Well it looks like it will be once a month that I get gout. This is the fifth month but this time I took the prednisonole early - 5mg --- and it has slowed it down. Also use Tramadol .... I am coping quite well and watching my toe hoping it wont grow into a red/purple throbbing mass! (Very seasonal -- Rudolph the red nose Reindeer) etc. My new GP is helping me to manage my RA pain with new meds and I am trying meditation with music --- guided.... very good and it has helped before. I kn ow I have to do this -- I have to be proactive and do all I can --- because I will be living with pain the rest of my life.
I have decided that when I get the gout I will just roll on with it and read and stay quiet as much as i can .... if the Prednisolone will let me (makes me quite hyper). And drink lots of water.
I always have a battle in the beginning of a pain attack feeling like my body is betraying me and why cant I just be normal. There always is a little bit of grief.
But then there are so many good days in between.
Counting my blessings always