Tiredness post ablation! : I’m 11 days... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Tiredness post ablation!

Thomas29 profile image
35 Replies

I’m 11 days post ablation. I’m mostly fine apart from a bad session of AFib on day 4. I know this is a tricky question but would love to hear from those who have had the procedure how long it is until you feel like you’re back to normal. I know that is very generalised but I was fine on the medication, could cycle 20 miles and walk 5/6 miles without much difficulty… would have to rest in the evening. I had the ablation because I was on the waiting list for a couple of years and felt it best in the long time . However I now feel like I’m dragging myself around and can do very little… beginning to regret ever having it. When will I ever feel like a decent walk again? 🤫 Thanks 🙏

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Thomas29 profile image
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35 Replies
jeanjeannie50 profile image

After my third ablation, although I had a run of tachycardia the next day and was kept in hospital. I still felt better almost right away after the procedure and thereafter apart from needing a cardioversion a few months later I was fine. My first two and I'm not going to lie here, made my AF attacks worse and I felt extremely tired after both of them for months.

I think I left myself in AF for too long before having an ablation, although it was diagnosed 17 years ago, I had periods before then which I now recognise were AF.

Only time will tell whether your ablation has worked.


Thomas29 profile image
Thomas29 in reply to jeanjeannie50

Thanks for your honesty! To be honest I don’t think it has worked and the fact that I was fine and energetic before the procedure is really annoying. My husband didn’t want me to have it done but I thought it best if I could be off meds in the long run. We have a Motorhome and usually go off at this time of year and ride our tandem… my husband is blind so really relies on me to pilot the bike and drive which I not up to at the moment. Just hoping it improves soon so we can get away.

Mabel79 profile image

Hi, Im 4 months post PVI cryo. For the first 3 weeks I felt pretty awful and thought What have I done??Felt much better for stopping the flecainide at 6 weeks and have gradually got back to normal. Doing all usual things at 6-8 weeks, with the odd day of feeling wiped out.

Im still on a small dose of bisoprolol - that was adding to the tiredness , hard to tell whats what sometimes. I do get ectopic beats but am learning to ignore them.

11 days is not long to recover - as Im sure many others will tell you. I doubted that id made the right decision many times in the first couple of months but I don't now. I mostly feel better than i have for years to be honest - what with the no booze...

I was having episodes of AF every few days before the procedure. Since Ive had none bar 2 in the first few weeks. its a huge relief.

Just give it time.

Hope thats of some help - the first few weeks are rough.

Thomas29 profile image
Thomas29 in reply to Mabel79

Thanks for the encouragement! You sound like you were in AFib a lot whereas since I’ve been on Flecainide 200 mg I’ve not had many episodes. The other thing I noted is that you said you came off the flec after 6 weeks. Blackpool have said I must take full meds for 3 months then a review. I wonder if that’s because I had more areas to ablate … or is it different protocols in different hospitals. So do you have a PIP regime to follow?

Anyway I’m glad all is good with you now… it had given me hope!

Mabel79 profile image
Mabel79 in reply to Thomas29

They said stop at 6 weeks depending on symptoms - so I guess they would have recommended keeping on them for a bit if I had more than a couple of brief episodes. I have a supply as PIP now. Am keeping my fingers crossed I wont need them.Different people seem to be recommended different things judging by postings on here.

Not sure if its just based on what procedure..maybe EP preference has a bearing too.

Mine was very confident I would see a good result.

Thomas29 profile image
Thomas29 in reply to Mabel79

I’m looking forward to getting off or at least reducing meds.. … I think they have a lot of side effects.

BobD profile image

Have you read our fact sheet on recovery?


You shouldn't even be thinking about extending your exercise yet. Just because you don't have a giant zip up your chest don't think your heart hasn't been seriously assaulted. Worry in six months but for goodness sake listen to your body and pay attention!

Thomas29 profile image
Thomas29 in reply to BobD

Thanks for your reply. What I find difficult I guess is that I understood that I would be able to get back to normal within a matter of weeks but I’m realising now that of course everybody’s normal is very different. For some that is merely pottering ! I read all the info and spoke to the cardiologist but I obviously didn’t grasp that it would take 3 months or so to get back to previous levels of activity and that the ablation for me wasn’t probably a good idea… or even necessary!

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Thomas29

Give it time. Sadly Doctors don't understand how long it takes which is why we patients had to compile the fact sheet. The ablation will be beneficial so long as you don't undo all the work by being silly in the early stages.

Three to six months is nothing in the scheme of things. I had three years treatment for cancer but eight years later I'm still here and enjoying life.

MummyLuv profile image

I was over 6 weeks from my cryoablation before feeling back to myself. Your body is still healing and whilst exercising the heart is good with low impact like walking you will still need to take it easy. The blanking period (healing) is 3-6 months.

Thomas29 profile image

Thank you! Will have to be patient!

Ducky2003 profile image

I had 4 weeks off work doing very little and to be honest I could have done with another couple of weeks off. My AF did return and I've got a new situation to deal with but try not to worry and stress about it as during the blanking period, your heart is still getting over being poked and prodded.

Thomas29 profile image
Thomas29 in reply to Ducky2003

Sorry to hear that it returned. That must be a blow.

Ducky2003 profile image
Ducky2003 in reply to Thomas29

It was but I wasn't surprised as my AF was pretty stubborn so I expected they'd need another crack at it. As it is, I've now got a mitral valve issue, which requires surgery so they are intending to do a Cox IV maze at the same time. Hopefully, that'll do the trick.😊🤞

lovetogarden profile image

11 days may seem like a long time, but your heart has a lot of healing to do! Think about how long it takes to completely heal from a burn from cooking or deep cut from garden chores (yes, I’m a klutz!) Then think about your poor heart being beaten about by your procedure. It will take more time. Patience is hard, but take it easy, let your heart heal.

Morzine profile image

Early days I think.For me I did what everyone said and did nothing much first two weeks thrn started little walkies and then did longer. I did some days feel like I was walking with leaded boots befire I even started walking. I remember saying on this forum is this right it’s three months and I feel sometimes when I get out of car to do my morzine circuit I am leaded legged……everyone said yes, it can happene heart is still healing.

I was kept in medication because my AFIB happened while asleep according to monitor so the doc said I wouldn’t know and best to keep on tablets but they are cut down now.

I can see u r wanting to get away in motorhome, give yourself a few more weeks, as realistically you aren’t past the two weeks where they say dont do much. Don’t see it as a setback, see this as onwards and upwards but give it time. I pushed myself and my body said “woah slow down” ….it’s not worth it.


Thomas29 profile image
Thomas29 in reply to Morzine

Can I ask when you had your ablation and how are you now? I think I’ll probably feel better too when I reduce the meds….200 mg Flecainide.

Morzine profile image
Morzine in reply to Thomas29

I had it three years ago thomas and it fir me lifted that worry of AFIB completely . Before I tolerated the tablets in as much as my AFIB was minimal, but the bisoprolol and flecainade I felt had me in third gear all the time. I am in France and was offered the ablation the second time I saw consultant and my AFIB wasn’t bad by some folks upsets. I jumped at it as I was constantly wondering when my heart skipped a bear if it was coming back. For me the ablation lifted the worry…ok occasionally if I get my heart make a few weirdo moves I take my pulse but other wise I dont think about it.Listen to what Bob has said….it’s true we don’t see a big scar so we tend to forget that little organ is healing.

I was kept on flecainade 100 and it doesn’t affect me. Cardio saud I can go down to 50 if I want then stop, but we go away a lot abroad and I kind of see this as my back up, but will go down to 50then stop after this summers travels. My AFIB started in Spain and was in hospital there then so I guess I have that worry in my mind!

As I said three months I still had leaded leg days but other days I was feeling rickety boo….I was surprised to get leaded leg days but as everyone told me in this forum…listen to your body…..

I did feel confident in my body by seven months to go long haul go Australia and do a three month road trip….hind sight tells me I should have waited a tad longer as the heat and rainforest walks did feel a tad leaded legs….but generally I was fine. I think the best advice I can give you is take this slowly while you feel exhausted. Honestly your body will let you know what u can do over the next months …..some folk seem to wiz’s along some dint from what I see on this forum….

Chin up,


Thomas29 profile image
Thomas29 in reply to Morzine

Thank you! That was very informative… sometimes I wonder if the 200 mg dose of Flecainide is making me feel tired too.

Quilafizz profile image

Everyone is different. I felt like I had the flu for 2 months, then was short of breath with any exercise for almost a year. I had all 4 vessels done at once, so that isn’t surprising. It’s been 4 years and I’m off of all meds/thinners, no more AF.

Thomas29 profile image
Thomas29 in reply to Quilafizz

Glad it worked for you.

Lucymoo profile image

Hi yes I had my ablation in may 2021 and took at least 6 months until I felt back to what I thought was ‘normal’ and a year later still have occasional AF and high heart rate so back on beta blockers. I personally would not have a 2nd ablation as my recovery time was I felt too long but we are all different. Some people are on their 3rd or 4th ablation but it’s not for me.

Thomas29 profile image
Thomas29 in reply to Lucymoo

I agree I wouldn’t have another. The recovery time is too long.

Buffafly profile image

My discharge sheet said ‘back to normal activity in a few days’ - realised later that meant you could cook your own meals and shower. Everybody is different but you’ll feel better mentally and physically if you accept your body’s messages.

Jajarunner profile image

Hi ThomasI've had three ablations and it is three months before I can do much. Four months to feel pretty normal and six to be 95 percent better. This is to be able to run, walk fast, cycle etc.... But I am a slow healer.

I have written an extensive blog (not profit making) about my Afib 'journey' if you would like more details. I wrote it to help others.


Hope it's useful

Fullofheart profile image

I'm 4 weeks post ablation (which failed and I'm back in for second one in 3 days).The intial recovery was very good...as in no pain, very little discomfort but, as anticipated, I've not made huge "progress" (debatable term) since, so just going with it.

I think the week to 2 week guide they give you is not all that helpful. There was a guy on my ward anticipating a half marathon 8 weeks after his ablation. I'm pretty fit but I'm just taking strolls and pottering in the house 4 weeks on and have not returned to work between procedures. That's been enough for me.

In my case it's difficult to pull out how much of that is post op healing and how much is the AF as I haven't gone back into NSR and have been persistent for many years. The last year being very symptomatic and extremely fatigued. But basically I think you gotta just go slow, be patient (hard for me too) and tune in to what your body needs.

Best of luck 🌸

kathie659 profile image

Ablation was 4 years ago. I believe it took about 4 - 6 months until I noticed a big improvement. I, like you, felt good pre ablation, not so much post. After the first few months, energy returned and I psychologically I felt so much better, no longer waiting for next afib episode. I had a lot of energy for the next 4 yrs with only one recurrence of afib (pneumonia). Last month I was diagnosed with sinus pause and now have a pacemaker...I have no idea if it is related to ablation, as my mom and grandmom had them also. I'm 62 and was bored after retirement. I recently started 2 physical, fast paced jobs...and I still have left over energy!

redpasta profile image

Well done Thomas, you did the right thing to address your AF problem even though your exercise regime with AF was very impressive.

I am 10 weeks post Ablation, with a night time wobble after about 2 weeks. I am now starting to feel much more confident, still solidly in Sinus, and able to walk at pace for a couple of miles.

As our friends on this forum have said, it takes time (months), always err on the side of caution.

I'm feeling progressively more positive about the future as weeks tick by. I hope you do too.

Good Luck!

Snowgirl65 profile image

I'm sure you heard it from all, that it's very soon in your healing process to feel normal. It took about three weeks to begin feeling my old self after both my ablations. I too experienced a-fib during that time. My energy suddenly soared again, like a light was finally switched on. Seriously, it literally happened overnight. Hopefully the same will happen to you.

Thomas29 profile image
Thomas29 in reply to Snowgirl65

You said 2 ablations. Were you in permanent AFib? I won’t have a second whatever the outcome.

Snowgirl65 profile image
Snowgirl65 in reply to Thomas29

No, I was (am) paroxysmal.

4Pip profile image

I had mine in November. I have felt really awful for 5 months and am now in persistent Afib whilst before I was in paroxysmal Afib. The past 3 weeks is the first time I’ve felt better and more I stand less breathless. A change of medication and a cardio version in July so I can only hope. It really does take time for some people x

Cookie24 profile image

First cryoablation, I felt good in about 3 weeks. Second radiofrequency ablation, I felt good in about 2 months.

Sean_C profile image

Hi Thomas. I’m also an ‘exerciser’. I had my ablation in late November last year. I had a rough month or so but steadily improved in terms of energy levels. I started cycling after around 6 weeks but it was clearly too early so I backed off for another month. After 2.5 months I started increasing effort levels (with my EP’s approval) and started doing rides of 60-90 minutes. For all of these I wore a HR strap and kept my average in the 120’s with maximum in the 140’s for short bursts.

After 4 months I rejoined my cycling club mates and have steadily increased that intensity too. But not to anywhere near pre AF levels I still like my average to be in the 130-140 range with max around 150-160, again only for short periods

I have just come back from a week in Switzerland where I did several 3hr plus hikes up to and around 2,300m above sea level. (Max HR was 162 but regular rests kept the average much lower.

Oh, and I have been back doing weight training since about month three. Not HIIT though.

I’m still in NSR and have had no issues apart from the occasions ectopic or skipped beat.

I hope that gives you some encouragement.


Nigel2000 profile image

I hope you feel better soon. I feel like the cardiologists do us a dis-service when they exaggerate the speed of recovery time. This led me to feel disappointed and discouraged too. After my first ablation I pushed very hard to get back in shape, this did not help me recover. Listen to BobD!

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