Do you have a motability vehicle? - Lung Conditions C...

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Do you have a motability vehicle?

451 Voters

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89 Replies

If you'd like information or advice on the motability scheme and/or any welfare benefits, please give the BLF Helpline a call on 03000 030 555 (Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm).

Best regards,


BLF Admin

doug41 profile image

Just a small car transportable one

Kentmedic profile image

No. It seems I'm not unwell enough having emphysema. It appears to me you have to be close to a grave before getting one.

jacqui7 profile image
jacqui7 in reply to Kentmedic

thats not true i have the same lung problem. you can have a back up driver who can be a family member or friend who can go out with you or drive you for shopping etc. if you get a shoppers mobility scooter you can have a harness fitted which will lift the scooter into the car, which enables you to visit new places and use your shopper to get out and about. if you breakdown you just get a taxi to take you and scooter back to car, opens up a whole new life for you.

Christabella153 profile image
Christabella153 in reply to Kentmedic

Reapply but go to CAB with all your info etc they will help & do forms etc

joyce74 profile image

I bought a second hand one but don't feel stable on it so share my husbands sometimes.

Joy123 profile image

Was this Motability or Mobility? What's a Mobility vehicle, a buggy?

in reply to Joy123

Thanks for flagging this up, Joy123 - we mean a motability vehicle....I'll get this amended in the poll question!


Joy123 profile image
Joy123 in reply to

Oops! Glad I could help! Haha!!

in reply to Joy123

Haha! Thank you very much :-) Time for me to go and wake up...!!

Joy123 profile image
Joy123 in reply to

It can happen to anybody so don't worry. You're all doing a great job for us. Sorry! But you also need to amend your message where you state "if you want further information' etc. x

in reply to Joy123

Thanks Joy123 - I've now edited that bit too! I'm glad you're more eagle eyed than me :-)

jacqui7 profile image
jacqui7 in reply to Joy123

yes its a buggy

LF57 profile image

I applied for PIP and was turned down. When at my worse I struggle walking and moving about. At best my peak flow is 250. The report from the assessor stated I was clean, with well groomed hair and smart appearance. I had jeans and a top on. No mention of my breathing or oxygen levels

Joy123 profile image
Joy123 in reply to LF57

You know to turn up like a scruff next time! What a stupid report.

Suzannejames profile image
Suzannejames in reply to LF57

That's so wrong. Do you have to look like a vagrant to recieve this allowance.

cezzie5 profile image
cezzie5 in reply to LF57

Your comment is sadly what l know and have come to expect. I also get told that i articulate too well which has caused late diagnosis. What difference does it make whether you look clean and tidy and can slap a bit of make up on. These attitudes make me so cross and are beyond judgemental to say the least. The care giving professions should know better in this day and age.

jjnanna profile image
jjnanna in reply to cezzie5

The problem is the people doing the interviews are just normal folk with no medical background at all and like the folk at the benefits office used to be are taken from the dole queue and don't care wether you get any money or not !

Flossie1920 profile image
Flossie1920 in reply to cezzie5

I was refused twice....some of the comments were you can can be independent because you can read etc.... I have PIP now but at a reduced rate presumably because I went to school..


Bella124 profile image
Bella124 in reply to Flossie1920

What's a pip

pechinawa profile image
pechinawa in reply to LF57

If you ask for a home visit you can have a better chance of success in your own surroundings.

jacqui7 profile image
jacqui7 in reply to LF57

reapply if you have an organisation that helps with disability claims then use them, as they understand the questions better than we do. they usually turn them down first. so if people do not reapply they have saved a lot of money. totally unfair i know.

kdday profile image
kdday in reply to LF57

Yes. Same here. I have stage 4 emphysema. Ist pip assessment, I got std mobility and nothing for daily living. 2nd assessment got std daily living and std mobility. I got asked, when you cant breathe, what does it stop you doing? I cant walk more than 10 paces without becoming severely breathless but apparently if I use a walking aid I would not have this problem!!!! They described me as being clean and well dressed, having a clean and tidy home and didn't look as if I needed the money! Most days I cant even make it to the bathroom but apparently they don't see that as a problem. This system is a joke

Christabella153 profile image
Christabella153 in reply to LF57

Reapply got to CAB they will do your forms assist with your details etc

Flossie1920 profile image
Flossie1920 in reply to Christabella153

Exactly what I did and got it eventually but had to go before a panel....looked like a death squad...good luck to all who have to fight xx

Lesley_ann profile image

I prefer to stick to my car as I am used to mine, I may change my mind when my 17 year old daughter passes her driving test and takes occupancy of my beloved Toyota. Or she could then taxi me around whenever I want.... payback !!!. Linda

Yes I have one but don't drive. Have so many hospital appointments ends up cheaper. Got such a lovely daughter who lives with me and drives me to all appointmentstudents. Be lost without the car.

in reply to

Bit of spelling mistake there. Sorry

northernlass profile image

My old reliable micra didn't have a pollen filter and my chest is evermore worsened by road fumes so got a new car this week on motability. (Even on recycle, some fumes were getting in to micra and some coaches make my chest bad due to fumes and unfortunately, can't tell which until you are on them so have been put off coach trips.)

Offcut profile image

I have a car but would like a mob scooter but can not afford one :(

jjnanna profile image
jjnanna in reply to Offcut

If the car is yours you can get a scooter on the Mobility scheme.

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to jjnanna

I need full mobility PIP and lost my last application so I am reapplying? I am on ESA Support but that does not help. My Blue Badge and disabilty bus pass do.

Loraine121 profile image
Loraine121 in reply to Offcut

Hi i have just got a great scooter through motability scheme as mine broke down and i have always gone for second hand one but for less than 80 .00 a month i get a brand new scooter with lots of benefits including insurance which I never thought of having before incase of accidentally bashing into something or someone, lol

They brought me a couple of scooters to the house for me to test drive it's great to have a new one as I now am on constant oxygen so i need a higher weight scooter as my poor old one was not abke for my weight oxygen cylinder and shopping, lol

Regina77 profile image

Don't know what that is

Lyd12 profile image

We had to give up our car, husband has cataracts and is 88 this year.I don't drive. Can walk to local shops, son can usually manage with lifts to hospital, do main shopping on line.

jjnanna profile image
jjnanna in reply to Lyd12

Have you enquired about Dial-a-ride ?????

Granny56 profile image

Don't need one.

stevie511 profile image

Although I can't walk very far I've never needed one

stumper1 profile image

Do not qualify because my condition did not develop until I was in my 70's

Suzannejames profile image

We have our own car, but we do claim the tax allowance.

Misstickle profile image
Misstickle in reply to Suzannejames

What tax allowance is that then? I know you pay no VAT on certain mobility aids but, unless it's a brand new car, there isn't any tax. Who can afford to buy a brand new car anyway - unless you'really eligible for the motability scheme!

jjnanna profile image
jjnanna in reply to Misstickle

If you use your own car and get higher rate mobility allowance you can get your car tax paid for

Misstickle profile image
Misstickle in reply to jjnanna

Again, it's the age thing! You can't apply for any mobility allowance once you are a certain age. They seem to think that people on state pension can afford to pay for and buy everything they want! OK, we do get a bus pass, but as someone's already stated, if you're disabled you probably can't get to a bus or on it.

LF57 profile image
LF57 in reply to Misstickle

I'm not old enough for a bus pass but was told last week that they are being stopped in my area. Not sure how true that is

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to Misstickle

My local bus stop is a mile away so no good for me at all :(

chibby1 profile image

Just lost ours after 12 yrs I am the worst I have ever been with R/A and C O P D + other things wrong with me . Car was our lifeline got bus passes but need a taxi to get to nearest bus stop . I was 2 points short in the change over from DLA to PIP , both my wife and I are heartbroken our lives are finished . C A B are helping us but its looks like a long drawn out thing . Chibby

Lesley_ann profile image
Lesley_ann in reply to chibby1

Hi Chibby,

I'm so sorry for what's happening, this system is so unfair and you are not on your own as thousands of people are either losing their benefit and/or car's when changing from DLA to PIP.

In an earlier post I told how I got 0 point's from the assessment then 0 point's again in MR. My report was mostly lies so I set about compiling a report of my own to challenge every statement. This was sent off to the court's (all 36 page's) for the tribunal along with every medical report I could get. Within 28 day's I had a lump sum in my bank ( obviously backdated amount ) from DWP for PIP though it as took them 4 week's to phone me to explain. I do believe it helped the sheer amount of reading matter I gave them. I basically wrote like a stuck record stating things over and over again.

Lot of hard work but I didn't have to go to a tribunal.

If I can be of any help please ask.

Kind regards Linda x

chibby1 profile image
chibby1 in reply to Lesley_ann

Hi Lesley-Ann . Thank you so much for your reply Linda yes we know lots of folk who are going through the same as us . Did read in the paper that 800 people per week are loosing their cars . I had 8 points too many on the first part of the PIP change over but then 2 points short on the second part . C A B have told we today that the rules have changed again only this week and its making it more difficult to pass their tests . I failed on planning a trip as my wife drove to the hospital for me to be tested for the change over . They said we could plan our trips so got nil points and needed just 2 to pass . We only got to the hospital because we have been to it SO many times over the last 12 years . I filled in ALL the forms myself and that is where I went wrong CAB say I should have taken the forms to them . When you get over 70 you don't need all this and I don't know if we have the fight left in us for this battle . Best Wishes and thank you for your kind words . Chibby

Lesley_ann profile image
Lesley_ann in reply to chibby1

Please do Chibby, don't let them win. Before I had to stop working last year I was a mentor for disabled people both with physical and mental problems, I filled in forms with them and attended assessments and tribunals. So with my experience I was totally shocked to get 0point's. But that's when my anger took over. Like you I have rheumatoid arthritis for the last 15 year's and I have pulmonary fibrosis caused by rheumatoid nodules, along with other conditions relating to RA. This is where you need to go over everything that affects you no matter how small that may be.please let me know how you are both doing Chibby.

My thoughts are with you both.Linda x

chibby1 profile image
chibby1 in reply to Lesley_ann

Thank you Lesley ann for all your kind and helpful words . I tried to do the forms like I have always done them before and stating the truth but I now know I should have got help . What gets me is that it was the DLA that told me 12 yrs ago that I was entitled to a car and now we are at our lowest ebb we are not allowed one anymore . Going for dinner now then watch England at football all been well . I shall pop back to this site tomorrow and see if there is anymore good tips for us to use . Think getting our local MP may be a help as stated on here I always vote for him but never had cause to use him before so I may see what he is made of . Thanks again Linda and Best Wishes from us2 xx .

Lesley_ann profile image
Lesley_ann in reply to chibby1

If you ever want a chat about filling your forms in then by all means send me a PM and I will get back to you.

Have a lovely evening and try not to let them get you down.Linda x

Loraine121 profile image
Loraine121 in reply to chibby1

Hi chibby , I am sorry to read the trouble you are having thats what they are expecting for us to give up and again its the people who know how to cheat the system that still get everything and the genuine people loss out again and again its the same, it infuriates me . I'm still on dla i have still to go through it all. Please don't give up get help with filling in your appeal.

All the best

loraine x

Ccupcakes profile image
Ccupcakes in reply to Lesley_ann

Hi, I had to do a similar thing, but didn t get as far as tribunal, I took the report apart literally a statement at a time, providing evidence at every statement. Like you I got a full entitlement decision AND crucially, an admission that the initial report was flawed. I do use a website called the disability rights forum , I think that's the name and they are excellent if like me you can't get to CAB who in my area are really overstretched

Lesley_ann profile image
Lesley_ann in reply to Ccupcakes

Yes Ccupcakes, thats exactly what the DWP needs and as good as CAB is they don't have the time it takes to pull apart the assessors report. I have a number now to forward my complaint regarding my capita assessor who I have found out from the tribunal team isn't even qualified to assess as she was only in her final year of studying to be a O.H.

Tale care Linda x

Joy123 profile image
Joy123 in reply to chibby1

This situation sounds very wrong to me x

Misstickle profile image

Think it's disgraceful you're not eligible to apply for motorbility once you are over 65. I know the scheme is a real lifeline to some but we get fed up with seeing so many comparatively fit people swanning around in their new cars and scooters ( particularly the obvious benefit scroungers) when we have to pay for everything just because my 80 yr old husband has a small pension and a bit over the savings allowance. Meanwhile I,at 76 yrs old, now spend 24 hrs a day caring for him and don't get a penny.

Moonraker1 profile image
Moonraker1 in reply to Misstickle

Have you also tried yet to get Council Tax reduced, if one of you is disabled? Can be 10%, 25% or seven 50% reduction, according to which Council you pay! It costs nothing to ring and ask them to post you the Application Forms first, before you let them just say "No"!

They should also back-date you even a year or so, if you are eligible, so be careful to fill in Form stating that you were eligible for 'several years previously' or similar.

sueysue profile image

That's so unfair. I know people who get them. And walk round town !! Did you appeal x

LF57 profile image
LF57 in reply to sueysue

I know someone that has asthma and gets the assessor out as she claims not to be able to leave the house. Gets every benefit you can get. Twice a day you can find her walking a mile to the pub and back, 7 days a week other than when on holiday. She did lose the car because she was caught drink driving. Just knows how to play the system

sploge profile image
sploge in reply to LF57

we have one close to us says they can not walk but we have all seen them walking

Loraine121 profile image
Loraine121 in reply to LF57

I know people around where i live exactly the same, it these people that the government were supposed to be getting rid of but they are to clever and know ever trick in the book and its still the genuine people who are suffering from this . It makes my blood boil .

joyce741 profile image

I have a mobility car which has a hoist in the back to lift up my electric scooter. The car is a ford galaxy which I had to put a down payment for. As the allowance was not enough. But there are plenty of cars to choose from with no down payment on. I had a mobility car long before I packed up work, but things have change now its harder to get pip awards.

pechinawa profile image

I have had a mobility car for four years now with my good wife as a nominated driver as I no longer able to drive.

Joy123 profile image

It's very sad to hear that people are abusing the system when others are so desperate. Might I suggest that those in the know about those making fraudulent claims make a phone call to the relevant services and report the crooks? Or, if you don't want to do that you could write an anonymous letter. Only a friendly suggestion btw. x

LF57 profile image
LF57 in reply to Joy123

Reported her but dont have her exact address or phone number. Gave details where she can be found drinking twice daily and seen walking there twice daily. Nothing has ever happened

Joy123 profile image
Joy123 in reply to LF57

That's very, very disappointing for you, annoying too x

Grandma_C profile image

I do have one which I had to buy myself.

Bella124 profile image

Oops misread it no I don't have one

I would love one, but have nowhere to store one. Access to my home is too difficult for a motability scooter. I use a 3 wheeled walker. A car would be no good as neither of us drive and I'm half blind any way.

CornishBrian profile image

We did have one but my wife couldn't go on holiday without me because of the road tax restrictions.

I have car BUT is pain every year you have review LIKE the going to cure us.

Just adds to strees and now blue badge people are just as mean with assesments.

Anyway am Ignorant and young enouth to put em strait FOR us.

I was reading if you have issues with pip dla and medical go and see mp about shody tricks.

I read the question as "do you have a mobility vehicle", so answered 'yes' as I have a buggy which I bought myself [2nd hand].

I do NOT have a MOTABILITY vehicle.

best wishes to all. s

Lyd12 profile image

Just looked at dial a ride. Thanks for the suggestion. Doesn't sound like it would help us. Not able to do hospital trips and only nearby destinations. We can walk into our little town so fortunate so far.

KevinD1878 profile image

I have voted Yes but I don't expect to continue having one after PIP finishes on 19th June, since there is no way I would meet the criteria for either care or mobility, so I don't see the point in re-applying. Didn't actually apply myself in the first place. It was done by one of the nurses from the Palliative Care Team so they must have used the urgency procedure. At the time, May/June 2014 have been diagnosed with rapidly progressing IPF, I was on the Palliative Care Team's list. At the beginning of May 2014 I had been given 10 weeks by my consultant and had a DNACPR instruction in place. I am the best walking advert there is for pulmonary rehabilitation programmes and on-going weekly Fit to Breathe sessions, plus effective cocktail medications and ambulatory oxygen (I had been on LTOT until 18 months ago).

When I was discharged from hospital at the end of May 2014, I couldn't walk 10 meters, never mind the 20 meters criteria which is now set for PIP. As things are now (touch wood and DV) I can walk with my oxygen set at 3 - 4 lpm, and on the flat, for ages - the slightest incline can cause problems though ! ! So all in all, given the experiences others have had in their PIP assessments, I am not intending to re-apply after 19th June and so will lose my notability vehicle. But , hey-ho, I'm doing things now that I never ever expected to be doing ever again 3 years ago, so I'm made up !

chibby1 profile image
chibby1 in reply to KevinD1878

Don't give up Kevin just like that you must fight for what is right . You may not get some things but what ever you do qualify for must be a help to you . These things are not given to us FREE most people like me have worked ALL our lives and paid the full stamps etc , these are things we have earned . After reading letters on here today I'm going to try and fight it all the way with help I hope from the C A B . Best Wishes from Chibby .

Loraine121 profile image
Loraine121 in reply to KevinD1878

Oh i would give up that easy at least apply people with a lot less than what you have gone through get it abd the fact that you are on oxygen counts .

People with nothing wrong with them can pass as they know how to play with the system

Go for it you have nothing to lose , well eveything to loss but you might still be entitled to it .there is a web page on the government site that you can check if you would be entitled to pip try that .

Good luck

LF57 profile image
LF57 in reply to KevinD1878

I cannot walk up inclines or stairs and the report stated they are only interested on the flat. PIP are not interested. I found it so stressful it made me ill. Certainly won't put myself through it again

Plumbob profile image

I have a mobility allowance but use my own car as we live in a village and once I die, the wife would become stranded at the time when she would need transport the most. Also when I die the contract and insurance etc. becomes void. And before anyone says that would happen with your car. I have insured the car in my wife's name and I am a named driver (not that I drive much now?)


Ian-Todd profile image

I do use a walker but that's because I also have motor neuron disease.

sarcoid123 profile image

I think your survey may be a bit flawed, as at first I read it as 'mobility scooter' (same as some other replies) which I do have and bought myself. As I understand it we can only have a motability scooter if we receive disability benefit (PIP?).

dawniee2121 profile image

One point short when i applied for pip...but im grateful for the help i receive so i didnt bother trying so scared too as losing my low rate,its awful really as i have lung cancer ..and having scans all time...yet i hear people flawing the system. ..just so unfair....and unjust to those genuine that need it

chibby1 profile image
chibby1 in reply to dawniee2121

Wow Dawniee2121 , That is shocking news thort I was hard done by been 2 points short but you are worse off than us , they are very heartless and have no feelings for people like us . I was told to be careful if I fight it as it could hinder what you get in terms of help , but don't know how true this is . Take care its a big help knowing that there are more people like us and that we are not on our own . Chibby

Cyberpunk profile image

Yes I've got one but now have to go for a review I've got severe emphysema in both lungs and struggle to walk 20 yards without being very breathless also had a heart attack a couple of years ago it's a joke being sent for a review cos common sense tells them it won't improve don't need a degree to work that out do you

dawniee2121 profile image

Thanks for reply i know its difficult to comprehend but im grateful of some support. .but ive been told if my condition gets worse to reapply by pip..thats a joke im terminal. ..

Breatheeasy profile image

Too expensive when all you have is PIP

Loraine121 profile image

Hi, I don't know if this counts but I have just got my mobility scooter through the motability scheme

Loraine x

Toci profile image

I voted 'no' because I don't have a Motobility vehicle. I do however have the mobility component of DLA but use it to run my own car.

qbjb profile image

I bought my own scooters and disabled vehicle - didn't notice 'motability' on the poll - duh 🙃

Bella124 profile image

I have a mobi mobility its my own hadn't heard of getting one any other way