New Study on Fish Oil for Those With ... - Atrial Fibrillati...
New Study on Fish Oil for Those With AFIB

And yet they ignire the elpahnt in all kf that which is your trigliceridea. We know triglyceride levels and fats don't go together. But we keep looking at fats because the industries want you to not look at the connecting dot...triglycerides. Which all about storage right? The high carbs you eat with your fish oils is the problem as far as what all the evidence points to. But studies like this make it sound like omega threes are bad for you and you shouldn't have them!! I dunno I just despair with studies like this which ignore the obvious.

They do make that connection lower down but the headline & 1st para is very misleading.
What they are not looking at is what causes people to have high triglycerides in the first place. With many it is eating a diet too high in simple carbs. Now could it be that it is this that is causing the afib? The fish oil capsule lowers the triglycerides but the cake scoffing carries on damaging the body?
Which is exactly what the full report indicated.
I didn't bother to read that! I tend to ignore any stuff that comes out about negative aspects to fish oils. I have taken 1000mg of either fish oils or cod liver oil for about 25 years. I eat oily fish as well and use very little of the cooking oils that are mainly omega 6 and when I do use sunflower it is organic cold pressed. I tend to be suspicious of who is behind reports that put people off using supplements and I am careful with which supplements I use. One of the problems with being a floxie is that supplements that have helped some people have done nothing for others or have had negative effects.
I have also been taking fish oil for like 30 years -- but it didn't stop me from heart failure. <sigh> I have also been taking Larry King's Omega XL since 2006, and it also didn't stop me from developing heart failure. HOWEVER! Who knows --- my cardiac arrests and heart failure might have been a lot worse if I hadn't been taking Omega XL. There is no way to know.
Thanks for sharing this goldey. I'd seen this report too. It seems that one minute something is good for us and then the next it isn't. Who knows what to do for the best! I remember my mum dosing us with cod liver oil and malt as children, was meant to be healthy then. I've also taken cod liver oil capsules at times, but that was years ago, could have triggered my AF - who knows.
No its really good for your heart listen to your mammy and don't mind the men with the clip boards!
And here is the study which the headlines are based - the full study reports exactly as gonnamakeit said:-
Among patients with elevated triglyceride levels despite the use of statins, the risk of ischemic events, including cardiovascular death, was significantly lower among those who received 2 g of icosapent ethyl twice daily than among those who received placebo. (Funded by Amarin Pharma; REDUCE-IT number, NCT01492361. opens in new tab.)
Makes me despair as well as so misleading.
Is icosapent ethyl a drug or otherwise associated with Omega 3 fish oil supplements ?
I found the answer:"AMR101 (icosapent ethyl [ethyl-EPA]) is a highly purified ethyl ester of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) being developed by Amarin Pharma Inc. for the treatment of cardiovascular disease in statin-treated patients with hypertriglyceridemia. The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether this drug, combined with a statin therapy, will be superior to the statin therapy alone, when used as a prevention in reducing long-term cardiovascular events in high-risk patients with mixed dyslipidemia."
Feel like lying down in a very dark and quiet room. Since reading the original article I've stopped taking fish oil. I've no idea if it's a good thing to do or not. But one thing is a worry with fish oil that directed my decision is the alleged amounts of heavy metals. Oh dear..
You can get the recommended amount by eating 2 portions of oily fish/week - which your body will actually recognise as food = better absorption. Unfortunately twice a week is the limit to stay avoid heavy metal contamination. Chia seeds are veg option - teaspoon soaked and added to cereal is what I do.
Clear as mud 🙄☘️
Well in the new video posted by jeanjeanie of Dr Gupta talking about lifestyle in relation to drug free healthy blood pressure he recommends taking fish oil and that is good enough for me. Had already decided to continue taking it anyway and Dr Guptas endorsement reinforces that decision