Do you have a blue badge?: - Lung Conditions C...
Do you have a blue badge?
How do you go about applying
Hi bellycruiser give our helpline a call on 03000 030 555 and one of our specialist advisors will be happy to advise you on what you need to do
Best wishes,
BLF Admin
I must admit Ben that this was because I suffer from 2 types of Cardiomyopathy and was before I was diagnosed with Emphysema. Had it been the other way around, you would never know if it would have been awarded first time !??
Yes. My Reumy told me that any one with bronchiectasis should qualify.
I have had bronciecstasis for over twenty years. I have only recently retired from full time work, still work part-time and lead a very active life. Your statement if true surprises me. It has never occurred to me to apply for a blue badge or any other benefits. Although I understand people's circumstances differ, I feel that being given a blue badge just for having a particular condition, rather than because you have mobility issues, is unfair for those who may need one and can't get one. I would love to know if this is correct or not.
Yes. It is true. I have had Bronchiectasis for 13 years. I also have Sjogren's and Essential Thombocythemia all of which make me very breathless. I cannot walk very far without having to stop. I suppose it depends on the overall condition. I only got Blue Badge last year. I put my Reumy on the forms as well as other Consultants. If you don't think you need one then there is no point in applying as the questions they ask would tell if you qualified.
This was quite easy as my Heart Failure Nurse contacted them for me initially, cant thank her enough
It was hard as I had to provide a lot of unformation
ive copd but dont get pip cant i still have one ? i was under the impression that i couldnt
Yes you can forest - I do, Im on my third one now (they last 3 years then you have to reapply). Ive never had PIP or previously DLA.
this morning i went and applied thanks to your info
thanks to every one that has answered
That's good to know. I also have COPD as well as severe Asthma and mobility problems. I am waiting for my PIP to be assessed, filled the form, and now waiting. Am on DLA, so do have a mobility car and get the blue badge at the moment. I am worried that I am going to lose DLA and be refused PIP, lose the car and the badge. Without the car, I can't get about.

I had no trouble getting mine.😊
I have copd and got one the first time I applied. I just had to walk around the place (very slowly) and it was awarded. So grateful to get it too!!! Makes my life easier.
I have Psoriasis arthritis and refused a badge in July but now I have been diagnosed with excessive dynamic airways collapse do you think I would qualify for a badge now
Hi scobbie1 if your circumstances/health has changed since your original application, then it's certainly worth applying to your council again.
Kind regards,
Hi scobbie1, it was good to speak to you just now. Here's the link to the DfT blue badge scheme local authority guidance.
See page 22, in the pink box, there is reference to living with a lung or heart condition with reference to walking.
Best wishes,
Thank you for the link can you tell me if it is worth putting my energy into applying for blue badge I have IPF

Thank you for the info
Here is the link to an online checker
Don't know what a blue badge is. Term not used in US.
Hi Pianoman. A Blue Badge in the UK is a disability badge that allows disabled drivers to park in specifically designated disability spaces in hospital car parks or shopping mall parking areas, office block parking - that kind of thing.
Generally the disabled parking areas are a lot nearer to the facility you're going to, so you don't have so far to walk to reach the shop, building or whatever.
The uk goverment disability building guide for government buildings states they must put disability bays within 50 metres of the entrance. However then in the blue badge rule it states 20 metres?
Yeah. The rules for disability eligibility changed. You used to have to be able to walk no more than 50 metres to qualify, so it tied in with the building guide.
But the eligibility for PIP changed to 20 metres, to try and cut back on the number of claimants. The building guide has not been updated in correlation.
It is a system where car park spaces are marked with a wheelchair symbol are reserved for badge holders close to shop entrances or access points and some no parking areas on the public highway can be used for up to 3 hours from the time set on an accompanying card clock face displayed alongside the blue badge on the dashboard visible to traffic wardens, police etc.
I just went to my local council office and the girl there filled it in for me , and sent it to the relevant department and gave me a receipt for it , very easy due to the helpful girls who work there, she also filled in the paperwork for disabled parking space at the house. Very help.
Loraine x
Hi Loraine, I didn't realise you could get a disabled space at home, do you have to be wheelchair bound to get it?
Hi northernlass, you don't have to be wheelchair bound to get the disabled parking space for at your house, just the same as the blue badge, I cant remember exactly what proof i needed but when I first got the disabled parking space i was still working that was a bout 15 years ago now but I had to reapply a few years ago but again the nice girl at the council office filled in the paperwork for me , i do now get dla and have a wheelchair but I dont think that i told her about the wheelchair as I didn't tend to use it much then , just apply the wost that can happen is they say no and this is the best time of year to ask for things as they have a new budget or are finishing spending last year's i get confused, go for it while applying for your blue badge as it will probably be the same information they will need for both, i think you can do it online with some councils now as well.
Loraine x
Yes had my Blue Badge 12 years now , but no CAR now due to the DLA changing to PIP failed by one point to keep and now in a battle with the DWP to win it back . Why are the infirm picked on all the time , my wife is heart broken at the loss of our life line . But I will not give up without a fight . CHIBBY .
I do have a blue badge, which I got first time I applied, however, it was for an injury at work, which cost me my career. The heart/lung disease came much later.
I had received my Dla and Mobitlity notification... but that took a while to get.
I had to fight for mine as although a walked the prescribed distance and out of breath the assessor could not feel my heart racing or see my organs suffering oxygen starvation so he refused me . Off to the local press and the decision was reviewed and overturned
I ws refused for a disability bus pass becuase "I did not look ill enough?" Even though I gave them all my consultants letters discribing my conditions.
I have the same problem, I would like to know what a sick person is supposed to look like.
It's so frustrating Offcut -I know I've had to fight for everything and still fighting for compensation for asbestos exposure though that is now eventually going to court (after 4 years of fighting) at the back end of the year I just hope I can stay around long enough ???
Hope your keeping as well as possible? I haven't been on the site for a while had a lot of up's and downs but still fighting
I tried for one but was turned down for some unknown reason. I had to walk about 40/50 mts alongside the assessor. I believe it depends on the area you live in sometimes and I think the assessor made up her mind when I first met with her.
I did not apply for it until I became stage IV COPD
I have had a blue badge for a long time, but have so far had no problem renewing it. Last time I sent off copies of all my consultants' letters and had a confirmation of renewal within a few days. That was Lincolnshire, don't know what Gloucestershire is like but I will find out in November. I would be glad of information from any other Gloucestershire folk!
I received my blue badge after being awarded pip. I used this as evidence I needed the blue badge.
My answer was no because I do feel the system is abused by some.known spouses using it after partner deceased I can manage to statutory 50 metres on the flat but struggle with a slight incline. Have the application forms ready when i cannot manage.. P.S. what is pip I had a dog called pip once
I just downloaded a blue badge form from my County Council filled it in and took it to my GP who returned it to the Council and the badge arrived about 3 weeks later. I don't know if this system is universal but it should be.
Did get my pass first time but did not apply until a went on ambulatory oxygen.
A very nice young adviser from the GP practices in the area took ages to fill in the application form with me, then just as we finished she said " of course, you get one automatically if you're terminally I'll." maybe she didn't know if I knew I was, if you see what I mean. Anyway, it has been an absolute lifeline, cos I can only walk a very short distance these days. I've got pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension as well as RA.
We do not drive, but it would be useful when travelling with family or friends.
I am a little confused about the blue badge, what does it all mean. When I signed into your site I had a blue badge assigned to me. Thanks John
Yes. In my area (Chicago USA) I have a handicap parking placard allowing me to park in special handicapped spaces.
I now know what you mean when you refer to a blue badge, I live in the us, so do not have a blue badge. John.
This is my 4th year for my blue badge.
I have been told if you have a blue badge you may be entitled to a free bus pass.
I had to be assessed which I think is only right. I received my badge first time of applying .
Hi Cassa37 hear, this is my first time comment. I applied for a 'blue badge' for first time, last year, it was refused, I have just had half my lung removed because of Cancer, and also, Copd, Bronchiectasis, and more nodules in lungs to be kept an eye on, I also have Chronic disc problems, Ulcerative Colitis, thyroid probs. I was 'cross examined' for 3/4hr by a 'jobsworth', and in the end refused blue badge, don't think I could put myself through all that again, but I must say, it would definitely help me to get out more without worrying as much about parking!!
Hi Cassa, so sorry to hear that. I know you said you don't think you could put yourself through the assessment again, which I totally understand. But. It's definitely worth applying for the blue badge again.
I've got COPD and Bronchiectasis. I'm on PIP and ESA support group. I applied for the blue badge and got it without any assessment at all.
Because of your change (worsening) in circumstances, you should get it without the assessment now.
Good luck x
Hi Cassa37,
I am astounded by your story, it is an absolute disgrace.
Please re-apply, you definitely deserve a blue badge.
As well as lung disease and other chronic illnessess, you have thyroid disease. Thyroid disease is one of those chronic illnessess that few understand unless you are a fellow sufferer. A terrible, debilitating disease which can destabilise quickly and without warning. It can affect mobility, cause breathlessness and extreme fatigue . One minute you can be walking fine and the next minute it can feel as though someone has taken your batteries out. This coupled with your recent surgery for lung cancer and other chronic lung disease is surely enough evidence of your need for a blue badge.
I wish you well, you are dealing with an awful lot , helped obviously by your positive attitude.
Take care!
If you have PIP Mobility then it should be no issue. I do not at the moment, but do have a Blue Badge as I cannot walk 20metres without discomfort. I do have ESA support group but that was a nightmare to get.
Be well
I have IPF diagnosed 4 years ago, in the last twelve months shortness of breath has got worse, now been referred for ambulatory oxygen. Have applied for Blue Badge, and have been told I have to go for a mobility assessment with an Occupational Therapist, who will decide if I qualify for a Blue Badge.
I have not applied as I haven't heard too much about it. I once asked a friend to look into it for me but they told me that it's hard to acquire one, so I left it at that.
Its a tricky one really. I have bronchiectasis. When I am at my best, I walk my dogs on the level ok. But when I am ill and on steroids etc I can hardly carry shopping from a shop to my car or unload it. But I am not ill all the time so does that make it more complicated? Sometimes I would welcome one but would hate to deprive a space from someone I feel needs it more. I can no longer walk up hills without becoming breathless.
No problem
I voted "no, I've never applied because it's too hard to get one". This is not strictly correct in my circumstances but it was the best fit. I have never applied but I do think I could use one. My problem is that when I have an exacerbation of my heart and lung disease my mobility is so poor that I don't leave the house. At the moment ; like others have mentioned, I can walk fairly well on the flat but struggle with the slightest incline. Therefore, I have not applied because the severity of my conditions vary. I would need to apply when I am really unwell but to be honest, during an exacerbation it's the last thing on my mind.
I do however know that blue badges are hard to get. My brother-in-law applied for one because of congestive heart failure, he couldn't walk the length of himself. After five heart attacks (first aged 36 years) and a quadruple bypass, he was short of breath even at rest. He had always been active, a professional footballer and a golfer with a handicap of four, a proud self-employed man who never asked for help from anyone until family convinced him to apply for the blue badge. The refusal arrived the day after his funeral, he was only 52 years old.
When I first got my blue badge it was about £3 and supply your own photo,,now they are £10 and the photo they take at the council is rubbish,,,,and they have a shiny bit on them now,,, I think I am up to my 4th or 5th,one and could not be without it,,,due to not being able to walk far,,,ttfn from karen.
Many thanks Tracey
What is a blue badge?
What is a blue badge and what benefits does it bring?
I have a Blue Badge & have had one issued three times now. I am 73 & retired some years, I have never had Disability allowance or PIP. I first obtained a Badge via Pulmonary Rehab, the Therapest did a walking test & completed the information needed for the form.
The test is both distance & speed; sometimes I can walk with my husband & dog but very slowly. At others it is hard to walk a few yards. I tell them about my variability & so far all is ok.