often bummed : shout out to everyone... - Advanced Prostate...

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often bummed

Yokohama2023 profile image
34 Replies

shout out to everyone feeling down … me too .. put aside all details diagnoses etc.. it’s rough especially during the holidays .. so triggered and sad crying but positive hard to explain … I’m positive most of the time just momentary lapses…love everyone

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Yokohama2023 profile image
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34 Replies
DesertDaisy profile image


Mike1971 profile image

Hi Yokohama,

Sorry you feel so down at the moment, as most (all?) of us here do from time to time.

I’d give you a hug if I could. Our reality is rough to handle sometimes.

I recently did a post about something similar and got so many incredible and uplifting replies - give them a read, perhaps the comments will be of help to you too: healthunlocked.com/advanced...

Yokohama2023 profile image
Yokohama2023 in reply to Mike1971

Thanks for taking the time to respond and share! I will take a look! So many people on here are wonderful including yourself.

MrG68 profile image

You know what you need, don't you? A bit of Burr. Never fails...Headphones recommended.


In the unlikely event you're still not laughing...


Yokohama2023 profile image
Yokohama2023 in reply to MrG68

Much appreciated .. comedy is helpful as is laughing. Thanks!

Tall_Allen profile image


rickyfish56 profile image

Your in my thoughts and prayers, fight on Brother! Sometimes when I'm down, a really good physical work out helps, whatever that represents to you, can be walking, jogging, working out? Anyway,have a good Christmas!

Yokohama2023 profile image
Yokohama2023 in reply to rickyfish56

Thanks..agree on exercise! Finally have the green light to do it properly after my broken finger healed! Happy holidays!

Maxone73 profile image

a big hug from my side brother!

TylexGP profile image

Totally understand brother!!! Sending a Hug.

witantric profile image

Same here. Feeling really down. I will try to exercise, which gets me in a good mood

PSA680 profile image

I feel for you Yokohama - think ADT regime amplifies emotions & at these emotional times of year we are prone to more tearful moments.

Merry Christmas my brother ❤️

Dastardly profile image


I've been there a few times and end up wallowing in self pity, Then, often out of nowhere, something triggers me and I start to realise that it isn't all about me. It could be a beautiful dawn, a shaft of sunlight from a cloudy sky, a couple of puppies chasing each other while playing, or watching a favourite film. Then I realise that my cancer doesn't define me. I am more than this. There is more to life than this, and the only way to deal with it is to live one day at a time.

So, I wish you all the very best and hope that tomorrow will bring you peace of mind, happiness, and the knowledge that you are not alone. We are all here for you.

Take care.

Yokohama2023 profile image
Yokohama2023 in reply to Dastardly

Thanks for your thoughtful reflective words of wisdom. Your comments mean a lot. Take care of yourself as well.

lcfcpolo profile image

I've been there. I think being 57 like you makes these times more difficult. Some great advice and love shown already. Best wishes for 2024.

Amadeus71 profile image


katartizo61 profile image

It's ok to be human.......we all experience a crazy change of physiology and psychology with the drugs....🙏

Cooolone profile image

We all have our moments, and yes, these times of year make those moments even more sensitive... We've all had them and reflect...

But no regrets should be had or held onto! We are where we are and will be!

I borrow from your culture and always reflect upon:

"Ichi go ichi"

Each moment once (correct me if wrong)... And even the worst moments in memory, I reflect on and respect that it was a moment in time, and I've moved on from there and all the moments in-between to be where I am today. No worries, no chains dragging behind me. I hope to always have air under my feet and walk lightly, and I wish for you and all of us on this journey, regardless of our dark days, to be able to do the same!

Best wishes to you and regards!

Yokohama2023 profile image
Yokohama2023 in reply to Cooolone

Very insightful and appreciated. You made me google the phrase .. while I am learning Japanese haven’t heard that phrase..always wonderful to learn new things and receive these insightful messages. Best wishes to you as well!

Survivor1965 profile image

Im struggling too. And how I thought a visit to oncology the Friday before Christmas was a good idea I'll never know. A decade on hormones had really taken its toll, all the ups and downs, mostly down. My poor family watching all this, especially my wife of 34 years, watching me degrade. That may be the worst part.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Peace, J

Rocketman1960 profile image
Rocketman1960 in reply to Survivor1965

Right there with you brother. Oncology visit yesterday. Didn't go as I was expecting but hey, that's ok. Keep your chin up. A good attitude will rule the day. Breath and know others are sending positive vibes your way. Merry Christmas!

Yokohama2023 profile image
Yokohama2023 in reply to Survivor1965

Sorry to hear you are struggling as well. I’m lucky to have a wonderful wife which is the silver lining. Interesting enough Christmas isn’t National holiday where I am so will be getting continued radiation treatment on that day. Oh well, I feel fortunate that the people in the hospital are so caring and giving trying to make a difference. I wish you the best, take care .

Yokohama2023 profile image
Yokohama2023 in reply to Survivor1965

Sorry to hear you are struggling as well. I’m lucky to have a wonderful wife which is the silver lining. Interesting enough Christmas isn’t National holiday where I am so will be getting continued radiation treatment on that day. Oh well, I feel fortunate that the people in the hospital are so caring and giving trying to make a difference. I wish you the best, take care .

Kaliber profile image

I hear you brother … it’s bad enough being stage 4 b but toss in the holidays , kripes whom wouldn’t feel down some. It’d be a sure bet that all of us croakers , here, feel bummed out now and then.

If you are feeling seriously depressed, speak to your oncologist and or care team. There are new meds out these days that can very likely help you a lot. Your care team has a specialist that focuses on depression, they see and help 100s of terminal cancer patients , not just us prostrate guys but breast cancer people etc. . They are very experienced and successful.

There are many examples of guys on here that have chemical mood boosting meds. I have Xanax myself. That plus it’s natural for guys with their male hormones radically altered to have depressive periods. Just like hot flashes, these hormone alterations bring crying jags along with them …. this for many of us here brother. Cannabis and delta 8 helps us here in the house as well. Delta 8 is a powerful mood lifter for both of us, here at home.

Just hop on the group if you want / need company , just like you did this time … plenty of brothers and sisters here that understand.

Like some others here , a big warm ehug out to you as well …..

How did the doctor fix the invisible man?

He put him in the ICU. ( cringeworthy)


Yokohama2023 profile image
Yokohama2023 in reply to Kaliber

Love your energy! I’m sort of in a unique position in that I’m not in my native country with only a basic grasp of the local language. In Japan medication is limited and generally given out very conservatively. Cannabis is illegal as well.. I’m fine with it all ..I think exercise is the best medicine..though pain medicine has its place. Love your humor! Thanks for taking the time to reach out ..take care!

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Yokohama2023

nolo problemo brother … you are “ one of us “ here on this group…. No one gets “ us “ better than the great crew of guys here .


Hailwood profile image

Remember during all of the innumerable tests that we all go through....Dogs can't do MRI's but Cats Scan!

Russ506 profile image

Feeling bummed is natural. It's hard to wrap one's head around the fact that we all have only so much time to enjoy this life. Whether a heart attack, stroke, or PC. That will bring us to the end, something will.

I won't begin to tell you how to think, but for me PC made my life better in some ways. Now, I enjoy my family more, being outside and looking at the sky brings me more pleasure, and being alive in the moment brings me wonderful joy than I had before.

Sometimes letting my mind drift into what should have been, or what will be bring bring me down, but enjoying what is, is well worth the effort.

Best of luck to you in the journey we all take in one way or another.

Yokohama2023 profile image
Yokohama2023 in reply to Russ506

Thanks and well said, often have these thoughts myself. Take care.

dmt1121 profile image

Totally understandable to me. I believe it's just important to live one's life and enjoy all your family and friends. I focus on showing my love for them and helping others. That takes my sadness and turns it into joy.

Happy Holidays to everyone!

j-o-h-n profile image

When I'm down and out................... I think about no longer having to live with my ex-wife and laugh like I just had two Kit Kats fall out of a vending machine.

Cheer up!!!


Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Friday 12/22/2023 6:55 PM EST

Yokohama2023 profile image
Yokohama2023 in reply to j-o-h-n

Thanks j-o-h-n! You bring a unique clever humor to this group. Appreciated.

MouseAddams profile image

we all truly understand your feelings. There are good days and sad days. Like Kaliber said reach out to the care team.

I see others trying to cheer you up with YouTube videos try looking up my favorite comedian FLUFFY (Gabriel Inlesias)

Yokohama2023 profile image
Yokohama2023 in reply to MouseAddams

Thanks Mouse … I’m very sorry for your loss. Please be strong during the holidays things will brighten up afterwards.

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