Question 1, How likely are you to att... - Lung Conditions C...
Question 1, How likely are you to attend a ‘virtual’ support group meeting
Thank you Carol
Not sure what it involves
I wear two hearing aids so would find it difficult.
Sounds a good idea
I am only a member of the group to get information for my husband who has just been diagnosed.
I probably would not while Covid is around and i don't know where I am with the consultant and his team.
C.O.P.D. and I am not 100% sure I have it!
Really sad to see how many wouldn’t join
We have regular weekly meetings and everyone really enjoys them, and finds them helpful and fun,I think it’s lack of understanding of how it works with support I’m sure many would join.
It’s not lack of understanding, just that some some of us don’t want to participate in this kind of thing. What’s sad about that? Everyone’s different.

Absolutely it’s not for everyone, it is just such a large majority,
We have got to know our group so well with our weekly Zoom meetings , we had a nurse from the hospital last week reassuring everyone and explaining how things have changed, we had our MP this week explaining the impact of shielding ! Great to be able to support each other and have some fun in difficult times.
Can recommend x
Thanks 😊
It could prove to be interesting Carol. mmmm!
Seems a good idea
A Few of us here have Zoom meetings, Good to put a Face to the Names and we all get on so well. Waiting for the next one, Hopefully Soon. Anyone can Join us. Thanks Carol. Stay safe. xxx
I have old software, I am concerned about security.
We already use Zoom for our exercise class, and Zoom for committee meetings, and are about to try a Zoom main meeting. I also wear hearing aids. It is not an issue.
about what?
Should be very helpful
I don't know much about support meetings, if I felt a virtual one was beneficial I would
depends on the timing
Due to time difference, 12 hours between Malaysia and UK, is not convenient to participate.
mobility is a problem to get to any meeting
Hi Carol, I would like to be involved but I think the time difference in Australia would be an issue ?
I don't know what you mean by 'virtual'- zoom meeting? I do't know if I could get it to work!
Will the BLF nurses and people from the Helpline be participating at all I wonder?
I am sure that this would happen.
Thanks Sunny
My phone is in need of updating rather badly so not even sure I could do what is necessary but not entirely ruling myself out. Thank you Carol.
I would like to hear more about it. Thank you
only get time to come to this site when i am able to
Just listening to other people's problems is a boost for me as I can then compare my problems with theirs in the knowledge that I am not alone. It is sometimes very difficult to not feel sorry for oneself unless one hears of other people having a far worse time than yourself. It is lovely to then feel sorry for those who are having a very bad time and the desire to help them is so overpowering that one can almost forget one's own health issues.
Not sure how to but will try
I apologise for my apsense I haven't been well...n thank you for not giving up on me
How about a respiratory therapist conducting a pulmonary rehabilitation exercise class via a Zoom meeting?