Would you be interested in attending ... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Would you be interested in attending AF Association Patients Day on Sunday 9 October at The ICC, Birmingham UK?
Please select one:
8 Replies
Thank you but it's too far away and I feel too old anyway.
Thank you but I'm in Ireland.
FYI, I got five of these questions in my email - all identical.
Bagrat• in reply to
Yes I got 5 as well.
Yes. I have attended 2 before and they were very good.
Sorry Manchester would be better for me
I would be interested, but with it being so far away it's unlikely I could afford to go. If only there was one in Scotland.
I'm a possibly. It's a long drive from West Yorkshire. I can't fit on trains due to long legs.
Yes I would be interested.