerbation puts me completely out of the world for 2-3 months with terrifying choking episodes many times a day. I have severe copd with stage 4 reflux which is what causes the choking and laringospasm (total sealing off of the windpipe).

What has helped me most is having built up enough confidence to be assertive about my need to avoid infection. Our friends and family are educated now to cancel meeting up if they have any signs of a virus. I don't go to parties in the winter; always use tea tree oil and First Defence when i have to be among crowds; recently asked a shop assistant who clearly had a running cold if i could have someone else (she agreed but wasn't happy!). At our local cafe I'll check with anyone who sits at the same table who is blowing their nose. Usually they are understanding, and I move - certainly don't expect them to!

I guess everyone just has to find their own way to live with the limitations this condition without going under.

Fern369 profile image

Yes I avoid going shopping too often and use hand alcohol gel after I have been anywhere to avoid picking up germs. I move fast when people are coughing or sneezing near me too.

Dorris59 profile image

It is wise to be vigilant if you have COPD or any other respiratory disease. There is some research that sulphurophane - a chemical contained in broccoli and some other vegetables is helpful for COPD. It contains anti-inflammatory antioxidants that seem to be low in those who suffer from COPD. Unfortunately cooking kills Sulphoraphane, but it is available as a supplement. It was discovered by the John Hopkins medical centre and clinical trials are being done.



O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to Dorris59

Thank you, very useful. I eat loads of the stuff but cooked . . . will investigate the supplement.

stilltruckin profile image
stilltruckin in reply to O2Trees



"As scientists, we learned that sulforaphane is maximized when broccoli has been heated 10 minutes at 140 degrees Fahrenheit," said Jeffery. "For the consumer, who cannot readily hold the temperature as low as 140 degrees, that means the best way to prepare broccoli is to steam it lightly about 3 or 4 minutes--until the broccoli is tough-tender."

Mikefever profile image

Thanks everyone for your positive replies.

Dorris59 profile image

Apparently I read somewhere that if broccoli is cooked with powdered mustard seed, it boosts the Sulphoraphane levels. Other veggies contain it too, but Broccoli sprouts contain the highest levels of Sulphoraphane.

Dorris59 profile image

Here's the link to cooking broccoli with powdered mustard seed.


Dorris59 profile image

Made a mistake on the link, so here it is again.


FarmerD profile image

I have severe emphysema and was told by specialist my infections come from inside ME.I asked because my wife is a teacher of young kids who carry all sorts of diseases .It,s worth checking with your medics but normal hygiene should be sufficient.Good luck and stay as active as you can.D.

patty17 profile image

Hi I have a problem with coughing and getting out of breath and I was getting to the stage when I didn't want to go anywhere. This made me depressed and isolated so I decided I had to try and get out despite getting funny looks when I have a coughing spasm in the supermarket. I have recently started to do some voluntary work again in a food bank. I feel better mentally and physically so try not to isolate yourself and try and do what you can.

onamission profile image

I agree the Doctors surgery is the worst place to be in since I put in a claim for ESA I have to go to my GP to get sick notes this has been going on since June last year and I have gone from level 3 to level 4. DWP think we will grow new lungs and do not understand COPD.

I do go out and all my friends are good if they have the flu they keep away but you have to go out or you will end up depressed.

I am the same,I carry antiseptic hand wash with me where ever I go..I know the flu virus can be on door handles,shopping baskets etc.Avoid ppl with coughs n colds like hell..Take care...

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