According to a poll released during A... - Atrial Fibrillati...
According to a poll released during AF Aware Week 2013, what percentage of adults were unaware of the link between AF and AF-related stroke?
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Well I certainly wasn't.....until I got AF x
I had never even heard of atrial fibrillation until I was diagnosed with it. People call it " palpitations " or "irregular heart beat." I did not know about the stroke risk either, and neither did the doctor who insisted that I take a daily dose of aspirin.
I didn't realise that I had a heart condition, despite the severe palpitations and other symptoms. I'd never heard of AF. Even when I was diagnosed, I wasn't really fully aware of the stroke risk. I was put on a small daily dose of aspirin. A friend who used to be an anesthetist nagged me about stroke risk, which I finally learnt about and now take proper anticoagulation for.
I had heard the term Atrial Fibrillation but did'nt have a clue what it was till I got it myself! The best thing I ever did since was finding the forum at Health Unlocked. All my information on AF has been gleaned from here. The medics only tell you the basics and push you out of the door.
Not a clue about AF did I have until I was diagnosed nor did I know about AF related stroke. I'm on warfarin of course but I'm insure if that will definitely stop me from having a stroke. I worry every day about the condition.
For anyone wanting to know the answer to this question: our poll found that 31% of adults were unaware of the link between AF and AF-related stroke. Thank you for your continuing support as we all work to make many more people 'AF Aware'.
I had a heart attack because of AF. It was vortexing in the heart so much it wanted oxygen and the pain did the rest.