Leaking : I really wasn’t prepared for... - Advanced Prostate...

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NFHS profile image
41 Replies

I really wasn’t prepared for how much leakage after catheter was removed two days ago. Thoughts?

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NFHS profile image
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41 Replies
baw1955 profile image

How does one prepare, beyond having Depends and pads nearby? Did you do your Kegel exercises everyday? They help a great deal. For me after catheter was taken out, 1-2 pads a day for a few weeks. After 4-6 weeks I bought the underwear with the "built-in" pad. Occasionally go a day with no pad or leakage (six months after surgery now). I predict you will regain a lot of control by one month out. Lots of alcohol is the only thing that causes problems for me (2-3 beers being the worst).

NFHS profile image
NFHS in reply to baw1955

Thanks. Pretty discouraged.

kenner profile image
kenner in reply to NFHS

Coffee, Colas Beer.I had a Radical 19 years ago...never quit dribbling. I have a double artificial sphincter that's been in for 9 years. i still need to wear a pad but my quality of life is good.Be patient it can improve up to a year after surgery.Good Luck!

Magnus1964 profile image

The leaks may diminish with time.

pjoshea13 profile image

Don't give up on the Kegels:



keepinon profile image

I was just about to post the same thing. 48 hours after cath removal and it is leakage all the time except when I am laying down. I know it is early , but I was not expecting this bad. Doing lots of Kegals.

NFHS profile image
NFHS in reply to keepinon

Yes I’m doing Kegals lot. But when I stand up whoosh gravity takes over. 😰

BrentW profile image
BrentW in reply to NFHS

We don't all regain control. I have been 100% urinary incontinent since my surgery in 2010. I bought a clamp called Dribblestop that has been a huge help.

HonuHonu profile image

It will get better. It takes time for most men so please be patient. Makes sure you learn how to do Kegels properly (BTW most people do them improperly). I strongly suggest seeing a physical therapist who specializes in pelvic floor therapy. They can hook you up to a biofeedback machine that will show if you are doing the Kegels properly or not. (proper kegels do NOT involve puckering your anus...they involve the muscle structures in the perineum - the space between your scrotum and anus...so if you're puckering your anus, you're doing them wrong). You also want to vary how you do them (for example, while walking, while going up stairs, etc). The physical therapist will help you.

It is frustrating...no question about it. But please know that what you are experiencing is something most post RP men experience...and overcome!

NFHS profile image
NFHS in reply to HonuHonu

I appreciate that much. Particularly tough day. I feel like a big baby.

HonuHonu profile image

My friend, you're allowed to have tough days and to feel like crap. It's part of the process. So that you know, I am not a PCa patient but my husband is (I am also male). The day his catheter came out he leaked like a stuck pig and within 15 minutes of coming home from catheter removal was pissed, sad, tearful and dejected. He is now six weeks post op (five weeks post catheter removal) and makes progress daily. The pelvic floor exercises and therapy has made a massive difference. Nevertheless, he has also found it helpful to seek some therapy from a therapist who specializes in folks with cancer.

It's ok to have a bad day...or more than a bad day. If you find yourself sinking into depression, may I suggest you reach out to a qualified mental health professional? Cognitive behavioral therapy is very effective and it will help you if you need it. And please, don't wait or delay if you are feeling shitty. The earlier you learn the physical tools and the psychological tools, the better off you'll be.

With great support and compassion,


NFHS profile image
NFHS in reply to HonuHonu

Thanks. Catheter has been out three days. All those emotions are present today. I’ve been Kegeling so much 8 think I could crack walnuts down there. Quite humbling experience. Thank you.

HonuHonu profile image
HonuHonu in reply to NFHS

Do NOT overdo the kegels. 6 sets of 10 per day is optimal. If you overdo, you’ll tire the muscles and your leaking will be worse. I’m happy to be of support. Recovering takes a team!

NFHS profile image
NFHS in reply to HonuHonu

Thanks again. I figured more was better but.

jazz2cool profile image
jazz2cool in reply to NFHS

And if I have an issue, it is at the end of the day when all the muscles are tired. Worse with tea/coffee/Citrus drinks, alcohol. But there are two types of incontinence. Urgency, often a result of bladder irritation, and stress incontinence, which is what happens to me if I put my hands above my head and stretch, or lean back to get something from the back seat of the car, or sitting and leaning over to get something from the dog. They even talked about bladder training for urgency once you begin to gain control. (ignoring the urge and forcing your bladder to wait). With post catheter incontinence and healing, you don't always feel that you are going yet to even control it. As soon as you can start doing that, get out of full size depends and go to pads, then get rid of them. My doctor feels it is a bit of a crutch. Can't do this if you are wearing a light suit in a business meeting, I had taken 6 weeks of FMLA to recover. But my doctor had instructions for options, like the clamps, or external catheters. So it goes back to everyone being different. They usually get more than half of their patients continent by 12 weeks, but not all.

EricE profile image
EricE in reply to HonuHonu

That was my experience exactly. My bladder felt completely broken and I was using something like 7 diapers a day. So far, that was the worst day on my journey. There is no way to prepare for the embarrassment and pain of losing your water. Give it time. For some improvement is slow but sure. I now use a pad a day unless I expect to be going all day long. Then I wear a brief. It sucks beyond measure and you can feel terrible about it. I'm sure it was a terrible day. The days WILL get better. I agree that you can get benefit from PT. There are some very specific exercises that helped me. They are more complex than just doing "a kegel". I also walked like a madman and that may have helped. Good luck. Try not to be discouraged. Give your body time to heal. Cheers.

Garbonzeaux profile image

Agreed, Kegels will likely get you back to normal in a couple of months, if you do them regularly. I started off wearing Depends, but after a couple of weeks was able to switch to pads. Then after a month and 1/2 or so, to smaller pads. Before I could use up all the small pads that my wife had bought me, I wasn't leaking anymore. So hang in there, keep doing them, and you'll probably be very happy with the result.

NFHS profile image
NFHS in reply to Garbonzeaux

Thanks so much!

Engraver68 profile image

I agree with most of the posts, however I did have salvage radiotherapy and this added to the problem. After a year or so trying to improve things with exercise I was made aware or artificial urinary device implants. This I hade surgically inserted 6 years ago and it has been life changing. I wear a pad for dribbles only but no leaks. I also do weekly 1 hour Pilates sessions which help to strengthen the pelvic muscles.

EricE profile image
EricE in reply to Engraver68

What was the procedure like and what does the implant do for you? I’m thinking about having it done. Thanks

Engraver68 profile image
Engraver68 in reply to EricE

It’s quite invasive 2 insertions one across pubic area above penis and another below testicles.

There are three parts to the device a cuff that fits around ureatha, a small bag containing saline solution and lozenge shaped pumping device inside the testicle. The cuff when closed squeezes the ureatha to stop urine flow, to go for a pee I press the pump in the testicles which pushes saline fluid from the reservoir through the cuff which releases the pressure and lets urine flow. After a few seconds water flows back and pressure is returned to cuff.

Surgery means couple of days in hospital and some swelling in the nether region but soon goes down. Device is actvated after a pbout six weeks to allow swelling to subside.

It’s classed as the ‘gold standard’ there are other options which your urologist can explain. In the UK they do limit this procedure because the device is an American invention under patent, so the cost may not be too restrictive if you are in America

I am really pleased I have a very active lifestyle, run cycle walk gardening diy, all these were really difficult before now more manageable!!

Tonik25 profile image

My husband was at the same point as you after surgery and very low about the whole thing especially the thought of going back to work wearing those pants. He really had no control at all after surgery which was a huge shock for him. But by the time he went back 3 months later he was down to just the very thin shield more for confidence/insurance more than actual need. He doesn’t wear anything now most days, 8 months after surgery. He did 6 weeks keegels and physio leading up to surgery and saw the same specialist physio about 3 or 4 times after. You will have days where you see no improvement at all and days you may go backwards but please know that things will improve over time. It is a terrible thing having a basic bodily function taken away from you but hang on in there!!

NFHS profile image
NFHS in reply to Tonik25

Thank you!

Hi, I am 8 weeks post op. Prior to that I had spinal surgery so I was aware my preparation for prostatectomy was not great. I am now beginning to see a slight improvement after being in a similar position as yourself for many weeks. It’s hard to see the light but it will get better. Along with kegels my surgeon advised that When my bladder is full I go for a pee and stop midway, and hold for 10 seconds. I have found this really helpful and it feels like I am working those 💪 muscles. You’re doing great!

It will get better for you as time goes by.

Kegels will do it!!

Babalu455 profile image

4 months post surgery and still dealing with the dribbles. Occasional leaks when I sneeze or cough deeply. Otherwise, realizing daily improvements by doing keagles. Right now it's a matter of building up my confidence to go without the pads. Hang in there, it will get better.

Graham49 profile image

Keep doing the Kegels but also the Weisner penis clamp has been very useful for me.

van123 profile image

After my surgery and removal of the catheter, I gushed every time I stood up and went through several pairs of pants each day. Depends could not contain the flow. After 2 1/2 months it got much better, and now I go through maybe 2 to 3 depends a day. Hang in there, It should get better with time.

WayneSC profile image

Two years post surgery I still have minor spurts when I cough, sneeze and situations like that. I have found that several body positions cause a gush so I try hard to avoid them. Two examples are when I kneel with both knees bent and the other is when I am in the drivers seat of my car and stretch out with my right arm to retrieve something from the back seat.

You no doubt have some irritation that will heal and improve your situation. I still remember the joy in my life when that damn catheter was removed.

Good luck.

ck722 profile image

It is normal! Do your Kegels and slowly you will regain control. I ditched the diapers in a week and used pads for 3 months. If you don't do the Kegels, you might never regain control. It takes time. Your valving system is now that of a woman and they don't have problems.

3 sets of 10 10 second "squeezes" a day. Be sure to rest for 10 seconds between each squeeze (but-hole clench). If done too much, the muscles might have spasms so cut back and build up to it.

Take heart-this works. It may take a year so don't give up and rely on pads. Do use pads to get you by though. Cut off all water in the afternoon to assist in making it through the night, 5 hours before sleeping. Do keep well hydrated though. Just plan water intake.

ck722 profile image

Certain body movements will push on the bladder and make you leak. Learn to "clench" during these movements. With time this will become "automatic". Without thinking about it, every woman in the world does this! This is something brand new to men so it has to be learned. Like learning to make chord changes on a guitar, it becomes an "automated" (without thing about it) action.

NFHS profile image
NFHS in reply to ck722

Great. I’m a drummer. Does that cause additional problems?

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to NFHS

Drummer? as long as you don't beat it.

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Monday 03/04/2019 7:00 PM ES

Stegosaurus37 profile image

I had a catheter for 160 days before I finally insisted on a TURP. Had the catheter again after the TURP for two weeks then DEPENDS. I was philosophical - I'd had the catheter for 160 days and my urethra needed time to get back to normal. And nothing happens very fast when you're 75.

Slow process. Also had some spurts when I sneezed and one uncontrollable stream (fortunately in the bathroom. Took several months to fully get back to normal. Hang in there, brother, it takes time.

ck722 profile image

All is ok but I would hold off on rim shots.

ck722 profile image

One last thing. Irritants (vitamins, acidic foods etc.) can cause dribble. I had my catheter for about a month. Also, make sure you "exercise" several times a week. This is a use it or lose it deal as the tissues will shrivel up.

j-o-h-n profile image

At first I used to tie it in a knot.. now I use a cork...

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Monday 03/04/2019 7:03 PM ES

NFHS profile image
NFHS in reply to j-o-h-n

A knot? Lol. I can barely find it.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to NFHS

That's why I use a cork now....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Monday 03/04/2019 7:37 PM EST

Sxrxrnr profile image

For those who suffer leaks and dribbles when ingesting acidic foodstuffs and liquids,

Citrus, wines, grapes, coffee,,,,,the list is very long. They can all be a tremendous irritant causing the bladder to spasm.

Prelief. prelief.com/

Worth a shot. Available on Amazon, check out the reviews.

Also try avoiding any and all spicy food and drink. Prelief of modest benefit if any with them.


GeorgesCalvez profile image

I remember the first month or so I leaked terribly, I leaked out more than I peed out.

Then it started to get better, after a year I was down to odd drops and that is where I am now, violently coughing or farting and I will lose a few drops but apart from that I am dry.

So that bit of the operation has been a total success.

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