Recovery time post ablation - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Recovery time post ablation

mrhappydays profile image
40 Replies

I'm on the waiting list for ablation. I am also self employed (home based, desk bound job, on zoom a lot - nothing physically strenuous). What are the range of recovery times that you have experienced. Clearly I don't get sick pay, so looking to minimise recovery. Thanks in advance and happy days!

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mrhappydays profile image
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40 Replies
BobD profile image

As we say in our fact sheet on recovery, first week lots of rest and do very little. (TV remote only) second week expand a bit and above all listen to your body.

Recovery is supposedly easier after sedation than general anaesthetic but there really is no one size fits all . It may be six to nine months before you stop improving so be patient.

mrhappydays profile image
mrhappydays in reply to BobD

Thank you Bob. My wife and daughter (who control the remote) are going to love it when I tell them "Bob says me using the remote during the first week is essential to my recovery"😀

jeanjeannie50 profile image

As you're going to be sat at a desk in your own home. I think you could start working from there whenever you choose to. If you're going to be twisting and turning to retrieve hard copy files etc then waiting a few days may be a good idea. Do your best not to lift anything weighty for the first few weeks.


Jalia profile image

With a home , desk based job I should think that you could resume in a few days, assuming wife will be waiting on you hand and foot!

I've had 4 ablations , the last one 10 months ago and was certainly able to resume mist home based activities , but not anything that involved heavy lifting, within 24 hours.

Just listen to your body and don't get over tired.Good luck!

LordGabriel profile image

I had my ablation done during the first lockdown so we were still working from home. However I still had 4 weeks off before resuming wfh. My legs hurt so much for weeks after.

mrhappydays profile image
mrhappydays in reply to LordGabriel

Legs hurting? What was that down to, do you think?

LordGabriel profile image
LordGabriel in reply to mrhappydays

That’s where they went in at the top of my legs. That area hurt for weeks. Really hurt. Heart was fine!!

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to mrhappydays

My legs have never hurt at all and I've had 3 ablations. I should think that Lord Gabriel was just very unlucky with her legs hurting. I've not heard of that on this forum before and I've been on here for quite a long time. Some people can get a large bruise on the leg where they go in, but I never had that either. You will be fine.


LordGabriel profile image
LordGabriel in reply to jeanjeannie50

Maybe it was my fat thighs!!!

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to LordGabriel


DawnTX profile image
DawnTX in reply to LordGabriel

Nah lol I have them too lol

Ducky2003 profile image
Ducky2003 in reply to jeanjeannie50

My right leg was painful as I had bruising from thigh to foot. I think the pain was due to the tissues expanding and the skin being taut. Have the same issue at the moment after after hurling myself off a kerb outside Costa last week and the Apixaban doing its job too well. 😁.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Ducky2003

I don't know, throwing yourself around, anything for attention! Bless you, hope you didn't damage your self? x

Ducky2003 profile image
Ducky2003 in reply to jeanjeannie50

It's got worse since Monday. The whole lower part of my left leg is heavily bruised and the pain under my knee is not great. I have said to Mr Duck, if it continues to get worse, an x-ray may be in order. He doesn't think it's broken as I can walk, albeit in pain but I don't think that necessarily follows.Pride was dented as was my brand new stainless steel Costa reusable beaker.🙄.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Ducky2003

My sister fell over last year, she could hobble on it, but her kneecap was broken. You should have got it checked out. I drove and picked her up after her fall, came back to my house and then I said instead of us sitting here wondering if you've broken something lets go and get it checked. She had to wear a black support on her leg, for ages.

wilsond profile image

My own experience is that I have recovered so far better than I expected. Ablation for both AFib and FL one week two days ago.You may have read my report ,I had no GA or sedation as it turned out ( not my choice lol!) No after effects.I still have a lot of bruising and tender wound site but no heart issues.🤞🙏

I would suggest that by the nature if your work you would in theory be able to get back on it fairly soon,as you can sit on comfy bottoms and not in commute/ travel situation.

If you get lots of bruising which can be sore,arnica cream is brilliant. Superdrug or chemist

Of course,everyone is different! So can only generalize to my own experience. Our fact sheet is very good.

Best wishes x

mrhappydays profile image
mrhappydays in reply to wilsond

Thanks Wilson d

Achant1 profile image

I stayed off for two weeks after both my ablations but have a very physical job. If I was you, have a week off and see how you feel. You have to keep the bills payed, but health before wealth, all the best 👌🏻

Shcldavies profile image

There are 2 completely separate things to avoid and 1 to get right.

You must get the right diet and eat "good" food (and plenty of water).

You must not over exert physically - you work should be OK in this respect.

You must not get into stressful conditions - you must make sure your work does not cause stress or anxiety (easier said than done).

O one more thing its really beneficial to be happy, so if working makes you fell good, do it. if it does not don't

mrhappydays profile image
mrhappydays in reply to Shcldavies

Good advice. Thank you.

Foxey2 profile image

I was back working from home within the week, must admit same as LordGabriel where they went into my groin was extremely achy and sore for a few week’s especially when walking

Singwell profile image

I also work from home and co run a business with my husband. A lot of brain work and zoom meeting can be more demanding than you realise. Think about that. Definitely a full week of being mostly sedentary! I took 3 weeks completely off although I was on hand to discuss decisions with the other half. Maybe you could gradually bring in more hours across the first month following till you feel ready to be up and running again. In your case I'd also discuss staying on your meds for a bit with your EP. It's pretty common to get a time of instability AF wise post ablation and you'll need a strategy if it kicks off, particularly you're doing contract work.

mrhappydays profile image
mrhappydays in reply to Singwell

Thanks, Singwell. Trouble with me is that I think I can move the earth and over do things.

Singwell profile image
Singwell in reply to mrhappydays

Same. And its often us types who.seem to get AF I've noticed. Could be wrong - maybe it's this forum demographic 😉

Keano99 profile image

I had a straightforward cryoablation. As Bob says first week do v little, the tiredness and uncomfortableness keep you rooted. I only took a painkiller 2/3times in first few weeks. After a few days you start to perk up and I jumped in the trap of getting ahead of myself, so back to staying in bed for most of the day until the end of the first week. They said I could golf after 10 days, so I did! not the best idea as you’re very unsure of yourself and I did feel wafts, but I took a buggy and now 20 days on from then, I’ve had several games without buggy and back to where I was before ablation, well better, as my body has nearly adjusted to being in sinus rhythm.I had the migraine aura after 4/5 days, only for a couple of hours, boy that keeps you grounded😵‍💫. Second week was two steps forwards one step back, for a few days, as you try to build up light walking…then out of bed for the day completely after 8/9 days…

I pretty much work from home on laptop and phone, so I was dabbling in the second week, then gradually back to normal now. I found whenever I had anything immediately stressy to deal with I would kind of shut myself down, never experienced this before (I’m a sad macho engineering director🤮) with anything stressy…’s still there now, I think not a bad thing. Also my tolerance level to other peoples trivial shite 😀has sunk to an all time low, but heh but who gives a xxxx, i’ve given enough to my work over the years…the penny’s taken a long time to drop, I’m finally seeing the light!.

mrhappydays profile image
mrhappydays in reply to Keano99

Thanks for the insight. Keano. I do find kids a bit stressy (I tutor Maths on line), and found my patience level has waned thinner over the years.

Keano99 profile image
Keano99 in reply to mrhappydays

😀👍 one of my daughters and her husband are teachers so I know how demanding that can be, you guys do an amazing job.

mrhappydays profile image
mrhappydays in reply to Keano99

I can thankfully say I don’t go in front of 30 teenagers anymore; I tutor on a 1-1 basis for children who know that mum and dad are paying .

Singwell profile image
Singwell in reply to Keano99

That's SO interesting- I'm the same re tolerating others' nonsense.

Griffin9 profile image

When I had my cryo ablation last year, I was signed off work for one week. I was working from home, so it wasn't a problem and I reduced my hours for a couple of days as I was quite tired in the afternoons.

mrhappydays profile image
mrhappydays in reply to Griffin9

Thanks Griff. Fortunately I only work part time - 3-4 hours a day on line as a Maths Tutor.

Mak861 profile image

I was back at work the next day after my cryoablation as similarly to you, I’m a contractor working from home. Having done that, I’d strongly advise against if you have the option. I think a week of resting would dramatically have improved my overall recovery time.

mrhappydays profile image
mrhappydays in reply to Mak861

Thanks Mak.

Keano99 profile image
Keano99 in reply to Mak861

Wow, next day😳 You’re made of tougher stuff than me!

Mak861 profile image
Mak861 in reply to Keano99

Believe me, it’s meant as a cautionary tale!

Shmediac profile image

Had an ablation the end of April. Went in on a Friday, got out Saturday, back to work Monday. I have a desk job , could have used another day at home, but really , I was just more tired than anything. The bruise on my groin area grew larger for a week, then disappeared, so was pretty easy all and all.

mrhappydays profile image
mrhappydays in reply to Shmediac

Sounds good . Thank you

Keano99 profile image
Keano99 in reply to Shmediac

You make that sound so easy😀

Ducky2003 profile image

I had 4 weeks off after mine but I do carry a bit of kit around for my job (Foot Health Practitioner) but to be honest, I wished I'd given myself a couple of weeks longer. Listen to your body and Uncle BobD.

BlueINR profile image

Had ablation about 2 years ago. Really no pain or discomfort. I was already in the hospital, originally admitted for afib, and discharged about 2 or 3 days after ablation. I would strongly advise what Bob posted. Get lots of rest first week, and slowly ease back into activity. I was sedated and unaware of anything, but did not have general anesthesia. And do give yourself time. There is no substitute for two things that are very important for healing: time and rest.

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