Does anyone know what the restriction on driving and flying after having the watchman fitted.
Watchman device: Does anyone know what... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Watchman device

Cannot add anything to your question but was the device fitted in the UK and if so, was it difficult to get approval for the procedure?

I am trying to get one fitted but have not been lucky so far. I just wondered about flying driving restrictions
I am trying to get one fitted too . I suffer from Frank Haematuria for the past six month . I have done all the test for Bladder & prostate cancer via cystoscopy , ultrasound scan and CT scan .
The only way that the bleeding stops is when I stop taking the Apixaban for three days ( which was recommended by an A&E doctor) . Clearly this approach is not wise , due to stroke risks. Alternative is do nothing and end up with damage to the kidneys . Have seen two urologists both did not have any solution . They did not have any knowledge of the LAAO , and when I explained they were surprised , My GP had even less knowledge of' Watchman Device' and quite off hand with me . Remember I live in North London not exactly the back of beyond and a number hospitals around me do carry out the procedure as it is available on NHS now.
Your comments are welcomed , I am in need of guidance !!
There is also the Amplatzer amulet and it has a wider range of sizes.
I had mine fitted privately in Brighton nearly five years ago. At that time my EP had fitted 110.
Was it done on the NHS
As I said I had it done privately in Brighton at the Royal Sussex. Then they had a two year moratorium due to cost. I don't know what the present situation is.
They had done trials at ten UK hospitals. It cost just under £10K.
Day surgery if done in the morning but as mine was done late afternoon I had to stay the night.
No restrictions.
I just saw these posts and I know they were awhile ago. But I will put my 2cents in. After 2 weeks, I was told that I could drive and they give you a card to allow you to get through airport security. I have had no issues with flying except that I have been afraid of Covid-19 so recent flying.