Hi, has anyone changed dose of beta b... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Hi, has anyone changed dose of beta blocker bisoprolol 2.5 to 1.5 and if so is there any difference in how you feel from lowering the dose.

Electricblue1 profile image
20 Replies

Change dose

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Electricblue1 profile image
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20 Replies
bantam12 profile image

I've changed doses a few times, started on 2.5 which I found a bit much so went down to 1.25 for a while then increased to 2.5 again and was fine, my Cardio recently wanted me to try 3.75 but again it was a bit to much so I went back to 2.5 which I take at night so any side effects don't mess the day up.

Electricblue1 profile image
Electricblue1 in reply to bantam12

Hi , I’m on 2.5 but I’m tired and drained all the time so was thinking of going down to 1.5 but am worried my heart might start racing again or that it won’t do much

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to Electricblue1

Have you tried taking it at night ? I was initially very spaced out on 2.5 but staying on 1.25 for a while gave me a chance to get used to it and increase the dose again. I could do with a bit more as I have very symptomatic ectopics and SVT but rather than change dose or meds I'm sticking with it for now.

All you can do is try and see what happens but speak to your arrhythmia nurse if you are struggling as there are other meds to try.

Electricblue1 profile image
Electricblue1 in reply to bantam12

Hi, yes spoke to my doctor and I’m staying on 1.25 and adding another half of 1.25 for now as 2.5 just makes me so drained and tired, never thought I would ever end up on heart meds.

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to Electricblue1

See my reply to you...also if I find myself setting off on racing heart I can take the other half as required xx

Electricblue1 profile image
Electricblue1 in reply to wilsond

Hi, yes I’m adding another half of 1.25 on top of 1.25 just to see if this is better.

Finvola profile image

I was changed from 2.5mg to 1.25mg and whilst it did make me a little less breathless, I was still unable to do normal, everyday tasks without advance planning, resting and taking forever. The problem was solved when I was eventually changed to Nebivolol 2.5mg.

Gdav profile image
Gdav in reply to Finvola


I recently dropped from 5mg down to 2.5mg and after a week ended up in hospital for the whole day with palpitations and bigeminy beats ( a double beating of the heart).

Returned to 5 mg, all be it 2.5mg in the morning and 2.5mg in the evening.

Rachaelgledhill92 profile image
Rachaelgledhill92 in reply to Finvola

Hi all My dad had the ablation 4 weeks ago and they advised him to stop taking the beta blocker altogether after being advised to do this a month after the procedure (he was on 2.5 that he took in the mornings)

However he’s started feeling dizzy and a bit unwell if he moves about (eg doing light gardening etc)

Does anyone have any experience with this ie being advised to completely stop taking the betas 1 month after ablation?



Finvola profile image
Finvola in reply to Rachaelgledhill92

Rachael - Your post may be seen better if you re-post it as a new thread as well - this will give it maximum visibility to everyone.

wilsond profile image

I found 2.5 too much so have cut down to 1.25 per day . Keeps me from going into Flutter and reining in Flecanide effects on flutter too.I took 2.5 one day then 1.25 then 2 .5 for a week on Drs advice.

This was for me though .check with Dr first.


Morzine profile image

Yes!!! And it made such a huge diference.I described to my cardio if I was a car I was in second gear not six.....I felt like I’d hit the wall marathon runners do, not that I’ve run a marathon! I’d arrive in morzine to start our normal circular walk and I felt worn out befire I started.

We changed to 1.5 and it was much better , and comparing to a car I’m in say fourth gear or fifth, dats vary,,..I’m never in sixth, but that either the tablets or my heart who knows.

I’d say deffo give it a go.


momist profile image

Yep. I was started on 1.25mg and then after a few weeks, my GP upped the dose to 2.5mg daily. I found that on that dose, I couldn't climb the stairs for the bathroom without taking a break halfway, and by bedtime I was crawling up them. I called my GP the next day, and he knocked me back to 1.25mg immediately.

Months later, after many AF sessions, at my second meeting with my EP he suggested I should take them 1.25mg twice a day, and after a couple of weeks on this regime I had adjusted to be able to cope with that. Incidence of AF fell off, but over the months it has gradually risen again.

The Bisoprolol, as I understand it, is there both to lower your natural heart rate so that AF is less likely to occur, and also (more importantly?) to limit the maximum rate your heart will go at when AF gets going. My 'normal' AF rate is now between 150 - 180 bpm, where it could be over 200 quite regularly.

DevonHubby1 profile image

My wife's dosage has changed as her condition and her weight has changed 2.5 mg at start...could not cope with

1.25 mg for next 7months...Better QoL but some bad AF episodes culminating in trip to A&E and 1 week stay on cardio ward

3.75 mg for next 16 months...HR dropped as weight came off

1.25 mg for last 5 months...Good QoL but still low HR on occasions. GP wants to stop Bisoprolol altogether but as wife still getting occasional AF episodes we are resisting.

Catlady56 profile image

I am on 5mg of Bisoprolol, but it is split into 2.5mg in morning and 2.5mg in evening, which for me at least works well.

bigbearatthecave profile image

Yes fantastic difference, on 2.5mg I am a dopy lump, on 1.25 I can function and still controls the AF

DevonHubby1 profile image

Unfortunately in my wife's case, the hospital has twice discharged her back into the care of her GP with no follow ups. GP just does a once a year blood test, and reacts when she brings issues (such as her resting HR when awake being low 40s) to their attention.

We do have name and contact details for the arrhythmia nurse at our local hospital if we feel concerned by our GPs actions (or lack of them).

annemk profile image

I was not as tired when reduced to 2.5mg per day in the morning. The 5mg per day made me feel as if I was dragging my heavy body around. Cardiologist reduced the dose a year after my heart attack and I was very happy.

jwsonoma profile image

Hi,I am taking it to prevent side effects of Flecainide. I dropped to 1.25 from 2.5 at night and feel much better. I carry some Bis as a PIP incase I get a breakthrough flutter which has only happened once in the last few years. I am not a Doc so ask yours ... Bis has a 1/2 life of 10-12 hrs so you can wean down over a week or 2 by alternating doses which can help prevent any rebound type effects.

Shcldavies profile image

Normally after a few weeks your body gets used to the dose your taking, that said I feel much better on 1.25 than 2.5. Higher doses effected me when the arrhythmia was triggered, over the years I have been on up to 7.5, generally the higher the dose the worst the arrhythmia and there more difficult to come out of. Possibley the higher the dose the less likely for the arrhythmia to kick off? - getting the balance right is not as easy at it would seem.

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