Which of the below have you tried to impr... - Arthritis Action

Arthritis Action

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Which of the below have you tried to improve your overall health?

arthritis_action profile imagearthritis_actionPartner193 Voters

Please select all that apply:

17 Replies

The losing weight is very difficult as the Gabapentin I take is piling the weight on me!

Genieus profile image
Genieus in reply to

Gabapentin made my joints hurt so much more.

alisonbeth66 profile image

I lost six stone changed my lifestyle and feel so much better for it.

Maddie1974 profile image

Well done Alisonbeth on your success, I know that it has been difficult for me as my pain fluctuates and can be unpredictable. I still work and have a young family, I often become demotivated after 6 weeks. Do you have any suggestions?

Rosepetal60 profile image

Last year I lost 10 lbs on the 2/5 fast diet. Which I was pleased with. This year I can't seem to get back on it and have put on 2 lbs!

carolen profile image
carolen in reply to Rosepetal60

Hi, You might try Michael Moselys blood sugar diet. Neither my husband or I is diabetic but have found it easy to stick to and effective. Good luck.

Rosepetal60 profile image
Rosepetal60 in reply to carolen

Thank you very much for this suggestion, I have today ordered a 2nd hand copy of MM blood sugar diet book from my favovourite auction site. And I have a diabetic friend who may be interested in it too. πŸŒΈπŸŒΊπŸ‚πŸ™‚πŸŽ„

I've been on steroids for over a year. Started at 40mg alongside 1,000 mg methylpred infusions. Anything edible was fair game as I was permanently hungry. Gradually been reduced through 30mg, 20mg and now 10mg so not quite so bad. This is for my Vasculitis by the way. I find exercising really difficult because of my RA and now my GP suspects I might have Osteoarthritis too. So I just try to eat as healthily as I can, and hope the weight and I eventually part company!

flow4 profile image

I can't see anything 'below'... Is it just me?!

Upsiedaisy1 profile image

What helps me with the pain relief is Co-Drydamol. And a daily walk.

Tillie20 profile image

I have given up smoking on 26th November 2015 and alcohol on 6th Feb 16 but I cannot stop eating chocolate I have always had a sweet tooth but in the last couple of months I crave it I also try to eat healthy meals but then spoil it by eating chocolate I have not had any today lets hope I can keep,it up tomorrow x

Janet28 profile image

Gave up smoking 3 yrs ago after being a smoker from very young ☺

As others have said, weight is difficult because of meds & goes up & down like a yoyo. Plus I'm a chocoholic πŸ˜†

Losing weight is hard for a pasta lover, but I feel I have to do it for my knees and feet.

PFKAAde profile image

I have found as I get older the motivation to make changes has become easier. Weight has never been a big problem for me, but in the last year I've lost 2st without trying. I have changed my diet and no longer scoff a bar a day of Cadbury's fruit and nut - so that helps.

In the last 3 years I've quit smoking, reduced my alcohol intake from too much to a couple of glasses at weekends, stopped eating any processed food, added sugar, dairy, gluten, nightshade, processed meats, no longer (or very rarely) have pudding, no snacking, crisps, fast food etc.

And as my wife would tell you, if I can do it anyone can. I've always considered myself to have an 'addictive personality', but now I've realised - it's all about actually wanting to do something. If you want to, really want to - you can.

At least that's been my experience.

From 😈 To πŸ˜‡. Well, almost. πŸ˜‰

Jacqui66 profile image

Spot on you have hit the nail on the head. I stoped smoking 27yrs ago and after a week knew I would never smoke again. It's really true that you have to truly want to do it. I've never even craved one since strangely the smell of it doesn't stir up longing.

As a vegetarian my eating habits have always been healthy choices, but since I've been on Gabapentin my weight has gone up. I don't have weighing scales at home (I prefer not to), & having been diagnosed with Severe Osteoarthritis of my neck a few months back, OA has started to hit the rest of my body with avengence, which in turn makes it even more difficult to do my exercises. But determined to carry on as much as possible, even it does knacker me out.

Right, I'm off to do a dozen star jumps now!! πŸ˜ƒ

SreekanthD profile image

Brisk Walk for an hour that too 5 days in an week and Protein rich diets in your breakfast, lentils and beans in your lunch. Minimum Carbs and Major amounts of Vitamins and Minerals in your diet with fresh fruits and Vegetables will transform your body in to an healthy and fit body.