THC Advice PLEASE. Need advice on par... - Advanced Prostate...

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THC Advice PLEASE. Need advice on particular THC strain/amt that does not make you stoned n helps relieve pain n mellows

Saydeebugz profile image
18 Replies


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Saydeebugz profile image
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18 Replies
Daddysdaughter profile image


Bluebird11 profile image

You seem specific about taking THC. Can you say more about that. I haven't heard of a higher THC ratio that doesn't have psychoactive side effects. In saying this, some people can take THC and deal with a high while others can't.

TommyTV profile image

Surely this question should be on a drug related forum, not a cancer forum?

Blair77 profile image
Blair77 in reply to TommyTV

Medical marijuana is specifically engineered to target pain and side effects from cancer and cancer treatments. In June of 2018 the FDA approved Epidolex the first cannabis based drug for the treatment of Epilepsy. The question being asked is in the correct forum.

Daddyishealing profile image
Daddyishealing in reply to TommyTV

I disagree, since CBD oil is used with certain cancers and people do post on pain and pain relief, so medical marijuana which has helped so many should not in my humble opinion be sidelined to a drug forum. Saydeebugs, look on a site called leafy. You are looking for a combo . From ywhat you are saying you want an indica (mellow)not sativa (activating strain) . In medical marijuana there will be a small amount of the to help the cbd work for pain. I was a medical marijuana patient for spinal and muscle issues, and just know it's not like taking a pain killer and you may need a couple different strains. But you may ask your pain specialists what strains his or her patients comment on most. In addition a good dispensary focused on medical issues may guide you. In nj, we are very far behind so there was only one pain marijuanna available when I tried. However , read reviews on leafly and look for a group on holistic healing or treatment in cancer. You'll get more suggestions, or just a natural healing pain group. I was told when texting to find the right strain not to be so afraid of the, but to be specific on side effects I do not want . Look in hybrid category because you dont want sativa and you are not looking for sleep. I tried jll but it was the only one for pain in nj, it worked better when mixed with a little bubba kush because depression was also plaguing me,so I suggest you use a vaporizer or edibles and dont stop looking for the right strain. Though I no longer participate, I have friends with ms with great success and a few who controlled seizures. You are looking for high cbd. At one time Charlotte's web had highest cbd, but was hard to get. A cancer pain specialist should be more versed. Good luck!!

Daddyishealing profile image
Daddyishealing in reply to Daddyishealing

Typos thc kept repeating as the. Sorry. Damn auto correct!

in reply to TommyTV

Cancer is a qualifying condition to obtain a medical marijuana card in my state.

Daddyishealing profile image

I dont have cancer. My father does, but I suffer from disabling pain. When I did the program I found bubba kush mixed with high cbd strain to be the best for my pain. I've considered going back to the program. Some states have rules that say if you are on an pain med. You must choose between pain med or mm. The rule is unfair because in pain one may need to alternate, but restrictions I know in cali and New Jersey. I believe if you have cancer you may not need to forsake one pain control method for another.

stefret profile image

I'm a convert to THC and I believe that the indica strain is better for our needs as it induces sleep as opposed to pepping up and getting excited... Can't buy the stuff though. I'm using strongest CBD oil I can find but alas the THC content is minimal. CBD is supposed to help but I reckon much better with THC. I think only way to get it is to grow the stuff but not a quick fix that way. Watch Rick Simpson on youtube...

I was diagnosed with PC in 2010 with PSA 28.4 and it's been a bit of a journey ever since. I've experimented with various different protocols with some great results and some not so great. Anyone know how to get hold of THC? in CBD oil or otherwise. You can make your own oil actually but getting hold of the Cannabis to work with is a problem.

in reply to stefret

I live in a medical marijuana state and have a MM card. Some disadvantaged people might think of doing this (not advocating it though):

Check out Look for an almost even ratio of THC to CBD. I think the harlequin strain fits that bill and there are others. Most 'recreational' type strains are high THC and minimal CBD.

Let us know if you find one that works for you.

Beermaker profile image

I live in FL where Med MJ is legal. There is only one company in the area selling it. Not too much choice in what you get. And you need a prescription from a MMJ doctor every six months at a pretty steep cost.

All of that said, I need MMJ for insomnia, pain, anxiety. I use pure CBD oil shortly before bed, then use a 1:1 vaping oil (and vape stick) while I read for a short while. This a favorite (which I am out of while I wait to see a MMJ doc for a new script.) I also use 9lb (Nine Pound Hammer) at lights out time. Another favorite is Pex (Pineapple Express) which mellows me down for sleep but is a Sativa. The supplier here only had 2 Indica strains the last time I checked, 9lb and Gdp (Granddaddy Purple). Both are supposed to do what you ask for. Try some, see if it works for you. The 9lb smacks you fast and hard, but does not give me a Sativa type high.

Best of luck - and enjoy your hunt.

FCoffey profile image

Most people find that strains or extracts with CBD as well as THC are better at pain relief and anxiety that pure THC forms, which are more likely to produce intoxication.

Everyone is different. If you have access to medical cannabis, I suggest trying several different strains or extracts, see which one works best for you.

What works for me is an olive oil extract with 60:40 ratio of CBD to THC. I started with a larger dose but sometimes felt intoxicated in the morning. Now I take half as much and it helps me sleep.

Magnus1964 profile image

There is not a lot of information on THC and pain. This is a new era with if legalization of marihuana. Medicine has to catch up.

FCoffey profile image
FCoffey in reply to Magnus1964

Nonsense. There are plenty of studies. In January 2017 the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) released a report entitled The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research.

The report can be downloaded at this link:

The committee behind the report, drawn from universities around the country, considered more than 10,000 studies for its analysis, from which it was able to draw nearly 100 conclusions. There is plenty we don't know, but that can be said about prostate cancer, heart disease, every medicine, etc. By any measure, 10,000 studies is a lot, and represents a lot of information.

The authors of the report developed more than 100 conclusions from their review. They characterize each conclusion in terms of what we do and don't know. "Conclusive evidence" mean we have enough data to make a firm conclusion; terms like "limited evidence" mean there's still significant uncertainty, even if there are good studies supporting an idea; and different degrees of certainty fall between these levels. For many things, there's still insufficient data to really say anything positive or negative about cannabis.

But there is plenty of high quality evidence about cannabis and pain. The report concluded there was conclusive or substantial evidence (the most definitive levels) that cannabis or cannabinoids can be an effective treatment for chronic pain. Chronic pain is by far the most common reason people request medical marijuana.

With similar certainty, they found that cannabis can help treat muscle spasms related to multiple sclerosis and can help prevent or treat nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy.

Yes, medicine has to catch up - and that goes double for many of the barbaric treatments inflicted on prostate cancer patients. But that is not at all the same as saying there is not a lot of information about cannabis and pain. The National Academies didn't have any trouble finding it. The breakdown is on the medical side.

Magnus1964 profile image
Magnus1964 in reply to FCoffey

my bad.

zenbee13 profile image

Hi Saydeebugz,

You will need the THC, and a hybrid. Don't know what state you live in for legalities, so you'll have to work that end on your own.

I've been using weed my whole life. I never realized how much it was moderating my arthritis pain until I had to quit for a month to pass a drug test. CBD is for seizures and other medical uses. It's probably best to have a mix, but most people growing right now for the dispensaries are focusing one way or the other. The THC versions do work for my pain. They don't get rid of it completely, and yet they do make it all work better.

good luck,
