I have had two breakdowns in the last... - Above & Beyond - ...
I have had two breakdowns in the last year,i have recently returned to work, but am unable to cope....is this normal?
Hi Neil, It sounds as if you have had a rough time poor thing. Perhaps you are not quite ready for work yet. I think you should talk to your GP, or Specialist. You don't want to go backwards.
I can imagine it would be hard to cope after your last year. Good luck and best wishes to you, Caz
Thanks Caz, specialists and return to work team reckoned i was fit to return,have been back for 2 months but really struggling, will have to go back to mental health team for re assessment.Thank you for your support x
Good luck Neil, let me know how you get on. best wishes to you, there is light at the end of the tunnel, it is just so hard to see sometimes. take care, Caz
Hi Bigneil
You have had a tough time, but remember this the person helping you back to work is meant to be on your side. when I did that job and then had to be on the other side of the table i recommended and started myself, going to work one morning, then later that week one afternoon, the next week 2 mornings if I could and 2 afternoons. I found that by starting in the afternoons a great deal of pressure was taken of me. I´m not sure if the same rules apply now, but you were allowed up to 6 months back to work support which means your specialist worker negotiates with your company with you. This advice may be too late but just thought i would let you know. it´s more than normal, it´s expected or at least should be with a good worker on your side. take care sweet and go by your emotional clock then you will build secure stepping stones back to work and not slippery ones x