I celebrated my birthday Sunday and had way to much alcohol. I went into Afib I think Monday morning. It is now Wednesday and I am still in Afib, very nervous, my last reading was 180 which is the highest I have ever been. I am going to the hospital in a few minutes. I am so scared! What will they do to stop the Afib? I really need your support.
Help!: I celebrated my birthday Sunday... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Don't panic! AF often feels so much worse than it is.
I think there may be three routes - medication, cardioversion and the wait-and-see approach.
Do let us know how you get on.
I am with Rellim on this, several routes to try. Please be careful with alcohol from now on. Best wishes,
They will probably check your bloods to see if you need extra potassium, magnesium amongst other things. You could be given meds to try to cardiovert you. If you are anticoagulated you could have a dc cardioversion. You'll soon find out ! Let us know how you get on.
And you will get told off for drinking to excess .😔😕
Agree with all the previous reply’s. It is alarming but having been in that position more than few times, I can honestly say that it is not that unusual. I would expect them to monitor you, take bloods & urine and possibly put you on a drip to help rehydrate you and balance your electrolytes and then consider treatment - but for that they will probably need a cardiologist - who may or may not be available.
Deep breaths and calm thoughts and do let us know how you get on. And hopefully a lesson learned.
I just had this happen Monday and they tried meds but it didn't work so I had cardioversion. I am back in NSR. Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason to these types of things. My heart goes fast like that as well. I see the EP on Friday. I think rolling over onto my left side is what started it. Please update us!
Thank you all for your support. Diagnosis was Sinus Tachycardia. My Kardia told me I had possible Afib 180. They ran blood test, chest X Ray, urinalysis. I stayed in the hospital for 4 hours until my heart was normal again. Doctor told me they do not know why my heart acted this was and to watch my alcohol consumption in the furtive. Feeling much better now, but this was a very scary experience that I never want to repeat.
Again thank you all so much for your support when I really needed it.
Well you know what was probably the trigger and can avoid a repeat. But the more it happens and sorts itself out, the less scary it becomes.
Me too. After 3 'NSR' years - held in check by the dreaded Amiodarone (worked well but came off because of overactive thyroid) and latterly Sotolol, I ended up in A&E on Sunday night. I am looking after my partner who has lung cancer and my father who has dementia (100 miles apart). I think stress has definitely caused it. Was given 25mls of Propranolol intravenously in A&E which did nothing to reduce the BPM of up to 180. Came home very scared. When you haven't had it for a while you forget how scarey it is. Came on here for possible solutions. One I pursued was deep breathing. I do the 478 breathing which I find relaxes me. Google it. It passed off after 48 hours. My advice would be try to stay very calm, try the breathing and keep off the alcohol. Someone else posted on here that they thought a Chinese takeaway had triggered an episode. Funny as I had also had one that evening, for the first time in years. Probably coincidence. I do hope it passes off soon. Because you are anxious it makes the damn thing worse..
Its the mono sodium glutamate that they use in their recipes that can cause it in some people apparently.
Glad your ok ☺☺ keep smiling
You will be fine. Mine was 240-250 and the monitor kept blasting out its beeps. Hopefully just a cannula and medication or maybe a cardioversion. All painless. Good luck and best wishes
Glad to hear things have improved for you. Alcohol can be a trigger for a lot if people. I have given up (difficult at this time of year) but I have no intention of having heart beats in excess of 180 again!
Merry (?!) Xmas to you x
I have just had an episode of svt which lasted 11 hours in hospital was so desperate I asked the nurse to pour a jug of ice cold water down my back........ stop in the shower area just in my knickers lol,nearly shot through the roof lol...... didn’t do a thing ...apart from wetting my knickers lol
Extra 50 mg of flecanide prescribed by Doctor Did the trick, now upped the flecanide to 100 in morning and 50 in evening along with apixaban twice a day. Have my ablation on 3rd January after taking advice from you lovely lot on this site.... wish me luck and have a very happy healthy Christmas all of you, Regards Ursula x
Happy to hear you are doing better. Scary. I had an episode yesterday after PT with weights on ankles and I had a few drinks the night before. Scary as aside from feeling weak and warm I felt something like an electric shock/pain on inner side of left breast. Dehydration is a devil. Never had pain before so my son asked if I could have indigestion. Realized I had a bowl of wonton soup before PT. He gave me two Tums. All better.