How was your AF diagnosed?: - Atrial Fibrillati...

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How was your AF diagnosed?

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69 Replies
Scat319 profile image

During an event monitor

Marion62 profile image

A random pulse check by my GP - and confirmed a few days later by an ECG at the surgery.

I was very fortunate as I had no symptoms.

creschendo profile image
creschendo in reply toMarion62

Same situation here

JamesTOC profile image

For years nothing was ever happening whenever I visited my GP, so no diagnosis. Finally I was at the GP for other reasons and suddenly a new phase of continuous AF showed up in an ECG. Subequently confirmed by hospital cardiology unit

suitenana profile image
suitenana in reply toJamesTOC

My experience was exactly the same.

dave205 profile image

Shortness of breath caused me to see a cardiologist who did a put me on a heart monitor.

Topcat0800 profile image

Emergency admission whilst on holiday in Gran Canaria

trouble profile image

Felt unwell but didn't know why - had had a few, what I thought were, attacks of palpitations that lasted an hour or so but didn't relate them to feeling generally unwell - Dr tried to take my bp but was unable to get a proper reading - so sent me to the nurse to do an ecg and it was picked up then - 200+ beats!

gateman profile image

Thought I was having a heart attack. Turned out to be a pulled muscle in my chest. However consultant at a&e said my heartbeat was irregular but that it was nothing to worry about, just"your heartbeat". My gp picked up on it and did ECG etc. Sent to cardio. Tests showed I have permanent AF. No symptoms. Put on bishop. and WARF 2yrs ago. That's it.

daithelife profile image

Suddenly went into AF during an electrocardiogram investigation. Despite repeated attempts at Cardioversion remained with very high heart rate and what was subsequently diagnosed as permanent AF

Foresttime profile image

Over replaced on thyroxine. I felt a lot better in myself being over replaced but clearly was doing my heart no good. Was diagnosed with AF.

Lochsideliz profile image

22 yrs ago at the age of 45 I was awoken violently in the night with severe palpitations. I was a nurse on a cardio thoracic ITU at the time and I went to work and did an ECG on myself and could not believe it was AF at a rate of 170 !

smee profile image

mine was at hospital after I called the paramedics. I was 76 years old, and had pains in my chest and arm. after having a celebration meal out.

Fletch1 profile image

Admitted to A & E as emergency after nearly collapsing at home.

Penny_08 profile image

After an operation, I developed fluid on the lungs and they collapsed somewhat at their bases, so this may have triggered the AF - I had had controlled hypertension for the previous 12 years.

PeterWh profile image

Whilst I was actually in the operating theatre under a general anaesthetic having an operation on my eye. I had not attended the hospital in the lead up to the operation for a preop assessment. However before I went down to the theatre the nurse did take blood pressure, temperature, etc, but did not check pulse on my wrist. I am assuming that the BP monitor used checked the heartbeat but my suspicion is that it was not one that is capable of picking up AF. The EP who I saw two weeks later was absolutely certain that if my pulse had been checked by hand the AF would have been picked up due to the severity. I was told afterwards that the anaesthetist monitored my heart closely during the operation and then they did an ECG in the recovery room ASAP (I have no recollection of the ECG). ECG showed that I was in AF. About 4 hours later I had another ECG which again showed I was in AF. Then was told to get rechecked at GPs two days later (two days later was the Saturday so it was actually the Monday).

Offcut profile image

I was admitted for double pneumonia and they found the AF.

beardy_chris profile image

Ambulance to A&E after passing out a few times - where AF was diagnosed. So I said I "attended" A&E but I didn't have much choice about it! :)

waterlady profile image

I occasionally used to faint and had what felt like panic attacks, after one bad fall, and badly bruising myself, the doctor diagnosed af. This situation had been going on for quite some time and it was never picked up. The faints stopped when put on tablets, warfrain first, now apixaban.

sheffieldlass profile image

I woke in night with severe palpitations and a cough thought it was a panic attack but 6 hours later was still same so went to a & e. I walked in telling them I thought I was having a panic attack. They said my heart rate was 200 +. 2 attempts to get my heart back to normal rhythm which lasted 20 hours. Which was very scary as I had just had my 4 th child And had just turned forty The day before.

Kimmieblue profile image

Attended GP surgery with severe abdominal pain and HR was 240+, sent to A+E where I was eventually diagnosed with AF. Abdominal pain was Diverticulitis, infection.

Fran22 profile image

I was unwell before Christmas and went to the doctor. This set in train an extensive series of tests over the following 24 hours, none of which threw up anything unusual. The final test was a 24 hour ECG monitor about a month later. This identified a paroxysmal AF event. Don't know how serious it is - I take the Warfarin and am well monitored with no side effects. My only annoyance is having to remember to take the tablets. I carry on as usual and am so grateful to be taken care of.

jeanjeannie50 profile image

About 10 years ago I was out with my boss's wife buying Christmas decorations for the nursing homes they owned. We had lunch out and then I started feeling really odd. When we arrived back at one of the homes I told her how I was feeling (she was a fully trained nurse), she took my pulse and the result meant nothing to me, but she said to make an appointment right away to see my GP. I was told to go to the surgery immediately and AF was confirmed by an ECG . Up to this time I had no idea at all what a normal pulse rate should be, just never gave it a thought.

farmerwalt profile image

after years of attending cardiologist and nothing being found he sent me for another ecg and came and monitored it being done. I then heard him say "Oh! I see what it is" but never told me at that time. It wasn't until I had a tia about a year later that I found out what he was talking about - AF

ILowe profile image

Began as tachycardia that would not go away. So next morning saw A&E, diagnosed as supraventricular tachycardia and sent to back to work! Saw specialist a few days later. This tachycardia later settled down to AF. No obvious physical cause. Could be the stress of a move coupled with feeling perpetually cold.

barbdockeray profile image

By a locum doctor who noticed the rash on my face and sent me to a dermatology clinic .

Bagrat profile image

Woke up 4 years ago 1am. Could feel heart rate was very rapid. Rang for ambulance who took me to A&E. paramedics said it might have righted itself by the time we got there ( It's a 30 min trip) but it didn't till after cardioversion.

organman profile image

Via A & E

munningsc profile image

Had been experiencing AF for a couple of years but was not picked up by GPs at surgery. Was on holiday staying with my daughter and had an episode. Got telephone consultation with local GP who diagnosed PAF immediately. Got me into local hospital where confirmed diagnosis. Transferred me to Aberdeen where got a pacemaker fitted.

migmog profile image

Did not feel wel over the weekend, phoned GP practice on Monday and thankfully all I could say was, ' I am not sure if it is my heart'!! Thankfully an ECG confirmed this. Praise be!!


Maggie5 profile image

Told after having two TIA's

Visitingcat profile image

Went doctors with symptoms. Nov 13.

Had stared to notice one glass of wine would make my heart race but this would ease off after a short while. More or less cut out wine. Constantly tired.

Got a very heavy cold, took lots of lemsips, after the cold, I went for a few days at York. Chest constantly aching, had to keep sitting down when trying to walk around "I must have a chest infection left over from the cold". Take more lemsips.

After hol I could not finish a sentence I was so out of breath, could not stand the chest ache anymore so went to docs.

Had to have an ECG in docs surgery. Told no chest infection, you have AF. Was persistent.

Had successful cardioversion June '14 (fingers crossed).

I don't take Lemsips for colds anymore lol : )

cassie46 profile image

the GP had decided that my symptoms were of a ovarian disorder. Had loads of blood tests, ultra scan and mri scan and all clear over two months period. Went for emergency hosipital appointment at the womans hospital gyni dept as I was so unwell and was admitted that day to womans hospital at the main hospital, where tests proved I had AF and was in heart failure. All symptoms pointed to this (unbeknown to me) but GPS missed it. Was moved from womans ward to cardio next day and in hospital for 11 days.

missmusic profile image

I was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy and enlarged heart and was doctoring for this and later started having A-fib problems. Was first on meds to lower blood pressure, etc. Then had to go on meds for A-fib as well.

chammer profile image

I was diagnosed when I visited Out Patients re another condition.

Amy1957 profile image

I went to my GP with breathlessness and he performed an ECG. A few days later I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism which is often the cause of afib. This year my thyroid will be sorted with radioactive iodine and I will no longer have to take Warfarin, Bisoprolol etc.

I was diagnosed when being treated for WPW.

Misseyj55 profile image

I went into AF at home called an ambulance and the ambos confirmed the diagnoses of my AF as I told them before they did their ECG what rhythm my heart was in from my knowledge of a medical background. So I diagnosed myself and was formally confirmed in the emergency department.... then spent 2 days in hospital to be reverted with drugs.

Rellim296 profile image

I was diagnosed with paroxysmal narrow complex tachycardia, suspected to be PAVNRT (not sure what this is but there were 'relatively sharp retrograde P waves and no obvious flutter activity') and referred for an electrophysiological study and RF ablation if appropriate. After the procedure (January 2011) a copy of the notes for my GP was sent to me and I discovered I had spent most of the time going into AF and being cardioverted. A retrograde pathway was ablated. Ominously the notes state "high chance of AF in future" which turned out to be all too correct!

Christo4 profile image

I had a stroke TIA so more tests were done then I were told I had AF.


jossikins profile image

It was diagnosed 8 years ago when I was in hospital with "community acquired pneumonia".

SteveBiss profile image

I went to my GP and was told that I had a DVT, he noticed that I was in AF at the same time

Barb1 profile image

Enlarged heart found after an x-ray on ribs after a fall. Then Dilated Cardiomyopathy found first and AF after.

diggercase profile image

After some time complaint to my go,was sent to see an endocronoogist who diagnosed it straight away with in 2 minutes of seeing him

denny-62 profile image

Went into AF at home, early evening. Pretty much knew what was going on, straight to Emergency by car and was diagnosed, elctrocardioversion and a couple of days in hospital having tests. Put on Rivaroxaban and Sotalol.

Jill13 profile image

Went to GP for another problem

He always checks my BP as history of high BP and on mess for it

Dr couldn't get it as pulse too erratic

Had ECG which confirmed AF and sent to Cardiologist as soon as possible

teri54 profile image

I had symptoms the day before my surgical assessment, went as I knew need ecg to diagnos Had been told it would not happen again,previusly had AF 2nd to hyperthyroid disease had cardioversion in 2013 had been in sinus rythem for 13 months. Now Diagnosed as PAF.

greengo1 profile image

I went to see my GP as I suspected that I had an hernia.

This was confirmed and my GP suggested that I should have my heart checked.

She done this by ECG and it showed that I

greengo1 profile image

Went to my GP with a hernia and she suggested that I have a heart test via a ECG

After this she diagnosed me with AF

porridgequeen profile image

Started with palpitations at home waited for an hour and a half to see if it settled then phoned for an ambulance. ECG in the ambulance, cardiologist at hospital confirmed AF.

Finvola profile image

Went to see my GP about a sprained wrist, felt very unwell in the clinic, so he did an ECG and called an ambulance.

BrettonLass profile image

MY AF was diagnosed by paramedics who took me in to Coronary Care.

Wightbaby profile image

Kept getting what i thought was 'butterflies' and a bit SOB at silly times, like sitting at the computer (not when exercising) or chatting with a friend. Phoned NHS and they said go to A&E.

After an ECG, A&E said you have a heart problem.......was a life changing moment

Moonriver profile image

I was on holiday in Cyprus and tried out at new BP monitor in a chemist shop. They pointed out the afib in 2008!

Mama48 profile image

Diagnosed post mastectomy operation

tiredandconfused profile image

Saw practice nurse who said it was acid indigetstion, two weeks later felt even worse went back and saw a GP who blue lighted me to a&e. Even then was only put on Warfarin with no follow up planned. Two days later blue lighted again, this time Cardiologist got involved and it all went from there. two cardioversions and one ablation done, awiating second ablation.

afib1 profile image

my mother's pulse was in the teens and irregular. we went to er, it was atrial fibrillation

Annekw profile image

Diagnosed on 1st day of holiday in Tenerife,ended up 5days ITU,4 days in ward,couldn't fault the care,fantastic!

4days holiday left !

Still taking the tablets! See Cardiologist regularly,had test for Thyroid yesterday.

Annekw profile image

I had a severe E coli infection and went into shock with pulse rate 160 -180 whilst on holiday in Tenerife!

Spent 3days in ITU then had an Electro-conversion,which worked for 48hrs then back into AF,7days on ward on Amiodarone,Apixaban and Bisoprol,!

Amy1957 profile image

Mine was diagnosed and caused by Graves disease. It is reversible in my case once my thyroid problems are dealt with.

mastiff22 profile image

Took my own pulse and realised something was badly wrong. At the time had no other obvious symptoms. Went to my GP where I had an ECG and my life has never been the same since.

Delphetta profile image

Following a heart attack

At A and E

jimmysouthgates profile image

Had a fluttering in my chest, went to work and did an ecg on myself. Showed fast af HR approx 220bpm. Saw gp, referred to cardiologist then ep. Ep diagnosed PAF, 12 months later on waiting list for ablation. Im 35.

AndyGman profile image

I diagnosed it with my crew mate doing an ECG in the back of the Ambulance

PeterWh profile image
PeterWh in reply toAndyGman

Playing / Training / because you felt something?

greg1212 profile image

AF was something I had had for about 6 months on and off but never knew what it was. I would play golf on a Sunday morning. Sunday afternoon or evening just sitting there I would feel my heart rate go up and feel unwell. After 5-10 minutes it would ease and I would then feel OK within half an hour or so. This happened infrequently, maybe week about, then a month before another then again week about, I didn't know when it would happen. Then it happened on and off for about 3 days until finally I went to the doctors, my heartbeat was 148 BPM and he sent me straight to hospital, I was kept in overnight and AF was diagnosed through ecg's, bloods and some kind of ultrasound,they called it a jelloscan or something. I am now 5days out of my catheter ablation and not feeling too bad.

Offcoffee profile image

I had been complaining for 2 years about palpitations and saw 3 different GPs at my practice who advised me to: relax and take up yoga, drink Hawthorn tea, put me on the list for a holter monitor that showed nothing. It was only when I was experiencing an attack in the surgery when picking up another prescription and asked if someone would listen to my heart then and there, did I get some action - I was told to go straight to A&E to get a cardioversion. I imagined I would be home by tea time but they kept me in for 2 nights.

I believed i had a flu type virus,just run down and unwell,went to a walk in center gave me anti biotics gor a chest infection,2 weeks later i managed to get in to my docs.blood pressure was a little high,but no diagnosis,again went back a month to the day heavy chest and hurt only on movement ,again told i had a post viral infection and nueralga? .was not happy so went to A and E who picked up the irregular high heart beat on a ECG.Very unhappy with my GP..

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