Electrophysiolgist...: HI, Heart been... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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15 Replies

HI, Heart been in a "flutter" all week not the full blown "turning summersaults and jumping out of throat feeling" that I experienced 12 months ago before been admitted into hospital prior to being prescribed Bisoprolol,Asprin,Flecainide.but still pretty scary and debilitating...

I thought I had beaten it cutting out red wine, coffee and food stimulants but no chance...After driving 300 miles yesterday the "flutter was persistent during the night and as soon as the GP opens this morning I feel I need an appointment to see a EP.

I live in the North West can anyone please advise me on a hospital or area I should be asking for. I am in my mid- 60's and like many on this site considered myself to be very fit, healthy and active.

I shall be out of the UK next week so I am beginning to panic a little.

I would appreciate any advise, as I am really out of my comfort zone now.C

15 Replies
meadfoot profile image

Hi Caromia. Sorry to hear you feel so ill at the moment, really scary I know from experience. Hope your doc can ease it for you. There is a really excellent EP at the Liverpool Heart and Chest hospital he is Dr Gupta. If you go on their website there are many patient testimonials about him.

Also Guys and St Thomas in London and St Barts have some excellent EP's

.Make sure you are stablised before your trip abroad. Good luck x.

in reply to meadfoot

Hi meadfoot,Thank you for furbishing me with the name of a EP at Liverpool Heart Hospital. My GP explained this morning that this request can only be done through a referral through the original cardiologist and the next step would be Ablation if I was not happy with the medication..

When my appointment comes through I shall request to be referred to Dr.Gupta...

Thank you again and for your kind concern.C

TheStand profile image


Great idea to ask for an EP.

In your statement you said that you are mid 60's and by your username I assume you are female? If so, you already have a score of at least 2 on the CHA2DS2-VASc scale and probably should be on a form of anticoagulant to help prevent stroke. In a recent study they report that "OVER 35% of patients who have AF and are not taking an anticoagulant WILL have a stroke". That is a scary number and I see that you are taking aspirin. Many studies have shown that aspirin does almost nothing to prevent a clot in AF patients.

It sounds like you are just starting the trail and error that most of us have been doing for years. After an attack, trying to figure out what caused it. After 13 years I have found only one thing for sure.... I have AF and it is going to happen whenever it happens. I have thought I figured it out many times.


in reply to TheStand

Hi Tim,Yes, you assumed correctly female and 65.Still baffled by the terminology associated with this condition.CHA2DS2-VASc scale but I am learning fast!

Had an emergency appointment this morning with my GP he checked the pulse and heart beat and explained that I was in Normal Sinus Rhythm also the medication was correct as it was keeping my pulse rate stable also I was not in AF.Although the heart was fluttering.

I asked to be referred to an EP bit apparently this has to be done through the original cardiologist he will arrange this appointment. The alternative to this medication is ablation but I am a novice and this is just another term to be explored. Ablation is what others have not me!!!! How arrogant of me to believe this...

Yes I thought I had this AF sussed as I have mentioned previously ,Simple just cutting out caffeine, red wine and spices but OMG its not that simple...It just wakes up at any time night or day...Well I have it so, I will face what comes but I need to be prepared for when I go back to the cardiologist..

Thank you Tim for for you help. I read you have recently had (is it THE or AN )ablation and I wish you well.C

xfrack profile image

I understand that the dose of beta blockers is critical. Having started on 5mg twice daily to control extreme irregularity over a 4 day weekend, I am now experimenting to see what minimum dose will be effective. I find splitting the dose so I have good control at night to be helpful. It is necessary to have a BP and pulse monitor you can use at home and to keep a detailed diary.

Bikerboy profile image
Bikerboy in reply to xfrack

My GP gave me an ECG when I saw him recently when I was in an AF episode, my BP/heart rate monitor at home said pulse 90, the ECG said 116 - he said many "flutters" don't make it to the brachial pulse...so if you are in AF, but don't think/feel your heart is "over-revving", it could be going faster than you think/feel.

It's something to keep in mind, a pulse monitor may not tell the full story.

Most importantly - go with how you feel, many people have AF and don't even know it!

If you would normally hit the gym, and feel capable, go for it!

If you feel weak and tired, go home and put your feet up, and relax with whatever usually works for you! Hope this helps, Bill

Hello xfrack.Yes,good idea to invest in a pulse monitor.. When you say experimenting is this your own choice or under the consultants guidance?

I find when the heart is "fluttering" I feel so weepy and inadequate but on a good day the mood changes together with a feeling of wellbeing.

First day of diary today,good advise.Thank you.C

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to

Derrick Todd is another very good EP in Liverpool. I've met him at various conferences and once did a long distance radio interview with him so know him to be good.

I agree with Tim about anticoagulants. Too many cardiologists and GPs still prescribe aspirin which really has no place in AF.

Triggers for AF are just that and no two people will have the same. The fact that you have a predisposition to AF is the important thing. Its not the triggers although careful study can discover things which may upset and MAYBE by controlling these your episodes could be reduced but AF begets AF so the more you have it the more you will get it I'm afraid.

AF is a long journey but you have good fellow travellers along the way. Learn as much as you can since knowledge is power. AFA main website have a Range of fact sheets on just about every AF related subject so read up. They also have a list by area of EPs and fellow specialists which may help you.


in reply to BobD

Hi Bob thank you for that contact name. I will act upon this information when I return from my trip in a weeks time.

At this present moment in time I am struggling trying to compartmentalize this condition,trying to separate it from my everyday life and not let it take over but not doing very well.

Whilst having a fairly accurate knowledge of physiology and anatomy I am way out of my depth here although learning fast thanks to AFA website.

As you say knowledge empowers and there is also strength in numbers.

I have been truly humbled. Thank you and everyone else for your support this past ten or so days.C

P.S.My next question on my return is." Where do I stand regarding being seen by a EP of my choice" or for that matter being seen by one at all if the cardiologist doesn't think it necessary.C

watchdog profile image
watchdog in reply to

hello caromia when my af started my doctor put me on asprin, but after seing a heart consultant he took me of asprin and put me on wharfin, this helps to prevent blood clots.

hope you get well

in reply to watchdog

I have read so many conflicting reports about ASPRIN versus WARFARIN and as yet I have not read anything that convinces me that taking a daily dose of ASPRIN prevents having a stroke.

I am also looking at alternative Therapies and Nutrition to try and strengthen the heart.Garlic being renown for thinning the blood and "A Vogels Crataegus" for strengthen, maybe combining Conventional Medicine with Homeopathic. Looking into what the contra-indications may be, if any.

Thank you for you kind comment I am feeling a lot better mentally thank you as slowly gaining knowledge and a better understanding of AF.C

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to

The leading expert on warfarin v aspirin is Prof Gregory Lip so if you can find anything by him about it on the web you will be up to speed. Basically it doesn't prevent strokes in AF but still has the potential to cause harm in the form of gastric bleeding.


xfrack profile image
xfrack in reply to

Feeling weepy and inadequate is a symptom for many different conditions and the 'flutter ' could be a symptom of some other condition. Have you had a blood test?.

When I last felt weepy I had really low sodium levels. My GP also looked for hypothyroidism but there are a range of conditions looked for in a blood test for the over seventies.

Your age is no bar to best medical care.

in reply to xfrack

Hello xfrack...My GP reassures me all blood tests show normal. Have an appointment this after with Cardiologist to ask for a referral to an EP of my choice.Going armed with information gleamed from members on this forum so feeling relatively well prepared. Take care.C

Thank you again. I will have my kindle with me during my trip. If a connection is available will look up..

re: Question to Cardiologist. Thinking of how to word it...."Would you recommend and EP? If not why not?"

From what I have read I suspect my age is going to go against me.Not worth saving.!!!

What your take on this.C

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