Anyone been free of af for years but,... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Anyone been free of af for years but, post-second vaccine dose,found they have returned?

flipflop profile image
34 Replies

Could be complete coincidence, I know, but I haven’t had a “relapse” of AF until second Pfizer jab a few weeks ago. Hot weather? Was hot a couple of summers ago. No palpitations then. Dehydrated? Been there, too. No flutters...?

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flipflop profile image
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34 Replies
PlanetaryKim profile image

Something similar happened to my brother after his first Pfizer jab. A 12-hour afib run after he had been afib free for a year. He hasn't had 2nd jab yet but plans to.

flipflop profile image
flipflop in reply to PlanetaryKim

I imagine your brother has had to juggle the “what’s the least worse(st) choice. Hope second jab uneventful...

PlanetaryKim profile image
PlanetaryKim in reply to flipflop

I hope so too!

secondtry profile image

Thank you for asking this. I've been AF free for years and haven't had the vaccine yet in case it does start it off. I follow in the hope we have the option of a Home Kit with Ivermectin, like many poorer countries, in the future.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to secondtry

Chance would be a fine thing! In the meantime I am keeping my vit D level high and taking Quercetin, NAC and zinc.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to Auriculaire

For the lads only: I was pleased to see the Prostex brand (Lamberts UK) that I take already includes Quercetin, Zinc & VitD.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to secondtry

How much vit D?

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to Auriculaire

Hope you can see it all

contents table
Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to secondtry

Can't see any vit D. You need to be taking at least 2000iu a day and better to get tested and make sure your levels are above 30ng/mL or 75nmol/l (uk measurement).

flipflop profile image
flipflop in reply to secondtry

Gosh, I feel like I’ve maybe been too complacent. Never heard of bird - group.orf( is it at all like twitter😉) nor Ivermectin. What made you even suspect that the Covid vaccine could jump start AF?

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to flipflop

The British Ivermectin Development Board (BIRD) is a group of highly qualified doctors looking to include Ivermectin here in the UK in our toolbox against Covid. Ivermectin has been used across the world with excellent results. Covid is known to cause AF and therefore I thought the vaccine may produce a similar response and judging by the posts here over the last month for some this has been an issue.

kkatz profile image

So glad you posted this .I thought I was on my own with this.Was Paroxysmal with 2 episodes in 18months.Day after first vaccine went into Permanent Af. Now 4 months. Some days a problem some not.I hope yours doesn't persist.

flipflop profile image
flipflop in reply to kkatz

Ooh, sorry to hear that Katz. We’re you wary of the vaccine before having it because, I must confess hat in my ignorance or, as I said, complacency, it never even crossed my mind.

kkatz profile image
kkatz in reply to flipflop

Not wary at all

LaceyLady profile image
LaceyLady in reply to kkatz

I’ve had a bout of PAF, 18 days after 2nd AstraZeneca

Redders profile image

Yes six days after my first jab I went into AF. That was four months ago and still in A F. Waiting for a cardioversion and put on Amiodarone. Long waiting list though. Hope you get yours sorted out soon.

starry-eyes profile image

Yes see my earlier post. No AF for 4 years but second Pfizer put me out after 2 days. Cardiologist I saw privately within a week acknowledged it was the jab. Fortunately, I know I can increase Flecainide to 300mgs a day from usual 200mg dose and increased my Bisoprolol from 1.25mgs to 2.5mgs which put me back in 4 days. With the heart issues the young are experiencing they are now suggesting several days rest after the jab. Hope you return to normality soon.

flipflop profile image
flipflop in reply to starry-eyes

Glad you got sorted starry-eyes. When you say “ increase Flecanide” I’m assuming you’ve been on it for four years? I did take bisoprolol before my catheter ablation, then warfarin after( switched to Rivaroxaban) for a year then nothing....

starry-eyes profile image
starry-eyes in reply to flipflop

Not quite four years. NHS didn't medicate after cardioversion but I got wobbly and saw a cardiologist privately who immediately put me on meds and everything stabilised. Never had ablation.

Spoiler profile image

Same vaccine, no problems with Afib coming back

flipflop profile image
flipflop in reply to Spoiler

Great Spoiler. I was fine after first prong, then only started having flutters about 5 weeks after second...

Kingst profile image

There is information out there that these vaccines contain a spike protein that can, at worst, inflame the arteries in the heart and at the least, irritate them. I have had a mild case of COVID and have turned into a Long Hauler, with increased palpitations, all apparently due to that spike protein. Many sites on the net recommend drinking pine needle tea because it has super antioxidant properties and it is known to be highly beneficial to the heart. However, there are toxic types of pine so you have to be very careful in choosing your tea. I started taking a Gemmo extract of Hawthorne last week and it has truly settled down the palpitations. I use a brand out of Belgium that I trust.

RajaRua profile image
RajaRua in reply to Kingst

Would you mind giving more info as to where to get the hawthorne that you are taking please?

Kingst profile image
Kingst in reply to RajaRua

I would be happy to. The product I use is UNDA Gemmo Therapy Crataegus Oxyacantha-Hawthorn Young Shoot Extract 4.2 oz. I buy it on Amazon although you can go to UNDA's website and purchase it. I recommend that you research Gemmotherapy. It is really fascinating and seems to be a very promising therapeutic modality. After reading up on Gemmotherapy I am purchasing several other of UNDA's products that are heart-specific to use in conjunction with the Hawthorn. I have, over the last six months, tried everything under the sun to lower the palpitations, with zero success. This product is the first to lessen the frequency by at least 80%. If you are on meds you should probably check with your doctor to see if hawthorn is contraindicated, and also search online for that information. Most doctors don't have a clue about alternatives to Big Pharma. Good Luck!!

RajaRua profile image
RajaRua in reply to Kingst

Thank you Kingst. I'll have a look at all that. Yes you are right. My GP wouldn't know what I was talking about if I asked her if Hawthorne was safe to use with my meds but I'd bet a good Herbalist would know or at least find out for me.I used to take a mix of heart herbs for many years but the price got beyond me finances. I'll look these up now. Thanks again. I'm also taking an Ayurvedic herb called Arjuna. It's an organic one I get it from It's a Himalaya product. I think it's helping me too!!

Kingst profile image
Kingst in reply to RajaRua

Thanks for the tip about Arjuna. I will certainly look into it. I am all for taking herbs for heart health. It seems logical to trust medicines that have been around thousands of years over those that have been designed to make huge profits for Big Pharma.

RajaRua profile image
RajaRua in reply to Kingst

I totally agree. But I was so scared at the beginning of my journey with Afib in 2013 that I was prepared to take anything to help stop the frequent attacks of Afib. Flecanide is a tough drug for me to be taking but it has helped me. Unfortunately I'm no on the highest dose and also on high BP meds and anticoagulant. I was 64 before I agreed to take the Anti Coags. I'd so love to be able to go off all meds. I'm on a waiting list for an abalation but I have awful fears of having that. Lots of luck on your own journey Kingst. I did look up Gemmo therapy. Very interesting. I must send it a herbalist friend and see if she knows about it.

Kingst profile image
Kingst in reply to RajaRua

I have seen 2 cardiologists who were absolutely worthless. They wouldn't bother to take the time to explain to me anything about AFIB. They both prescribed beta blockers and blood thinners. They each spent 10 minutes with me. I refused the drugs because I, and my family, have been so seriously harmed by prescription drugs in the past that we have zero faith in them. I happen to have a very enlightened GP, who told me that since my AFIB was very mild (based on testing) he though my method of treating it was fine. He told me he has a patient who is 92, has had serious AFIB for the last 40 years, has refused drugs, and is doing fine. I use the LABO brand nattokinase to thin my blood and prevent clots, and that and the Gemmo Hawthorn, Magnesium orotate and an occasional potassium pill, are all I am using right now. I will receive 2 UNDA products tomorrow to use as an adjunct to the Hawthorn: Ficus and Tilia. The trio is supposed to strengthen and regulate the heart. I truly understand your fear about NOT using the drugs docs prescribe, and if its working for you, then all the better. I wish you all the best!!

RajaRua profile image
RajaRua in reply to Kingst

I wish I'd had the courage you had to refuse drugs but my AFib was coming very regularly and the times between bouts was getting shorter and I was exausted from it. I was also terrified... I was put on Flecanide 100mgs twice a day. It did the trick and stopped the Afib for a long time but I felt toxic on it and still do. I managed by myself to bring down to 50mgs twice a day but had to go up again eventually as my afib came back more often again. I can get long bouts and suffer with chest pain and dizzyness. I also feel very week and have cheat pain for a week or more afterwards.

A big trigger for me in anxiety and last year during the first months of Covid I had a lot of AFib and had to go up to 150mgs twice a day. If I do get AFib now it's only for 2-4hrs which is easier to deal with.

It's now 4 months since my last afib attack and I'm so pleased. It may be the Arjuna, who knows. I take good care with my diet and have knocked alcohol completely on the head though I only had the odd glass of wine. (I do miss that!)I keep away from eating too much sugar, chocolateespecially, just a little dark chocolate now and then. No caffeine. No gluten. a 30mins walk every day or every second day depending on how my feet are.

That's it Kingst. Well done on finding your own way and hope it continues to work for you. Have you heard of the new book called The AFib Cure written by two Electrophysiologists in the USA. Very interesting. everyone on here is raving about it. I've read some but it got to me because my EP isn't anything like them. He has no manner at all and seems to really resent me asking any questions. It's so important, when you have heart issues especially, that your doctor in kind and willing to explain things to you to put you at your ease. As you well know now after your own experience. Well done you for walking away.

Anyway I'll stop there. Blessings on your path. Keep us informed on how you are doing. Biddy (in Ireland of course!)

Kingst profile image
Kingst in reply to RajaRua

OMG, Biddy, What an ordeal you've been through!! I am so sorry to hear of the extent of your AFIB. I looked up the book you mentioned and noticed that they believe a very strict diet of specific foods may really help with AFIB. Worth a go!! I wanted to mention that there are two things that are now gathering a lot of attention with regard to AFIB. One is if you have a sliding hiatal hernia, it could really aggravate your heart and getting the hernia fixed may solve the AFIB. And the other, which I feel really applies to me, is if you have a damaged vagal nerve, it may be the root cause of your AFIB. Even Dr. Sanjay Gupta addresses this. I suffer from anxiety and it gets my adrenalin going, which may trigger the vagal. Anyway, I feel a connection to anyone from Ireland since some of my ancestors came from there. I've never been but it looks absolutely beautiful!! I live in the Gulf Coast region of Florida and its currently 92 degrees Fahrenheit with close to 100% humidity. But we have a gorgeous beach with crystal blue water and white sand. Please keep me updated on your health and progress toward being AFIB-free. You'll get there!! All the Best!...Leslie

MonarchsAB profile image

I posted a similar question a few weeks ago. My palpitations returned even worse than before after receiving the second dose of the Moderna. My cardiologist doesn’t think it’s due to the vaccine. I’m worried that these palpitations might be worsening to afib because I’m feeling lots of flutters and flip flops.

Afibber3 profile image

yep, AF big time after 2nd jab, bad week and had a 8 hour episode today, on 6 verapamil, flecanaide and back on blood thinners, pissed off

Hcoe profile image

I am Paroxysmal since 2006. I have been able to control my AFIB with one episode per year for the last few years. My maximum episodes have been 3 per year, until I identified my triggers. I had the first Moderna vaccine in February, followed by an AFIB episode. After the second vaccine only flu like symptoms. April another AFIB episode. May another AFIB episode. I believe this was caused by the vaccine. To this date, no more episodes to report. I’ve had 3 episodes this year so I should be free for the next 6 months. We will see.

Bartyparty00 profile image

Hello FlipFlop,

I have just found your post. Im a newbie here,

2 weeks after jab 1 i had a 'funny turn' dizzy, fast heart, breathless - i had a phone appt with gp and it was put down to anxiety.

2 weejs after jab 2 I had similar symptoms, but this time much worse, no real rhythm and went to a& e where i had a cardioversion in recus at 200+bpm and afib.

I had no known heart issues before, nothing in my family.

Of course I will never know if the jab caused the afib or perhaps brought forward something that was in store for me for the future ( im 47) but its very interesting to me to find your post!

Best wishes

Claire x

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